Dsc Adt Default Installer Code

Dsc Adt Default Installer Code

How to Default a DSC 832. If you’ve acquired a DSC Power 832 as part of a home purchase, you may not know the arm/disarm code. You’ll need a valid code to do. The Installer is then prompted to enter the Central Station Telephone Number & Account Code, DLS Access Code, Entry & Exit Delays and Installer Code (see entry 5-9 below). Selecting [ ][8] [Installer Code] [899] displays the default settings for the first 4 options below. Digit 1 selects 1 of the following 6 options for Zone.

• IMPORTANT This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire manual should be carefully read. Now classified in accordance with ANSI/SIA CP-01-2000 (SIA-FAR) Installation Manual PC5010 CP-01 PC5010 CP-01 Version 3.2 DLS2002 and higher.

• WWW.DIYALARMFORUM.COM. • New Features PC5200 Support The PC5010 CP-01 v3.1 and higher supports the new PC5200 Power Supply module. See PC5200 Power Supply Output Module, Pg 2. The PC5010 CP-01 v3.1 and higher supports the PC5936 15-station audio matrix module. See PC5936 Audio Inter- PC5936 Support face Module, Pg 3.

• PC5010 CP-01 Installer Programming Quick Reference Chart SIA False Alarm Reduction Minimum requirement system for SIA-FAR Installations: PC5108 Zone Expander Module Compatible initiating devices: Bravo200 series, 300 series, 400 series, 500 series, • 1 PC5010 CP-01 Control Panel 600 series, AC-100, Encore300 series, Force200 series, 210 series, MN240. • Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction Viewing Programming.12 About the PC5010 CP-01 System. 1 Section 4: Keypad Commands About the PC5010 CP-01 Manual Set.1 Arming and Disarming.13 Main Panel Specifications.1 [✱] Commands..14 Additional Devices.. • PC5010 CP-01 Wiring Diagram NOTE: Remove CON1 when using PGM2 for 2-wire smoke WWW.DIYALARMFORUM.COM. • Section 1: Introduction 1.1 About the PC5010 CP-01 System • Normally closed, Single EOL, or Double EOL zone The PC5010 CP-01 is a high end security system.

It sup- supervision ports up to 32 zones, 2 separate partitions, and 32 users. • 1.4 Additional Devices • 3 programmable telephone numbers In addition to the information below, see the back cover for • 1 system account number, plus 2 partition account a DSC Module Compatibility table.

Numbers Keypads • Supports LINKS1000, GSM1000 cellular communica. • I n t r o d u c t i o n: 1. 4 A d d i t i o n a l D e v i c e s PC5936 Audio Interface Module Cabinets Several different cabinets are available for the PC5010 CP- The PC5936 audio interface module provides paging, 01 modules. • Backplates There are two different backplates available for keypads to mount an audio station next to a keypad: PC55BP1 Backplate Use this backplate when mounting an audio station next to a keypad. Dimen- sions 208mm x 115mm x 18mm / 8.2” x 4.5” x 0.25” approximately.

• Section 2: Installation and Wiring The following sections provide a complete description of how to wire and configure devices and zones. 2.1 Installation Steps available and how the options function. The Programming The following steps are provided to assist with the instal- Worksheets should be filled out completely before attempt- lation of the panel. • Keybus Terminals - RED, BLK, YEL, GRN 2.3 Wire Routing for Power & Non-Power Limited All wiring entry points are designated by the arrows. All The Keybus is used by the panel to communicate with circuits are classified UL installation power limited except modules and by modules to communicate with the panel. • I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d W i r i n g: 2.

6 A s s i g n i n g Z o n e s t o Z o n e E x p a n d e r s PC5010 CP-01 Device Ratings (@ 12 V NOTE: PC5108 v1.0 and lower, PC5108L, PC5700, and. • How to Program Function Keys If a module is connected but does not show as being present, it may be due to any of the following reasons: Each of the 5 function keys on each keypad may be pro- grammed for different operation. • I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d W i r i n g: 2. 1 0 Z o n e W i r i n g Fire Zone Wiring - 2-wire Smoke Detectors If PGM2 has been programmed for 2-wire smoke detector connection ( see section ’Basic Programming PWS Sect 3’. • LINKS 2X50/LINKS 3000/Skyroute™ Refer to the LINKSX50, LINKS3000 and Skyroute™ Installation Manuals for wiring and installation details. 2.11 Keypad Zones Keypads with zone inputs can be connected to devices such as door contacts. This saves you from running wires back to the control panel for every device.

To install the keypad, open the keypad plastic by remov- ing the screw at the bottom of the unit. • Section 3: How to Program The following section of the manual describes how to After the correct Hex digit is entered the Ready light will enter Installer Programming and how to program the var- continue to flash. If another Hex digit is required press ious sections. • 3.5 Viewing Programming LED and LCD5501Z Keypads Any programming section can be viewed from an LED or LCD5501Z keypad.

When a programming section is entered, the keypad will immediately display the first digit of information programmed in that section. The keypad displays the information using a binary for- mat, according to the following chart: See Hex data entry instructions. • Section 4: Keypad Commands Use any system keypad to enter commands, or to program the PC5010 CP-01 security system.

The LED keypad uses function and zone indicator lights to represent alarm functions and status. The LCD keypad provides a written description on the liquid crystal display and uses function indicator lights to communicate alarm status to the user. • The keypad will display the event number, partition, time If the Code Required for Bypass option is enabled, the and date of the event in question. Use the [*] key to toggle Master code or Supervisor codes must be used to between this information and the event itself.

• K e y p a d C o m m a n d s: 4. 2 [ * ] C o m m a n d s Light Trouble Device Low Battery: A wireless device has a low battery condition. Press [7] one, two, or three times to view which devices are experiencing bat- tery failure. • Installer Programming - Codes and Options - sound the keypad buzzer for two seconds There are three codes which can be programmed by the - test the main panel/PC5200/PC5204 battery installer in Installer Programming: the Master Code Master Code Master Code, the Master Code - send a System Test Reporting code, if programmed. • K e y p a d C o m m a n d s: 4. 3 F u n c t i o n K e y s [*] [0] Quick Arm [01] - Select Partition 1 If the Quick Arm Enable Quick Arm Enable option is enabled the panel can Provides an easy way to select partition 1. • 4.4 Global and Partition Keypad Operation [15] - General Voice Prompt Help A global keypad will display limited information until a This feature can only be programmed if both the partition is selected: the Trouble light will turn on if a trou- Escort5580(TC) and the PC5936 audio matrix module are ble condition is present, and the Armed light will turn on if being used.

• Section 5: Programming Sections The structure of this section corresponds with the structure of the Programming Worksheets (PWS) and is intended to be used with them. Paragraph 5.1 corresponds with Section 1 etc. Table 5-1 references the paragraphs in this section with the corre- sponding location in the programming worksheets. • 5.1 For the Record PWS Sect 1 This Section identifies the client, installation date, Installer Code, hardware configuration and programming summary for each zone. Remove these pages and retain for reference. 5.2 Keypad Programming PWS Sect 2 Refer to Section 2.6 ‘Keypad Assignment’ 5.3 Basic Programming PWS Sect 3 [001]-[002] - Zone Definitions These sections require 16 2-digit entries. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5.

3 B a s i c P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 3 [001]-[002] ZONE DEFINITIONS Option Zone Type. • [006]-[008] Special Access Codes • 8 low current outputs available with the PC5208 out- put module These sections require 4 or 6 digits to be entered. • 4 high current outputs available with the PC5204 [006] - Installer Code power supply/output module •. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 3 B a s i c P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 3 [009] - [011] PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT OPTIONS Option Output.

• [012] - Keypad Lockout Options the programmed duration. When any keys are pressed, an error tone will sound. The panel can be programmed to ‘lockout’ keypads if a series of incorrect access code entries is made. After the To program ‘Lockout Duration’, enter a time from 000 to Number of Invalid Codes Before Lockout Number of Invalid Codes Before Lockout has been 255 minutes to determine the length of time before lock. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5.

3 B a s i c P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 3 Option Definition On/Off. • Option Definition On/Off Description Telephone Line Telephone Line Monitor enabled. The TLM function will be active and the system will indicate a Monitor Trouble #3 condition when using the [*][2] View Trouble Conditions command. Telephone Line Monitor disabled.

The TLM function will be shut off and telephone line troubles will not be indicated by the system. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 3 B a s i c P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 3 Option Definition On/Off.

• Option Definition On/Off Description Verbal Door Chime Verbal Door Chime Is Enabled. The system will verbally annunciate the zone (or programmed label) when it is violated if Door Chime is programmed. This feature is available when Escort5580(TC) v3.00, and the PC5936 v1.00 are used. This feature enables the Door Chime to verbally annunciate the zone that has been violated instead of a series of beeps, If the Verbal Chime feature is enabled, whenever a zone with the Chime attribute enabled is violated, a series of beeps will sound and the system will verbally prompt ’Zone X’.

• P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 4 A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 4 [020] - Keypad Zone Assignment [030] - Fast Loop Response An eight bit toggle option controls which main board.

• [190] - No Activity Arming Pre-Alert Duration times. If the Auto-arm is postponed, arming or disarming the panel will not affect the postpone sequence. This is the duration for which the No Activity Arming Pre-alert will sound when the No Activity Timer for the [176] - Cross Zone/Police Code Timer partition expires (see Section [191]-[192]).

• P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 6 C o m m u n i c a t o r P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 6 Some of the Programmable Output options are also select- of the call.

• disarmed and report to the central station. All other zone [F], [A], [P] Restoral: this reporting code will be sent after types will only go into alarm if the panel is armed. The [F] [A] [P] alarm reporting code is sent. Reporting codes can be one or two digits and can use Hex Auxiliary Input Restoral: the panel will transmit this. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 6 C o m m u n i c a t o r P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 6 [342]-[343] - Opening (Disarming) Reporting power has been restored for the amount of time pro- grammed for AC Failure Communication delays.

• Installer Lead In: Installer Lead In: a reporting code will be sent to the cen- Installer Lead In: Installer Lead In: and 20 bps), Contact ID, SIA, Residential Dial and a Pager tral monitoring station when Installer Programming is format. The following is a description of each. Entered through the keypad. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 6 C o m m u n i c a t o r P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 6 Pager Format also allows more information to be sent. • • SIA - This format uses 300 Baud FSK as the communi- If the LINKS1000 Cellular Communicator, or LINKS2X50 cation medium.

The account code can be 4 or 6 hexa- is being used, the panel can be programmed to report a decimal digits in length, all reporting codes must be 2- TLM Trouble TLM Trouble. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 6 C o m m u n i c a t o r P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 6 [377] - COMMUNICATION VARIABLES Test Transmission Cycle (LINKS1000) This value determines the period between Test Transmissions for the LINKS1000. • [380] - FIRST COMMUNICATOR OPTION CODES Option Communicator Code On/Off Description LINKS is backup of Land Line(s). The control panel will dial through the LINKS if the panel is having difficulty communicating over the phone line. For each failed attempt to the land line, one attempt will be made to the LINKS1000. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5.

6 C o m m u n i c a t o r P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 6 [382] - THIRD COMMUNICATOR OPTION CODES Option Communicator Code. • The status LEDs will display the current system status on (Downloading Telephone Number).Section [490] the keypad where the PC-Link was initiated. For more Communicator Call Direction Options.Section [351] to [376] information on connecting the PC-Link, refer to your ’PC- Call LINKS1000 as well as Land Line. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 8 P r o g r a m m a b l e O u t p u t P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 8 [401] - First Downloading Option Codes Option Downloading Code. • [501]-[515] PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT ATTRIBUTES PGM Output Types [01], [03], [04], [05]-[08],[12],[13],[14],[15],[17],[18] and [25] Not Used NOTE: This option must be off to ensure proper PGM operation. Anbe En Anbe Un Vizhi Mp3 Song Free Download.

Not Used NOTE: This option must be off to ensure proper PGM operation. Output Level The output will activate (switch to Ground) when the event occurs. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5. 9 I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r o g r a m m i n g P W S S e c t 9 [701] FIRST INTERNATIONAL OPTION CODES Option International Code. • [703] - Delay Between Dialing Attempts 2.

The Keypad Blanking option is disabled (section [016]: [3]) For standard (force) dialing, the panel will go off-hook, 3. The Fire Bell is Continuous option is disabled (section search for dial tone for 5 seconds, hang-up for 20 seconds, [014]: [8]) go off-hook, search for dial tone for 5 seconds, then dial. • P r o g r a m m i n g S e c t i o n s: 5.

1 1 S p e c i a l I n s t a l l e r I n s t r u c t i o n s P W S S e c t 1 1 [903] - Module Supervision Field Installer Lockout When this mode is entered, the system will display all of. • [995][Installer Code] - Restore Escort5580(TC) Factory Default Programming When this section is successfully entered, all program- ming for the Escort5580(TC) module will be returned to the factory defaults.

[996][Installer Code] - Restore PC5132 Wireless Factory Default Programming When this section is successfully entered, all program- ming in the PC5132 wireless expansion module will be returned to the factory defaults. • The control panel must be in the attack-resistant enclosure ing the daily arming cycle. (DSC Model CMC-1 or PC4050CAR). Protection of the Control Unit Grade B Central Station and Police Connect.

• Appendix A: Reporting Codes The following tables contain Contact ID and Automatic SIA Format - Level 2 (Hardcoded) SIA format reporting codes. For more information on The SIA communication format used in this product fol- reporting code formats and notes about individual lows the level 2 specifications of the SIA Digital Commu- reporting codes, (see section 5.6 ‘Communicator Pro- nication Standard - October 1997. • Automatic SIA Auto Dialer Section # Reporting Code Code Sent When. Contact ID Reporting Direction* Codes Codes** [344] Special Opening Opening (disarming) using one of the following methods: key- (4) AA OP-00 switch, maintenance code, DLS software, wireless key [345]-[346] Battery Trouble/Restoral PC5010 CP-01 battery is low/battery restored MA/R. • Table2: Contact ID Zone Alarm/Restoral Event Table 3: SIA Format Automatic Zone Alarm/Restoral Codes (as per ADEMCO): Codes Program any of these codes for zone alarms/restorals when using Contact ID the standard (non-automatic) Contact ID reporting format. SIA Auto Rep Auto Rep Codes* Medical Alarms.

• FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Digital Security Controls Incidence of Harm Ltd. Could void your authority to use this equipment. If this equipment PC5010 CP-01 causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be re- device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. • It is freight cost to the repair centre; (ii) products which are not identified with DSC's product label and lot num- important that all system users be trained in the correct operation of the alarm system and that they know ber or serial number. • NOTES WWW.DIYALARMFORUM.COM. • Fully compatible with Power832.

SL-XX T-Link For UL Grade AA / ULC Level 3 ©2003 Digital Security Controls Ltd. Toronto, Canada • www.dsc.com Technical Support: 1-800-387-3630 Printed in Canada 29034674 Rev 001 WWW.DIYALARMFORUM.COM Direct all comments concerning this publication to pubs @dscltd.com.

Security.livewatch.com/./how-to-find-the- master-or- installer- codes-for. • Aug 7, 2009. Ademco?€?Vista series?€ alarm system and you don?€™t knowwhat the codes are.

The master code is the main user?€™s regular code, but different than the. Be advised that an installing alarm company will not and should not. The master code can change or add the other SU?€™s as needed. • • Feb 17, 2007 - Purhased a condominium 2 years ago with an ADT/ADEMCO system. Received no manuals of any kind but MAY have gotten a 'Security Code' from seller. To change the master code the system needs to be in regular run mode.

Adobe Photoshop 7 Grain Surgery Filter Free Download there. Myalarm system was working but i went and acted like Jul 8, 2007 Nov 8, 2005 [PDF] Oct 11, 2013 .

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