Edit Listview Subitem In Vb6 Array


Dec 26, 2006. View = lvwReport.Gridlines = True. For i = 1 To mcolRecords.Count 'populate listview. Set li =.ListItems.Add(,, mcolRecords(i).Name). Li.SubItems(1) = mcolRecords(i). Download Free Software Ultimate Spider Man Patch From Days. Department. Li.SubItems(2) = mcolRecords(i).Current. ListView1_ItemClick.ListItems(.SelectedItem.Index) 'fill edit controls. Jul 20, 2007. SubItems(iCol).Text Next j Next i. You can copy this code and put in your program, just change the listview name and set the numbers of columns. Suggestion to store databack in database--- I would use a multi dimensional dynamic array to store the data from list view and and then data adapter update.

Sub showform3() Dim colRecords As Collection Dim ufScroll As UScroll2 Dim i As Long 'Fill a collection with CRecord objects – pretty much the same code 'as the previous posts, just put into a function. Set colRecords = New Collection Set colRecords = FillRecords 'Create a new instance of the userform rather than relying on the 'default instance Set ufScroll = New UScroll2 'Load the records into a custom property of the userform Set ufScroll.Records = colRecords ufScroll.Show 'Show the form. Code is suspended at this point 'Get the new records, if any, from the userform’s property Set colRecords = ufScroll.Records 'Print out the records to make sure I didn’t miss something For i = 1 To colRecords.Count Debug.Print colRecords(i).Name, colRecords(i).Department, colRecords(i).Current Next i End Sub.

End Sub When the Show method is called, the Activate event fires. In addition to filling the Department combobox, the Activate event adds three columns to the ListView via the ColumnHeaders.Add method. I set the first two column’s width equal to the controls above and just threw in a number for the Current column.

Edit Listview Subitem In Vb6 ArrayEdit Listview Subitem In Vb6 Array

Next, I set a few properties for the ListView. The HideColumnHeaders property is False by default, but I set it in code explicitly. The View property is important if you want columns.

Setting View equal to lvwReport is similar (exactly?) like choosing Details when you’re viewing a Windows Explorer window. The default view is like the List view in Windows, where subitems are not shown.

Finally I show gridlines because I like the way it looks. In the next section, I loop through all the CRecord objects in the collection and add them to the ListView. I add ListItems using the Name property and add SubItems 1 and 2 to hold the Department and Current properties. Finally, I run the ItemClick event to populate my edit controls.

Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader) If ColumnHeader.Text = 'Name' Then Me.ListView1.Sorted = True Me.ListView1.SortKey = 0 If Me.ListView1.SortOrder = lvwDescending Then Me.ListView1.SortOrder = lvwAscending Else Me.ListView1.SortOrder = lvwDescending End If Else Me.ListView1.Sorted = False End If End Sub Private Sub ListView1_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem) With Item Me.tbxName.Text =.Text Me.cbxDept.Value =.SubItems(1) Me.chkCurrent.Value =.SubItems(2) End With End Sub. Dick, here’s some things I’d do: Change the ListView’s FullRowSelect property to True, so the cursor doesn’t need to be over a name in order to select that row – I like the way the selected row looks too. Jon: if you want a half-way point between collections and arrays, try an array of user defined type. Type Person Name As String Computers As Long End Type Sub test() Dim udtPeople() As Person ReDim Preserve udtPeople(1 To 10) udtPeople(1).Name = “Jon Peltier” udtPeople(2).Computers = “3” End Sub Dick: You’ve got the sorting spot on. I’ve seen implementations that paste an arrow graphic into the column header as a sorting indicator.

That requires API hacks, I believe. One gotcha is the sorting of a date column. To address date sorting, I add a zero-width sister column that is formatted yyyymmddhhmmss. Then, when column header click event is fired check which column and sort by the other. You’ve taken the “save” approach to applying listview changes.

This can be good, though each change requires 2 commits – 1 for save, 2 for apply. Another approach is to keep your “apply” button, but ditch the “save” button.

Implement immediate editing using the Textbox Change events. This requires careful testing since not all controls update the same way. Ie afterupdate vs beforeupdate vs onchange. If a user updates 1 or 2 records at a time, the re-work wont be too high if they have to click cancel and re-open it as a method of undo.

Hi guys, Currently I am updating a listview with data in it via clicking on the selected row and displaying that row data onto textboxes and then updating it. What the data has is ID number follow name and QTY. What I want to add to this function is to update the quantity of a specific ID without clicking on the specific row in listview but by searching the ID, returning its results in the textbox, update it.

Private Sub ListView1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.DoubleClick If ListView1.Items.Count = 0 Then MsgBox('No Item In The List') Exit Sub End If slist = ListView1. Conexant Smartaudio Hd Driver Windows 8.1 on this page. SelectedItems(0) txtItemName.Text = slist.SubItems(1).Text txtQty.Text = slist.SubItems(2).Text End Sub. Hi guys, Currently I am updating a listview with data in it via clicking on the selected row and displaying that row data onto textboxes and then updating it. What the data has is ID number follow name and QTY. What I want to add to this function is to update the quantity of a specific ID without clicking on the specific row in listview but by searching the ID, returning its results in the textbox, update it. I guess your best choice is to find ID using the ListView1.Items.Find(Key) but that depends on how you are populating the Listview. Or Loop through the listview and search for text inside specific column. How you are populating the listview?

That mean FindlvItem did not find that you are searching for.

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