Self Downloading Mods


The Sims games have always been more fun with mods! Here are some fun and safe mods for the latest game in the series— the Sims 4! The Animals+ Mod adds a ton of new animals to the game especially in the practically barren oceans. They range from insects to whales and vary in passive or hostile.

Winner (Individual) of the second 96 hour modding marathon hosted by Searge of MCP, known as ModJam. This mod is still in Beta and is unfinished! Updates will come in the future to the remaining missing content.

• “Acquire” most living mobs by killing them (a morph). This includes other players, silverfish, mobs from Twilight Forest, Mo’ Creatures, Ore Spawn, and more! • Use abilities that accompany morphs you acquire! More info in the next tab. Usage • Browse previously acquired morphs with the (defaults) [ / ] keys (Square brackets, normally next to the Enter/Return key). Hit them to open the Gui and scroll up and down, hold shift to scroll left and right. (Works with the mouse as well, once the selector is open!).

The mod will try it’s best to prevent duplicate morphs, however it cannot guarantee that. • Select a morph with the Enter/Return/LMB. It takes ~4 seconds to transition between morphs, and you cannot acquire new morphs while morphing. • Remove a morph with the Delete/Backspace button. You however, cannot remove your original state, or the morph you are currently using. • Close the morph selector with the Escape/RMB. It will auto close if there is another Gui open. Nas Damian Marley Patience Download Mp3.

Self Downloading Mods

• Add a mod to favourites with the ~ key, when in the Morph Gui. You can also hold the ~ key to open a radial menu to morph into your favourites!

Planned Features • (reddit) Known Issues (and status) • (BUG) Morphs with tiny hitboxes cannot swim up pools deeper than 1 block. • (BUG) Horse morphs in grazing mode infinitely graze.

• (BUG) Occasionally morphs can duplicate. This is entirely due to the entity NBT data being slightly different, causing the mod to think the morph as a new morph. If you are being overrun with morphs, delete some. • (WONTFIX) Morphing into child morphs will show the morph transition into an adult morph. Child models are changed directly in the model class, so I’d rather not go to hassle of handling each individual case to correctly show the transition, especially since there are no hooks by MCForge in that category. • (WONTFIX) Very large morphs have difficulty breaking blocks, especially those with a very different eye height from the player. The server classes these seperately and might reject the block breaking.

Won’t fix, not a big issue. • (WONTFIX) Morphs with short “arms” float in first person.

Won’t fix because the mod is using a generic way to get “arms” of mobs, and attempting to render them in the same viewpoint/position first person as normal player arms. • (UNDECIDED) Holding items as morphs which cannot hold items, will not show the item. If you have an issue,.

If it’s not in the list, report it or contact me on IRC! The list above isn’t exhaustive, check the Github’s open and closed issues for more. Abilities Abilities are basically “characteristics and skills”, but for simplicity’s sake, they’re called abilities. Packaged with the mod right now there are 11 abilities, some good, some bad. They are as follows: • Climb • Fall Negate • Fly • Float • Fire Immunity • Hostile • Swim • Sunburn • Water Allergy • Step • Poison Resistance • Wither Resistance • Sink • Fear • Potion Effect Explanation: Climb: Mimics spider climbing up walls etc, you have to push yourself against a wall and you’ll climb up it. You need to remain pushed against the wall to climb up it, of course, and you fall if you let go.

Fall Negate: Prevents fall damage! Fly: Mimics creative flying, available for vanilla mobs that fly. Float: Only one mob in vanilla supports this, and that’s the chicken. Instead of falling to your doom, you slowly float downwards like chickens do.

Fire Immunity: A variety of mobs have this, especially all the nether mobs. This will make you fire resistant and let you swim around in lava if you want to.

Hostile: Certain mobs are labelled hostile specifically because they try to target players. There is no use of this ability unless you enable Hostile Mode in the config (explained later). Swim: This ability allows mobs to breathe underwater, and optionally, make them drown when out of water. Sunburn: Think Zombies and Skeletons burning in sunlight. Water allergy: You take damage when wet. Like endermen and blazes.

Step: You get a change in step height, this normally will allow you to walk up 1 block high areas. To identify abilities, look in the Morph gui next to the morph, listed there are abilities that may be available to the mob. Hostile Mode This is a config option that affects the “Hostile” Ability. By default it is turned off. This modes allow you to walk amongst (some, not all [Spiders and Slimes will not ignore you]) the hostile mobs in the game, if you are morphed as a hostile mob. EG: You’re a skeleton and you walk up to a zombie, which completely ignores you unless attacked.

Once again, as stated, Spiders and Slimes will not ignore you if this is on. This is because they use the old AI system still.

Mod support Alright Here’s the interesting bit. In terms of mod support, there’s two ways you can go. Bug the Mod author to support the mod by using the. Contribute to a Mod Mobs Mapping that you can. Usable abilities Right now, usable abilities are planned.

What are usable abilities? Stuff you can trigger on command, like teleportation, exploding, shooting projectiles, etc. HOWEVER, these are not included in Morph just yet, and will most likely come in the later update. I think that they should have control over you, but if you try to move, it overrides them. There could also be a button to disable their control of you. This way, you could, for example, kill their named pet horse D: then morph into it, and when they ride you you could become a “stubborn horse” or they could be riding you near a ravine and suddenly you change course towards it.

When you got to the edge, you would jump to the middle and swap to a bat or other flying mob, causing them to plummet to their dooms. Or you could just start “being scared” of mobs, like horses often do in ghost stories. You might even just change course to freak them out. This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb i cant get forge to work when i want to do this that is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb i mean this its just soooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid i dont like this mod it was develemt by a person that i dont know i mean i like the anamshens and stuff but that s olny comeing from mod show cases rather have to shape shifter. I like the mod its realy awsome but i have found some balance issues witch i think is possible to fix. 1: when you have abilities on and are a bat or another flying creature you can fly free and its early game. Most mods dont give you this before late game.

Way to fix: maby make a config that will make it impossible to use any armour when you morph into a creature or make it impossible to use items when you are morphed. Ofcorse the config would not have any effect if you morphed to a mob that can wear armour like a skeleton or a zombie. 2: when you have killed a blaze and you are in the nether you are pretty much unkillable, fire proof and can fly. I think you can fix this the same way as in 1: make it impossible to wear armour when you are a blaze. Yeah, I would like to see a few more traits added to the morphs. For example the inability to use items in your action bar.

I enjoy the bat and being able to fly and explore in the early game. But I don’t think the bat should be able to mine, eat and use items. I think you should maybe replace the action bar with specific skills that could be used in place of items. So for example the blaze would have the fireball in slot one and nothing else. You click it and shoot three fireballs like blaze. Basically with no hands, you get no items, with special abilities you inherit them as well. Dude i just love your mod ^^, it would be great though if you made the new “abilities” compatible with mo creature (would be awesome to fly as a dragon) and maybe for certain creatures on which you can saddle, for instance if you kill your horse and he has a saddle on him, you can change into a saddled version of it, which would allow friends to ride on your back until they decide to go down or you morph back.

Maybe also add abilities which are unique to certain mod’s mobs (ex; werewolves in MoC lope on all fours at a certain speed, maybe you go faster morphed in a werewolf and lope, but you cannot morph into a werewolf during the day, otherwise you immediately go back to human) •. Spotted a bug. When you are a spider and have other mobs set to not be able to see you they still can (maybe something to do with a spider being neutral and not actually fully hostile) and spiders can still see you when you are any other mob. However spiders will not attack you when you are a spider. And also a tiny tidbit. If you change into a wide mob (ex a spider) next to a wall you will start to suffocate. A solution would to be have the player pushed out of walls or something.

Anyway great mod! I really had a laugh when i became a portal turret! Deer Hunter 2005 Download Full Version Softonic. Install Forge and this mod.

Rightclick the forge jar file and click “open with” and chose java. Then it should take you to the installer, and just press install. Then open minecraft lancher, create new profile and chose the Forge profile to play with. Just load it and then exit. After that, you go to your windows start menu, and search “run”. In run you enter%appdata% Go to.minecraft, create a new folder, and drag the mod zip/jar file into the folder.

Then you re-open the launcher and the mod should be installed. This mod is quite awesome to mess around with.

I thought the morphs would be cool for a while and then get boring but they still look great even after seeing them so many times. I do, however, feel that, with the abilities active, it can be OP early on. I’m not sure if it is possible but it would be cool if while you were morphed you experience drained and when you ran out the morph reverted.

This would obviously be a configurable option as some people don’t mind it but I think it would add a little challenge that some, including myself, would appreciate. Nice, fun mod.

I have a few suggestions for it when I was playing it. 1 – Have the field of view change based on the mob type. I.e., as a bat, everything should look much bigger, like a reverse “Quake POV”.

Maybe bats could have an ‘echo-location’ layer (like blindness) to off-set early game flight. 2 – As an unfriendly mob, other unfriendly mobs should ignore you unless attacked (like a super-strong invisibility effect).

If you’re a villager, zombies should target you more. If you’re a zombie, villagers should run away from you and iron golems attack you. 3 – As an enderman, you should auto-teleport when you touch water, or it rains.

As a book, you should take damage when it rains, too). P.s., I really want to pick up blocks as an enderman.

🙂 (basically, mob abilities, like shooting ghastballs, etc.) •. Just one question would it be possible to include permissions for this? I love everything about it and im not 100% sure it has permissions already and if it does please disregard this xD but i would like to have the permissions so that only certain ranks on the server would be able to morph like mages or werewolf’s or something along those lines and if you wanna take it to the next step then even more permissions for specific mobs only so like i mentioned above werewolfs would be able to turn ONLY into wolves kinda thing •. Before I start, I would just say that I absolutely love this mod so far and have found it to be very fun as well as quite useful. (Being able to fit into one-block spaces is extremely handy for my friends who like to build complex machines using IC2 and forestry and so forth, while it has also been useful for exploring and sneaking into other players’ houses! ) I’m finding some minor things with your Morph mod that could possibly be fixed to make it a little more compatible with other mods that have neglected to include your API.

I have found that your mod is able to determine even mod spider models to be able to climb: it has not failed once so far. The second any player sees a non-vanilla spider climbing, the morphs have updated to reflect this trait. What would be nice is if your mod could determine just from a player seeing a mob flying that it can fly. So far, not a single flying mob besides those in vanilla has been identified by morph to be able to fly. This means it has failed to see that modded mobs such as butterflies or flying horses are able to fly. Another suggestion would be if the mod would record a list of all mobs the players have come across in the game and have a place to manually include traits for them.

This mod has made my minecraft. I don’t want to update to 1.7 pretty much solely because I’d loose the ability to use this. Not for bat flying. Not for easy nether trips. The ability to block the API from opening has let me lock myself into playing a zombie. Sure, villagers don’t run from me, golems don’t attack me (hey, would it be possible to make golems attack hostiles without making them attack non-hostiles, or, say, wolves attack sheep?), and I can’t turn the testificates into zombies. But outside of villages, it’s perfect.

And let me say, it etches some new habits into playing minecraft: always wear a helmet, always carry a bucket of water in the hotbar, and stick to the shade. Also, chicken is best redstoner. I have some suggestions and a question for you. First, here’s my question: By any chance, was this mod based off of the book series “Animorphs”? Because it looks awfully similar to how they morph and such (aside from the killing of the animal, I hope you change that, it would be more “accurate”). If you don’t know what the series is, i highly suggest reading it, its a really good series. Here’s a link to the first eBook of it: Richard’s Animorphs Forum – E-Books The Invasion (Book 1).

Now, here’s my suggestions: You should make some way to be trapped in morph by staying in morph for over a certain amount of time, (AHEMreferencetothebooks) or some other way, and the only way to get back is to build something very expensive that changes you back, ill let you think of the recipe so its not to op, but it still should be very expensive. Also, on hardcore mode there’s no way to change back, your morph GUI is disabled so you cant change into ANYTHING else, you stay your shape when you die, and you still can’t change back till you get the item. Another idea is that, if someone were to kill you, only you and someone else in the same morph can pick up your items. The people not in morph see that you dropped the normal items, like if you were a sheep, you would drop 1(lousy) wool and they could pick the wool up, but nothing else. Also, your health would change according to you morph, like say, if you were a chicken you would only have 4 health points and if you were, say an enderman you would have 40 health points. Another little couple of details are, you can’t morph while in morph, you have to go back to normal(setting to turn that off), you can’t “acquire” while in morph, you can eat grass as pigs/cows/sheep/horses/ etc, when you point at a block with a free space under it and and press (insert key here) as a bat you will stick to the underside of that block.

And maybe, you do the melee damage of the morph you are. Oh and one more other thing, can you possibly make it so that mods like the damage indicators mod, sees you as the mob you are, not as your actual username.

This would add to the fun chaos and confusion of multiplayer. I don’t know if that’s possible, but you’ve made it this far into the what-the-heck-i-didn’t-think-this-mod-was-possible-omg-its-so-awesome range of modding, so i believe you can do it. I just wanted to say that this mod is very cool. Thank you for building it, and continuing to update it. I am not sure what all you have planned for in terms of abilities, but I would like to suggest a few for you to consider.

A grass eating ability might be interesting to have for passive mobs like sheep and cows. You could use it to fill up one hunger. Though this isn’t my idea originally. I got it while playing a different mod that let you add the DNA of mobs to the player. The sheep DNA allowed you to eat grass. Inheriting the jumping/health/speed of the horse you kill. 3.One block high mobs being able to fit into one block spaces.

As a Zombie your attack strength varies depending on how much health you have. When your health gets lower, your attacks become stronger. Have clear sight underwater with the squid.

As a Skeleton, you can cause the special disk drops by killing creepers with an arrow. Anyways, just some ideas I was thinking of while playing. Great job on the mod.

Just had a crazy error when setting up a server for this awesome mod and was wondering if anyone could figure it out. Here is a random idea I had. How about for balance mobs that don’t have hands (bat, bird, etc) can’t hold or use items? Sure as a bat you can fly but no tools for you! No building, either.

And only human-shaped mobs can have armor. That leaves zombie and skeleton, really, so it severely the powers you get from anything else.

Also, it makes sense. A bat can’t hold a pickax, right? I suppose you could let tentacled mobs (squid and ghast) use tools – but the ghast has a really slow speed while flying, right?

So that balances it too. Also ghasts are pretty hard to kill, at least at first. Anywho, there’s my idea. Take it or leave it. Thanks, Some Guy •.

Couple of issues: 1. Bird mobs, i.e. Chickens and Twilight Forest ravens and birds, constantly flap their wings when morphed into even when they’re standing still or walking – this is annoying and makes it difficult to disguise yourself as those mobs. Ghasts don’t get the flight ability. Bit annoying. Looking forward to: Enderman teleportation ability (and Ghast fireball ability etc) and the ability to pick up blocks as an Enderman does. (Or, if that’s too difficult, the block you’re holding showing up as though the Endie is holding it in his hands.) •.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Caution [ ] Before you decide to mod (modify) your copy of Minecraft, it is very important to understand what you are doing or you may end up messing up your copy. (If your copy of Minecraft is compromised, you can always backup your worlds and re-download Minecraft) If you mod Minecraft, you may break your copy of the game as well as any worlds that you play in. Because you are doing something that is wholly unsupported by Mojang, they won't be able to help you. Due to how modding works, updating the Minecraft client will break your mods. That is, with each update of the Minecraft client, you will have to obtain updated mods and re-install them.

However, the worlds you created will not be destroyed (although any mod items in your world will not be present). Additionally, the authors of the mod make no guarantees as to whether or not the code works, much less any guarantees of support. Nearly all mod packs have auto-installers that make adding mods to Minecraft extremely easy for the beginner Modder. You can search for mod packs on the Mods page. Prerequisites [ ] You should always know the prerequisites first, else the whole mod might not work. Here is a list of prerequisites you must have: • Knowledge of zipping/unzipping files, and working with a good archive utility (such as,, etc.).

• Knowing how to accurately read and follow instructions. • Knowing how to submit proper bug reports. • Knowing how to install the mod and its prerequisites. • Knowing which mods conflict with each other and which do not. • Making sure you reread the instructions.

You might be able to get away without knowing how to do a few of these things, but if your copy of Minecraft breaks, then you should seek help from somebody in the modding community (preferably the mod author). If you view this as a great opportunity to learn something new, then you're on the right path! Note: You can use or MCPatcher to do some or all of this work for you! How Mods Work [ ] A.jar file on the versions folder under provides everything Minecraft needs to be able to run. When you add mods to Minecraft, you are taking the.jar file and over-writing it with the changes needed.

All of these files inside run through a process called. Furthermore, everything in the game (,,, etc.) has an ID which allows the game to differentiate each of them. As new content is added to Minecraft, new IDs are used. Notes • This is fundamentally changing the way Minecraft was meant to be played. So Mojang will not be able to help you in any way, and are not responsible for crashes, data loss, etc.

• Some mods might claim to do something, but could in fact have been authored with a malicious intent such as stealing your Minecraft username/password, or install a keylogger. This is only a concern if: • The mod that you download contains an executable and you run it. • The mod that you download informs you that you should modify the If the mod that you wish to install involves neither of these actions then you should feel quite secure. If not, a good measure of safety is to only install mods from a secure and safe website. Make sure to read the comments on mod posts before downloading and installing.

• When Minecraft is updated, all mods need to be re-updated by their authors and re-downloaded and placed into the folder, because the launcher downloads a legit copy of Minecraft from Mojang when it updates. If a mod uses an ID number that Mojang uses in the update, this will cause further issues, and your world might look weird, or potentially be completely broken and unusable. Mod authors do this of their own free will, and it can take weeks for them to update. However, this doesn't mean you should harass the author about it. • If two mods do similar things, they will likely be incompatible, because they will both try to change the same thing (this can be fixed; nowadays, mods come with a properties file to change block and item IDs to fix conflicts) • You may be adding new entities to your worlds, so if you ever have to remove the mods (say because of a Minecraft update), that world will no longer be compatible. -- 19:37, 3 December 2017 (UTC)== Downloading Mods == Always be careful when downloading mods.

Make sure you download them from the original source to minimize the risk of viruses and be careful with running anything you download on your computer. Custom Mods [ ] ==== ModLoader, hgvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv and friends ==== There are many mods that absolutely require other mods to work, because they use some of the commands these other mods give.

These are known as utility mods. These include (for adding mods in general), and, which is a more advanced ModLoader. These mods that are required by some mods will need to be installed with the mod before Minecraft is run. Without them, the mod will not work and can even lead to Minecraft crashing.

A much more list of mods can be found. Mod authors may give a configuration file to change item IDs. Find the conflicting ID, and change it. Just remember that when an update for Minecraft or the mod comes out, you must use the same item IDs, else the game will crash. Making Backups [ ] If you want to test a mod without any risk, simply backup. Restoring it will revert everything to a pre-modded state (including your worlds).

If you are going to mod in a more persistent and complex fashion then you should keep the following in mind: • Back up your worlds at.minecraft/saves • If you've had previous mods installed, back up the.jar file too, so as not accidentally uninstall mods. • If you wish to potentially keep your stats and achievements safe, backup the directory.minecraft/stats • Do not put custom mod only items in chests if you wish to access that world again from an unmodified version of Minecraft.

It is possible that if you do so, when you remove the mod and then try to open or break the chest, Minecraft might crash. If you do this accidentally, you can stand on top of the chest, and type in / ~ ~-1 ~ air. It will remove the chest and the items inside it without crashing the game.

Backing up your worlds should be done every time you install a new mod. Installing Mods [ ] Before 1.6 [ ] Windows: • Press the win key(located at the bottom left of your keyboard between the 'Ctrl' and the 'Alt' keys)%appdata%.minecraft. • Open bin and you will see minecraft.jar. • Open the.jar file using an archive software (recommended WinRAR). To do this, right-click on minecraft.jar and hover to the Open With menu item. • Copy the class files into this folder.

Exit the folder once you have copied the class files. • Certain mods will require you to copy files into other directories. Follow the instructions on your download for clarification on where to copy files to. Mac: • Go to Applications >Utilities and open Terminal. • Type in the following, line by line: cd ~ mkdir mctmp cd mctmp jar xf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar• Outside Terminal, create a folder named mctmp. • Copy all the files and folders into the mctmp directory. • Back in Terminal, type in the following: rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.* jar uf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar./ cd.

Rm -rf mctmp Linux: You will need to find minecraft.jar located in ~/.minecraft/bin/. • From Nautilus (or most other file browsers), press ctrl+ H to see hidden folders the navigate to.minecraft.

• If in the console, type, ls -a ~/ and you will find the.minecraft directory. • Navigate to the bin folder. • Open the.jar file using an archive software. • Copy the class files into this folder. Exit the folder once you have copied the class files. • Certain mods will require you to copy files into other directories.

Follow the instructions on your download for clarification on where to copy files to. Any OS: On most operating systems, you can click the button on Minecraft's which will open the folder. Simply navigate to the parent folder to get into the root of the.minecraft directory. And above [ ] It is recommended to install mods via Minecraft Forge when installing mods for Minecraft and above. Main article: Dealing with [ ] • Running Minecraft in command line mode to get a stack trace. • Posting the stack trace on the website/forum/thread of the mod author(s). • If the game still crashes, refer to the next section to restore your Minecraft and worlds.

• Restart Minecraft. Fixing Minecraft [ ] If you have encountered a crash like above, then this section might help you. Deleting Mods [ ] There are three ways to delete mods from Minecraft. • Go into.minecraft/mods and remove the mod from the folder. If the mods folder does not exist, then refer to the next way. • Restore your version of Minecraft, making sure to keep your worlds. • Force update.

You can do this by deleting the.jar file and re-downloading the game from the launcher. Fixing Crashes [ ] To fix a crash, consult the following problem solving list: • Have you deleted the META-INF folder inside the.jar file? • Forgot ModLoader? • Do your mods have conflicting block or item IDs? If so, most mods have a properties file to change the block and item IDs.

• Look in modloader.txt to see what block ID(s) are conflicted. If the file does not exist, then you have not used ModLoader. • Is the mod made for your version of Minecraft? • Have you installed the dependencies for the mod? • Do you have the right version of Modloader? • Do you have the right version of the mod?

• Are you SURE you installed the mod correctly? (consult any README file in the mod) Restoring Minecraft [ ] If you have backed up your folder, then you have to delete or remove the modded.minecraft folder and placing the backed up folder into where you have deleted the modded folder.

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