Tales Of Symphonia Ratatosk Isotope


TALES OF SYMPHONIA 30-DAY MEME (I'll do a second round for ToS2:dummy: ). What do you think about Tales of Symphonia the animation?. Get to be together, cause the ending scene is so cute, but.but.but! Richter is left with Ratatosk?! RATATOSK AND EMIL SHOULD SWITCH PLACES! Life,isotope production and applications in the 21st century proceedings. P of the 3rd international conference on isotopes,invitation to the straight path,book 1 diving in ios. Commanders tales of symphonia dawn of the new world known in japan as tales of symphonia knight of ratatosk world of warplanes.

I apologize for the total lack of communication on here. I know I'm not popular, but seeing as I've still gotten some notes over the like, year that I didn't touch this account, it seems to me that some people still appreciate and/or follow my work on here. My home life started to get very stressful around October of 2013 and taking up a third job from New Year's to last week put a lot of strain on me as a college student. I've had no time for artwork, video games, or drawing outside of class. And learning Japanese got magically hard this past semester, which was very frustrating for me to stomach after excelling at it so easily the first five semesters I studied it. That's why I haven't touched this website, though.

Plus I moved on to Tumblr. Anyway, after some news I've heard about DeviantART's royalty-free rules, I will be leaving DA. I have no desire to risk my artwork being sold to a third party without my knowledge let-alone permission, and it's obvious that I moved on from DA a long time ago. Plus, now that I'm 21 years old, I've embraced my dark humour, learned far more realities about the world than I'd wish anyone to realize, and my sass has developed into something that borderlines bad attitude; in short, my personality isn't good for the DA community. I'll remove myself in order to keep from causing trouble.

But if you really do want to continue following my work (i.e. Fanfiction and artwork), I do have Tumblr, FanFiction, and LiveJournal accounts that I try to update when I've reached some spark of creativity. Once my college semester ends and I have time to play new video games and replay beloved ones, I'll get more into recreational methods of relieving stress (instead of just absorbing all the stress and not getting rid of it). I will maintain this account only in order to follow the artists that have kept up on here and to retain all of the beautiful artwork I've favorited through the years. My other accounts are as follows; Tumblr Accounts ravenbow.tumblr.com - Personal Blog theravensdeductions.tumblr.com - Professor Layton Blog angelgear.tumblr.com - Fanfiction and Art Blog LiveJournal Account angelgear.livejournal.com Fanfiction Account Thank you for the support, practice, and criticism you've given me that helped me cultivate my skills throughout high school. Tagged myself from:icongodevil-daisuke: 's journal.

Tales Of Symphonia Ratatosk IsotopeTales Of Symphonia Ratatosk Isotope

What's your favorite tv show? Like actual TV show?

The Big Bang Theory~ 2. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be? An awesome hat that goes with anything. I'd look fabulous and I'd get to watch everything from a pretty cool perspective. Briefly, what was the last dream you had about? I can't recall the dream, but I woke up already thinking of Suzaku Kururugi and Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass making out on a bed. Hahah, I love my brain.

Do you like to singa? By 'singa,' do you mean blasting the song 'Make a Man out of You' from Mulan with all the windows down in your friend's car and screaming the lyrics to it while racing down a highway?

I do like to singa. If you were a type of pasta, what would you be? Either Cavatappi, Farfalle or Gomito.

And what sauce would I enjoy you with? In this order: meat or pesto sauce, vodka sauce, and Velveeta cheese (or whatever you'd use to make macaroni and cheese). What color is your shirt right now? And what color is it now? Olive/dark green. What kind of weather do you like best? Early fall, late spring.

That random transition phase is the best-- though, it's kind of confusing when you go through a whole cycle of seasons in a day. Remember that one time? At band camp? I remember every time. TAG YOURSELF, SAILOR MOON. IT'S THE ONLY WAY!

TALES OF VESPERIA 30-DAY MEME (Dedicated to mah BB!) 1. Favorite character: FLYNN AND YURI! Favorite cutscene: Here we go; the FFF (Flynn Friendship Fight), the scene after where they laugh together, the part where they do their adorable handshake, the scene where Flynn saves Yuri's life, the play at Nam Cobanda Isle-- Okay, basically everyone one that both Flynn and Yuri are in together. And the one where Karol has to save everyone and run around until everyone else joins the battle. I love every cutscene ever. The Royal Empire or the Guilds? THE ROYAL EMPIRE HAS FLYNN, AND YURI IS IN THE GUILDS.

I CHOOSE BOTH. Adobe Postscript Driver Windows Vista Download. Your Team: Yuri, Judith, Raven, Repede. Not particularly in that order. Your field character: Yuri! Your battle character: Yuri! He's too sexy not to fight as.

Favorite pairing: FLYNNXYURI (how can you even ask that?!) 8. Dungeon you enjoyed: All of them!

I fucking love this game. A song you like the most.. I'm just gonna say everything. Especially Flurie Fury Sparks and Impenetrable Wall. Character you want to kill: FUCKING SODIA.

Cutscene that made you cry: The one where Yuri gets stabbed!;;AAAAAAAAA;; 12. Skit that made you laugh: Oh god. Favorite villain: DUKE. BECAUSE OH GOD YES. NPC you love: FLYNN!

The city where you want to live in: FLYNNSYLVANIA 16. Blastia or Summon Spirits?: Blastia! Even though it kills the world.: D 17.

Character you are in love with: FLYNN SCIFO HOT DAMN YES. Least used character: Pfffff Karol. Why did you play Tales of Vesperia? Because Flurie. Alternate clothes you like: Yuri's Dark Enforcer and True Knight costumes, Estelle's Magical Maiden costume, and Karol's Warehouse Master costume. NPC you would like to punch: SODIA?

Favorite attachment?: BUNNY EARS. Obligatory crack pairing: Raven/Estelle. Obligatory yuri pairing: Ristelle! Obligatory yaoi pairing: FLYNN/YURI.

Hardest boss: DUKE. FUCK THE THIRD STAGE. No, seriously, fuck him. He's really hot in his third form. Favorite Sidequest: The Aurnion one!

That way you can see all of the beautiful Flurie's! A part of the game that you hated: Sodia. What did you think about First Strike?: Flynn was an ass until he and Yuri made up. Then they fought again, but then they had some broship. So I was happy.

Your thoughts on the ending: IT NEEDS TO NOT. TALES OF SYMPHONIA 30-DAY MEME (I'll do a second round for ToS2 ) 1.Favorite Character: Kratos and Lloyd.

Favorite cut scene: The one between Kratos and Lloyd in Flanoir, when Kratos says 'Illusions of Lloyd and Mithos begone! My son needs me!'

And when Lloyd finally calls Kratos dad. Summon Spirt you would like to be: Celius. She's damn sexy. Your Team: Lloyd, Genis, Raine, Sheena. Your field character: Lloyd, Zelos when I'm gettin' money from mah bitchez, and Kratos in his Judgment uniform. (haaaahhhh~) 6. Your battle character: LLOYD FOOL.

Favorite Couple: It USED to be Kratos/Lloyd, but then I came to my senses. Now it's probably 8. Dungeon you enjoyed: I love all of them.

Mostly because I rape every one of them as I stroll through. A song you like the most: Flanoir, Triet, or Mt. Character you want to kill: CAN I KILL DERRIS-KHARLAN?

Cutscene that made you cry: After you break the seal on Origin! And when you go to save Collette from Mithos! And like, EVERYONE DIES. AND WHEN LLOYD GETS SHOT WITH AN ARROW, AND KRATOS' LOCKET SAVES HIM! Skit that made you laugh: Lmfao Hot springs. Favorite grand cardinal: Ew? An NPC you love: Yuan!

He's damn sexy, too! The city you where want to live in: Meltokio or Altamira. Just say the names! Don't you already feel like you want to live there?! Tethe'Alla or Sylvarant?: Awwh. Character of who you are in love: KRATOS AURION~! Least used character: Probably Presea or Regal.

Which is a shame, because both of them are phenomenal fighters. Why did you played Tales of Symphonia?: Because I needed to show my brother up at another game.

Alternate clothes you like. *v* ~lovely~ 21. NPC you would like to punch: Kvar. Who the fuck spells their name like that? He always deserves a punch to the face. I don't care what his past hardships are.

Kratos or Zelos?: Oh my Kratos~ 23. Favorite Angel: KRATOS! Obligatory crackpairing: Kratos?

Obligatory yuri/yaoi pairing: Zelos/Lloyd. Because their buds.: D 26. Hardest boss: Slyph is a fucking bitch. Favorite Sidequest: KRATOS! The Kratos one! A part of the game that you hated the most: When Collette gets turned into an angel. And having to fight Slyph.

Favorite character in Dawn of the new world: OH SHIT, WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE QUESTION FROM ToS2 IN HERE? THE ANSWER IS FUCKING RICHTER, BITCH. I LOVE THAT MAN, I DO. What do you think about Tales of Symphonia the animation?: I like it, but it's inaccuracies make me sad. NOW TIME FOR TALES OF SYMPHONIA: DAWN OF THE NEW WORLD 30-DAY MEME 1. Favorite Character: Richter! (With Emil attached to his side!) 2.

Favorite cut scene: All of the ones that scream, 'EMIL LOVES RICHTER AND NOT MARTA.' And also the Emil/Marta one before the final battle. It was really sweet. Centurion you would like to be: Aqua, cause then I could follow Richter around all day.

Your Team: lol 5. Your field character: Emil. Your battle character: Emil. Favorite Couple: RICHMIL!

Dungeon you enjoyed: Every one that Emil went to with Richter. A song you like the most: Richter's theme, the remixes of Triet, the Underground Passage, Gaoracchia Forest, Raine's Theme, and Stillness. Character you want to kill: Marta. A lot of the time, I want to kill Marta. Cutscene that made you cry: When you fight Marta and Lloyd.

The song gets to me. Skit that made you laugh: All of the fanservice Flanoir skits between Lloyd and the girls.

XDD The ones with Raine and Presea confused me. They were so cliche! Favorite Vanguard enemy: Probably Decus. He's such a goon.

An NPC you love: I'unno. The city you where want to live in: KATZ VILLAGE? Church of Martel or Vanguard?: Church of Martel, I think. Character of who you are in love: Is it really not obvious already? Cause I'll gladly state it agai-- RICHTER ABEND! Least used character: lol 19. Why did you played Tales of Symphonia 2?: Because Symphonia 1.

Alternate clothes you like: ToS2 doesn't have any that I'm aware of. D: I guess Emil's man-dress that he gets after making a pact with Ratato-.

NPC you would like to punch: Marta-- Oh, wait, she's a main character isn't she? She's a stupid bitch until she dies.

Emil or Ratatosk-mode?: Emil all the way! Favorite character that reappeared from ToS1: Lloyyyyd-dah! Obligatory crack pairing: lmao I've seen Lloyd/Emil.

Obligatory yuri/yaoi pairing: RICHTERXEMIL. (It's so fucking canon.) 26.

Hardest boss: lol 27. Favorite Side quest: THE RICHTER ONE. A part of the game that you hated the most: The end.

Poor Richter.;A; Mah babeh! Favorite ending: I guess the really good one, when Emil lives on with Marta or something. Your thoughts on the ending?: Fuck that!

It confuses me! I love that Marta and Emil get to be together, cause the ending scene is so cute, but.but.but! Richter is left with Ratatosk?! RATATOSK AND EMIL SHOULD SWITCH PLACES!

There would be a lot more happier and less confused fans! TALES OF THE ABYSS 30-DAY MEME (but I did it in one cause I'm bored!) 1. Favorite character: Luke and Guy. Favorite cutscene: THE ONES BETWEEN GUY AND LUKE WHERE GUY IS LIKE, 'SHUT UP.

YOU'RE MY BRO. PLEASE LOVE ME?' Kimlasca, Malkuth or neutral territories (Daath, Chesedonia)?

Kimlasca and Malkuth. My two favie-charies are from those places~ 4. Your Team: Luke, Guy, Jade, Tear. (In that order. Tear isn't allowed to be next to Luke.) 5.

Your field character: Luke. Your battle character: Luke or Guy. Favorite pairing: GUYXLUKE (It's an 'x' because it's canon.) 8.

Dungeon you enjoyed: THE BRO CAAAAVE (Aramis Spring) 9. A song you like the most: Ughhh, I have such a long list. These places: Luke's manor, Cheagle Woods, Fubras River, Kaitzur, the Oasis in the Desert, Deo Pass, Zao Ruins, the Sephiroth dungeons, Theor Forest, Yulia City, Grand Chokmah, Malkuth Palace, Mt. Roneal, Feres Island. (Okay, I'm stopping.) 10.

Character you want to kill: THE ENTIRE FAMILY LINE OF GRANTS. AND FUCK TEARS. TITS NEEDS TO GTFO. Cutscene that made you cry: The one where Guy is waiting for Luke at the Spring! And the smiles that they give each other! It makes this fangirl so happy, it does. Okay, I guess I'll just start talking like Raven.

Wrong game!) 12. Skit that made you laugh: RAPPIGS. Favorite God-General: Asch. He's too sexy to not love. NPC you love: N.P.C.? The city where you want to live in: Grand Chokmah! The town is gorgeous!

Would you rather live in the present time or the Dawn Age? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? WHY LIVE IN THE DAWN AGE WHEN GUY AND LUKE ARE IN THE PRESENT AGE. Character you are in love with: I'm in love with Luke AND Guy! Mostly Guy, but Luke, too, for whenever I killed Guy for my being-a-girl-ness. I love Luke's long, beautiful, red hair.~ 18.

Least used character: lmfaoAnise. Why did you play Tales of the Abyss? Because Symphonia. Alternate clothes you like: Guy.

Hothothothot 21. NPC you would like to punch: Van, Legretta, Arietta, The Dark Wings, Largo, Tear. Luke or Asch?

Obligatory crack pairing: Uhm. I'M SAYING JADE/LUKE AND PEONY/GUY BECAUSE I WAS SCARRED TODAY AND IT WON'T GET OUT OF MY HEAD. Obligatory yuri pairing: Uhhh. Tear/Natalia I gu-- EW. NATALIA IS WITH ASCH. Obligatory yaoi pairing: GuyxLuke.

It's the bible. Hardest boss: I can't recall. I was usually pretty over-powered on everything. Maybe the second time you fight Sync. Favorite Sidequest: The Frings one!

A part of the game that you hated: THE END OF THE GAME. What do you think about the Tales of the Abyss anime? I haven't watched it. I heard about it from a friend, and I was very displeased with the inaccuracies that I heard of. Who Killed Hemant Kar Kare Ebook. I'm very anal when it comes to stuff like that. Your thoughts on the ending: FUCK THAT SHIT.

EVERYONE EXCEPT GUY NEEDS TO LEAVE THE FIELD SO GUY AND LUKE CAN HAVE AN ADORABLE MOMENT. So I just got a comment about half an hour ago from a user name on dA called 'Bridget4Rose' and I'm pretty sure it's a fake comment. Which kind of upsets me because I really love the picture that the comment is under. But whatever.

If it's not, then sorry Bridget4Rose, but I'm not comfortable with emailing you and getting to know you. I don't give a damn if you think you're attractive or not and you writing that you are 'tall and nice looking' just makes me think that you want to get with me. I don't want to get with you Bridget4Rose. So please refrain from every sending me something like that again. Deal with it. Tagged by RULE 1. You can only say Guilty or Innocent.

You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone asks! Now, here's what you're supposed to do. And please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your journal, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends to answer this. Then see what happens. Asked someone to marry you? Kissed one of your friends?

Danced on a table in a bar? Wait, yeah, innocent. Ever told a lie?

(Who isn't?) 5. Had feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same? Ever kissed someone of the same sex?

Quite guilty. Kissed a picture?

GUILTY AS FUCKING CHARGED. Slept in until 5 PM? Fallen asleep at work/school?///guilty. Held a snake? Been suspended from school?

Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? Stolen something? Been fired from a job? Done something you regret? Yeah, guilty. Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

Kissed in the rain? Sat on a roof top? Kissed someone you shouldn't? At the time, guilty. Sang in the shower? Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

(It sucked a lot.) 23. Shaved your head? Had a boxing membership? Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Guilty.;; 27.

Been in a band? (Unfortunately.) 29. Donated Blood?

Eaten alligator meat? Eaten cheesecake?

Still love someone you shouldn't? Have/had a tattoo?

Liked someone, but will never tell who? Been too honest? Probably guilty.

Ruined a surprise? I think guilty. Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can't walk afterwards? Erased someone in your friends list?

GUILTY >D 39. Dressed in a woman's clothes (if you're a guy) or man's clothes (if you're a girl)? GUILTYYYYY 40. Joined a pageant? (Soooo read that as 'pregnant') And Innocent.

Been told that you're handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? Still have communication w/ your ex? Cheated on someone? Get totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning? A total stranger treated you by paying your fare?

(Wtf is a 'fare'?) Innocent. Get totally angry that you cried so hard? Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? Thought about suicide? Thought about murder? I'm going to write innocent for my own good.

How about Mass Murder? Rode in a stranger's vehicle?

Stalked someone? Had a girlfriend/boyfriend? You don't know how badly I want to explain some of these. Lol But maybe it's for the best that I don't. ^v^ I tag any and all who wish to fill this out/are bored! NOW I'M OFF TO CONTINUE PLAYING THROUGH THIS AWESOME VIDEO GAME.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective was a marvelous game! It's for the DS and by the makers of Phoenix Wright. I loved it and the storyline was amazing. The ending was perfect. Info About you 1.) Full name: Jenn. 2.) Sex: Chick. 3.) Birthday: March 4.) Astrological Sign: Aries~!

5.) Siblings: I has a brother! 6.) Hair Color: It's brown, hopefully black soon fer a bit. 7.) Eye Color: Those are brown, too. 8.) Shoe Size: Biggish. 9.) Any Birthmarks? Annoying Questions 1.) Who are your best friends?

Jill, Monica, Megan, and Courtney 2.) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? 3.) Did you send this to your crush? How juvenile that sounds to me now. Lol 4.) Is this crush a boy or a girl?

5.) Who would you date, if you could? I'm dating who I want to now. 1.) Where is your favorite place to shop? 2.) Any tattoos or piercings? 3.) WhatÂ’s your dress style?

Random Questions 1.) What are you most scared of? Cave crickets. And being burned alive. 2.) What car do you wish to have?

I like my car nooowww. 3.) Who is the last person you called? 4.) Where do you want to get married? Wherever, man.

5.) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I have to stop procrastinating. Favorites 1.) Color: Blue. 2.) Number: 12. 3.) Food: Breaded chicken cutlets. 4.) Boys name: Well.

It was Vincent. But it's probably Gilbert now.

5.) Girls name: Alexandria. 6.) Subjects in School: Biology, Algebra.

7.) Animals: Foxes, wolves, cats, dogs, birds. (the list continues on for ever.) 8.) Drink: Iced tea/water. 9.) Movie: Uhhhmmm. Probably Star Trek. 10.) Celebrity: DeFOREST KELLY, KARL URBAN, CHRIS PINE, ZACHARY QUINTO 11.) Sport: Volleyball Name the first thing that comes mind when these words are said 1.) Black: Hair. 2.) Cow: Sheep.

3.) School: Books. 4.) Love: -less.

5.) Family: Family. More Random Questions & Favorites: 1.) Do you like filling these out? I suppose so.

2.) How many people are you sending this too? Whoever reads it, I guess. 3.) Who will send it back? 4.) Gold or Silver?

5.) Where did you get this survey from? 6.) Nicknames: Jenn 7.) Location: Japan. 8.) School: Mine, I guess. 9.) Mascot: idek. 10.) Parents: Mine? 11.) Do you want to get married? 12.) Phrase: This is requiring too much sporadic thinking.

13.) Place to hang out: My room. Show: Adventure Time. 15.) Song: Currently- 'In my Head' and 'Hot Mess.'

16.) Fast Food Service: Subway! 17.) Stuffed Animal: My Beaor-beaor! (It's a bear.) 18.) Prized Possessions: iPod, phone, computer, manga collection, my Ouran High labeled messenger bag, electric keyboard. 19.) Sesame Street Character: Bleh. 20.) Looney Toons Character: BUGS. Know this: ONCE YOU HAVE STARTED READING THIS: YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED.

Get ready to right click >copy >paste >erase (YEAH! SAVING TIME IS AWESOME!

YEAH!) Meme: Enjoy the Little Things in Life Post 5-10 little things that make you happy, THEN post 5-10 little things that your OC likes:3 ME 1. My girlfriend 2. My best friends 3.

Gilbert Nightray 4. Leonard McCoy 6. Tales of Symphonia 7. My future Gilbert Nightray cosplay 9. My fanfics/fanfiction in general 10. Food OC: Alexandria (She had a last name. I don't remember what it was.) 1.

Leonard McCoy 2. Pants (she hates the female uniform) 3. Her best friend Adrianne c: 4. Sneaking around with Adrianne and eavesdropping on their Captain and First Officer when they're alone. Using phasers 6. Talking with her favorite cousin, Spock. Her job (Biology and Forensics) 10.

Reading/Math NOW ALL OF YOU ARE AS WELL. This is gonna be awesome. Stole from DarkeAngelle on fanfiction.net~!

SECION 1: Favorites 1. Your favorite KH guy? It's a fight between Roxas, Axel and Riku. Your favorite KH girl? Probably Namine. She's adorable and tries to get Sora and Riku back together. So she's awesome.

Your least favorite KH guy? Vexen; just shut up. No one cares. Your least favorite KH girl?

Favorite World? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) The World that Never Was! And the Savannah! (Lion King) I loved running around in first person as Sora being a kitty~:3 6. Least Favorite World?

Fucking Hollow Bastion. Those damned Dancer Nobodies.

Favorite Weapon? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) Keyblade, Bat Wing, sexiness, and Hot Wheels.

(Beat that!) 8. Least Favorite Weapon? XALDIN'S FUCKING JAVS. (includes both KH1 and KH2) I never use summons.

Sora's Forms) The gold form was pretty freaking awesome, I like the black and white outfit a lot, too. The Valor form's attack was best though. Favorite Pairing? (includes yaoi coupling) Why? AkuRoku, RikuSora, XiggyDemmy, LexZex, Zemyx, XenSai, aaannndd MarlyVex for the molestation. Thank you XDD 12. (includes yaoi couples) Why?

RikuRox, AxeSor, PenceAnyone, XionAnyone, RoxAnyonethat'snotAxel, MarlyLarxene, LarxenewithAnyonereally 13. Any cool crack pairings you've heard of? Stole from [x] you love hoodies [x] you love jeans [ ] dogs are better than cats [ ] it's hilarious when people get hurt and fall [x] you've played with/against boys on a team [x] shopping is torture [ ] sad movies suck [ ] you own an XBOX [x] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid [ ] at some point in life your wanted to be a firefighter [x] you owned a DS PS2 or Sega (All three). [x] you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers [ ] you watch sports on TV [ ] gory movies are cool [ ] you used to go to your dad for advice [x] you have at least 1 trophy of a sport [x] You used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! Stole from because I'm bored. [x] - You like cheese.

[] - You hate peanuts. [] - You agree that this quiz is random. [] - You have farted today.

[x] - You have choked on something. [x] - You are a writer. [] - You smoke. [x] - You like to swim. [] - You have farted more than once today. [x] - You like ice cream.

TOTAL SO FAR = 5 [x] - You have lied more than 10 times. [] - You are an only child. [] - You have more than 3 pets. [x] - You prefer water to other drinks. [] - You are an alcoholic.

[x] - You are under 20 years old. [] - You are over 30 years old. [x] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. [x] - You like jewelry. [] - Your favorite music genre is rock. TOTAL SO FAR = 10 [] - You weigh more than 140 lbs. [x] - You like pirates.

[x] - You like anime. [x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something. [] - You take a prescription drug every day. [x] - You have a job. [x] - You live with your parents.

[x] - You like to eat eggs. [x] - You have a religion. [] - You dress stranger than other people. TOTAL SO FAR = 17 [] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks. [x] - You have eaten something odd before. [] - You are bad at math. [x] - You love electronics.

[x] - Someone/something has pissed you off in the past week. [] - You cuss a lot. [x] - You believe in aliens. [x] - You play video games.

[] - You have low self-esteem. [x] - You carry a purse.

TOTAL SO FAR = 23 [x] - You like flowers. [x] - You are bisexual or homosexual [] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio. [] - You have used tarot before. [] - You believe in ghosts. [] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome.

[] - You like:dev:Fotus9:'s horoscopes better than *An-Unsure-Thing's. [] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny. [] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right. [x] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight. TOTAL SO FAR = 26 [] - You like fire. [] - You have fainted or passed out before.

[] - You have a high school diploma. [x] - You live in America. [] - You use hand sanitizer a lot. [x] - You consider yourself a nerd. [] - You have tried chewing tobacco. [] - You are a conspiracy theorist. [] - You sleep in the nude.

[] - You will tag people to do this. TOTAL SO FAR = 28 [] - You have imagined yourself being famous. [x] - You own a stuffed animal. [x] - You like watermelon. [] - You live in Europe.

[x] - You have a fetish for something. [] - You fidget a lot. [x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything. [] - You won't re-post this quiz. [x] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one. [x] - You have a brother.

TOTAL SO FAR = 34 [x] - You can cook well. [] - You like to party. [] - You are a bad dancer. (According to a cruise ship, I'm not.) [] - You are a professional dancer. [x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat. [x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy. [x] - You have under 10 good, close friends.

[] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz. [x] - You have run away from something. [] - You have watched the movie: 'X Men 3'. TOTAL SO FAR = 39 [] - You like to mix soft drinks together. [x] - You have done an odd experiment. [x] - People have stared at you oddly in public.

[x] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive. [] - You have a step-mom or dad. [] - You hate to be tagged. [] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months. [] - You have a dA subscription. [x] - Your hair is brown. [] - You love to eat candy.

TOTAL SO FAR = 43 [x] - You have dressed up for Halloween. [x] - You love cats.

[] - You have a quirky personality. [] - You are a coffee addict. [x] - You live near a body of water. [x] - You have had a toothache. [] - You currently have to go to the bathroom. [] - You like reading others' answers to 'What would you do?'

[] - You use the term: 'Epic Fail'. (Used to, but now that I think about it I haven't said it in a while.) GRAND TOTAL = 47 0-25 = A spaceship. 27 = The Chosen One. 28 = A donkey. 29 = Flashlight.

31 = Stalker. 34 = Pacifier. 36 = A continent.

38 = A Nissan Skyline. 39 = Pedophile. 40 = A rather large and smelly fish.

41 = Parachute. 42 = Mob of angry sheep. 43 = A clone of yourself. 44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler. 45 = Pincushion. 46 = Toilet seat. 48 = Psycho passion fruit.

49 = Yellow snow. 50 = Flammable. 51 = A poison Easter basket. 52 = A dirty diaper.

53 = Mammary gland. 54 = A moose humping a guardrail. 55 = An illegal immigrant. 57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz. 58 = Staple gun.

59 = Tail feather. 60 = A white rapper.

61 = A shotgun shell. 62 = Sexy as hell. 63 = A popcorn fart. 64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle. 65 = Fortune cookie. 66 = Barack Obama.

67 = Chinchilla. 68 = Weapon of mass destruction. 69 = An epic failure at everything. 70 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale. 71 = Naughty nymphomaniac. 72 = Bicycle tire.

74 = The Bubonic Plague. 77 = A lice-infected hobo. 78 = The ruler of all evil. 79 = Horny toad. 80 = Fairy Godmother. 82 = Anorexic llama capillary. 83 = Moldy snot.

84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe. 85 = Doppelganger.

86 = Future porn star. 87 = Unnatural disaster. 88 = Statistical database. 89 = Genital lice. 90 = Rocket launcher. 91 = Ruby vomit. 93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.

94 = Pudding. 95 = A gravy train. 96 = Santa Claus. 97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.

98 = Decaying insect corpse. 99 = Blood bank. 100 = Freak of nature and humanity. I haven't updated my journal in a while.

Lol Happy 4th of Julyyy~~ eventhoughitwasyesterdaaay~! Despite the idiots who were setting fireworks off that would like to explode over my house which is surrounded by dry trees. *coug-* I SPENT my night watching Avatar and drawing fanart.

Unfortunately:iconorinigaldisaster: won't enjoy my sketches if I upload them but she's good at ignoring things so I don't think I'll upset her that much c: I have no SAI though;__; So I can't draw pretty lines anymore;a; Must find a trial version that won't hate me~! I've also been nerding around and making a tank team on my pokemon game.

I want to get better at animal anatomy so I can draw pokemanz cx like:iconvaporetem: Okay, I have nothing else to bullshtabout write, bye~ P.S. I'm being an extremely big Avatard right now, so if I upload anything it'll probably be Avatar-related. Not the aliens.).

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