The Power Of Followership Robert Kelley Pdf Merge

The Power Of Followership Robert Kelley Pdf Merge

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Investigations into leadership in organizational studies (Yukl, 2012), until recently little attention has been paid to followership in. Leadership research (Baker, 2007; Bligh, 2011; Carsten, Uhl-Bien, West, Patera, & McGregor, 2010; Kelley, 2008; Sy, 2010). Followers have been considered, they have been considered.

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Classroom discussions of leadership often neglect the essential role of followers. These discussions do little to address the reality of our students’ predominant roles as followers within organizations. We describe the Origami Frog exercise, an experiential exercise that enables students to discover how follower behaviors impact group process and outcomes. Students are asked to play either leader or follower roles, and followers are asked to exhibit either Effective or Passive follower behaviors. Predictably, different follower roles interact with leader behaviors to yield different consequences. The Origami Frog exercise is complex enough that followers can significantly influence results and yet simple enough that the exercise and its relevant pre- and postdiscussion can be accomplished in a 50-min class. Keywords,,,, Alderfer, C.

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Wofford, J., Whittington, J. & Goodwin, V. Follower motive patterns as situational moderators for transformational leadership effectiveness. Journal of Managerial Issues, 13, 196- 211.

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