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Arq, (For backups to AWS - though obviously supports every cloud back end under the sun) and 'Data Backup' by ProSoft engineering (For backups to USB) are my goto backup tools for day-day ensuring all my work documents are kept up to date. Yes, I have Crashplan (for the last couple years, backblaze for the three years before that) - but the constant chewing up of CPU cycles gets annoying after a while. And both crashplan/backblaze 'everything for $5' come with massive caveats (like deleting backups of Hard Drives that haven't been plugged in for 6 months - I've got Arq Backups of Hard Drives that I haven't plugged in for a couple years, safe and sound) - and I've never had an AWS backup bill in excess of $3.00, ARQ does a wicked good job of keeping your backups on a tight budget.

Veeam Keygen Music

Also - awesome win for ARQ - when I moved to Singapore, I simply added a AWS Singapore S3 Bucket and wowza - fast backups on my gigabit ($49/month) link from MyRepublic. Really feel like I'm living in the future. I think once I switch away from Aperture over to Photos, which presumably has a rock solid backup to iCloud photos, then simply doing a quarterly backup or so with CarbonCopyCloner + Arq to AWS + DataBackup to USB key will have my OS X backups covered.

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Veeam Keygen Music

Hello Everyone, Wanted to jump in here to confirm. This policy only affects devices that have not connected to CrashPlan Central in 6 months or longer. This does not affect volumes that have not connected to the device in that period of time. An external hard drive that has not connected in 6 months.) Additionally, there is no minimum connection time for local CrashPlan backups.

It’s important for CrashPlan users to consistently connect their device(s). Part of CrashPlan’s ability to maintain the archive health and integrity relies upon regular connection from the device. Download Kodak Colorsnap 35 Model 2 Manual Free. CrashPlan is able to routinely perform maintenance on the archive by comparing checksums between both device and CrashPlan Central. Please let me know if I can provide additional clarity. Best regards, Jarrod. Absolutely agree with you - I think CrashPlan/BackBlaze are acting entirely reasonably when they delete old hard drives, particularly if they give a bit of grace after sending the email that they are about to nuke them.

It's that just for some of us, who like to archive something like a 100 GB Hard Drive onto Amazon Glacier, for $0.007/GB/Month. (Roughly $0.70/month + $5 upload fees for a 100 GB Hard Drive Archive) - and just leave it there, presumably for decades, are better served by Arq + Glacier than we are by CrashPlan/BackBlaze - they are entirely different tools for different purposes.

On the Flip Side, backing up users two 5+ Terabyte Hard Drives on S3 with Arq gets a little pricey. How crashplan/backblaze manage to do it for $5 is beyond me.

Presumably it's because most its users are sending in. Yev from Backblaze here ->Absolutely. They key difference is backup vs. Backblaze was designed as a backup solution, it's intended to be a 1:1 copy of your user data, and if your data set changes we change it on our end as well, with a 30-day history for accidental deletes. We need to reclaim that space to keep costs down, and we're not intended nor designed to be an archive (keeping data forever). Backblaze B2 is designed differently and can be used as an archival system. The philosophies are different, but one of the reasons that we created it was to give folks the option of making actual archives they could keep in the cloud.

We hit the $5/month price-point by having our own server design, and by reclaiming space on occasion when data sets are removed. On the B2 side, since you're paying per GB, we can afford to keep that data for longer stretches.

Hopefully Arq will integrate with B2 in the future and you'd be able to use their system to pick and choose what you want archived and have B2 as a possible repository. Well, I am fairly certain that Amazon S3 will handle multi-terabyte backups, mostly because their pricing tiers are for 1 TB, 50TB, 500 TB, 1 Petabyte, 4 Petabytes, and 10 Petabytes - and they make more money the more you store. Performance (at least in Singapore) is also pretty awesome if you have a gigabit connection. I'll be interested in hearing of any experiences (particularly around performance) of someone attempting to backup on the order of 10 TBytes on the Amazon Cloud Drive.

My guess is that if more than very few people do this, then either (A) Amazon puts an end to 'unlimited' (and yes, I appreciated the scare quotes), or, (B) They rate limit uploads after a certain size to the point at which it just frustrates people. For some of us, dealing with a vendor who finds greater usage on your part to be a desirable behavior, such that they actually give you price breaks the more you use, creates a business relationship that is worth more than the several hundred dollars/year you'll end up saving. (Of course, this is coming from the guy who has a $36/year AWS bill, $24 of which is S3 storage) (Side note - When talking about Storage, it's very rare to use GiB/TiB - Data rates and Storage are almost always GB or TB). How much are you storing for those $3.00/month?

Sounds too good to be true:-) We're currently just rsyncing our pictures and stuff at home to two 3TB USB-drives (one active and one at my parents' place; using LUKS and btrfs with compression, snapshots). But even after running deduplication, they're filling up (raw files ), so I'm always on the lookout for other options. Upgrading to 2x4TB is a bit expensive, but I haven't yet found anything that'll cost me less than that while still having client-side encryption and Linux support. Tarsnap seems to be about $250/TB-month, is unlimited but has no Linux/encryption support, and I never understood Glacier pricing:-) (and it's really convenient to be able to just restore from a local USB drive instead of having to wait for the network, though of course it's less convenient not having backups when travelling ). AWS storage with S3 is $0.03/GB/Month. I have probably around 20 Gigabytes, stored in Singapore and US-East, versioned back 2+ years + another 58 Gigabytes in Personal Photos Backed up on Amazon Singapore (which I really should move to Glacier). It's compressed when stored on S3, so total storage is only 54 Gigabytes on Amazon Singapore, and 12 Gigabytes on Amazon-East.

I shoot a ton of pictures with my SLR, but, at the same time, I don't shoot raw, my camera is an EOS 10D (6.3 megapixel resolution) and I'm hyper aggressive about deleting all but the top 5% of my shots each day. I may shoot 300 pictures and keep 10-15. So, I guess the major difference is I'm backing up about 78 Gigabytes of Data (though 20 of which is in two locations). Arq doesn't get the publicity it deserves. It's a reliable, provider-independent backup solution that YOU control. Data gets encrypted locally, then sent over to storage providers.

When new storage providers appear, Arq implements APIs and lets you use them. Most importantly, when restoring, you don't enter your decryption password/key into a browser window. I don't understand how online-backup companies can talk about security while requiring users to give them their passwords in order to restore data. I've been using Arq for about two years now and I'm very happy with it. For the reference, I have previous experience with CrashPlan and Backblaze. Why would that tip the scales versus Time Machine? Time Machine should provide the same protection as Arq, i.e.

Versioned backups from before the ransomware attack should be safe. I know there was some hue and cry a little while ago about Mac ransomware that can encrypt network drives and external hard drives, but there's a reason why the _encrypt_timemachine routine was an unused stub. From what I understand, Time Machine has protections built into the kernel that prevents existing backups from being modified.

New backups after the ransomware attack would obviously end up backing up encrypted data, but the existing backups should remain untouched. It's not 'just another network drive'. It's mounted specially by the OS.

Sure, if you mount the drive like a normal network drive then the protections might be lost (but maybe not; it's plausible that the protection takes the form of an xattr that prevents modification, so mounting it using any mechanism that respects xattrs might preserve the same protection. I'm not at home right now or I'd check up on that). But you don't normally mount your Time Machine backup volume as a normal network volume, and the malware shouldn't be able to do it either (since it doesn't know the password).

I'm not familiar with the button in AirPort Utility that you mentioned. I assume you're talking about a Time Capsule? I don't have one of those, I use a Synology NAS as my Time Machine destination, so I'm not familiar with the button in question.

That said, presumably triggering that functionality requires having the base station password, and if you want to speculate about the software actually causing AirPort Utility to launch and manipulating its UI in order to try and literally press the button, that kind of functionality would require the user to grant Universal Access permission to the rogue software (the Accessibility permission in the Privacy tab of the Security & Privacy preference pane). In any case, if you're talking about theoretical attacks where the software figures out how to actively mount a network drive that isn't already mounted in order to wreck it, then you may as well speculate about it figuring out how to delete data from your Amazon S3 bucket (or whatever other cloud provider you use as an Arq destination). >if you're talking about theoretical attacks where the software figures out how to actively mount a network drive that isn't already mounted in order to wreck it, then you may as well speculate about it figuring out how to delete data from your Amazon S3 bucket Yeah, and that is precisely where I started my question. To quote (from the post you have replied to): [.] I see that the AWS S3 IAM user has both read and write access, so if the ransomware authors ever bother with it, they can kill the backups. To answer your question directly: Both Arq and Time Machine create differential backups. Thus, any particular backup can be restored back in time.

However, Arq targets non-file-based media (although you could trick it by a little SSH magic). Time Machine requires file-based access. If ransomeware finds your file-based backup, it will encrypt it and render your backup useless.

The term backup gets bandied about, so it can mean one or more of the following: high-availability, synchronization, and/or disaster recovery. You'll want to look into these and the concept of the 3-2-1 method. What part of that didn't you understand? Yes arq will protect you from ransomware.

Time Machine will not. Both backup differences only. So with arq you just pick a backup before everything was encrypted. With Time Machine the problem is your hard drive is on the same machine that's been infected so that hard drive will be encrypted as well. Arq doesn't have that problem since the data is in the cloud. The ransomeware doesn't have write access to that data, at most it has indirect append access since arq will start backing up the encrypted files.

Which is why you'll be able to just pick a version of the backup before anything was encrypted. --- that is until there is ransomware that checks for arq and tells it to delete all your cloud data:(. I would just like to point out that this is major release 5 and they're just now adding threading and consumption of filesystem events. That's _great_ from the standpoint of launching a product.

Putting off adding this complexity probably let them get to market sooner. If I were releasing something like Arq, I would have to fight myself very, very hard to not add these to the 0.1 release.

I don't know this space very well, but maybe there are several Arq-alikes who started earlier, but didn't release until later because it wasn't 'done' yet, and they missed their chance. But ARQ has always been fast, and figured out what it needed to backup pretty much instantly, and just did it's job and got out of the way - unlike things like spotlight/mdworker, or crashplan/backblaze, that are constantly thrashing my CPU and causing my fans to spin up. From my uneducated perspective, having simple software that just worked was a bonus - who knows, maybe with the addition of threading, and consumption of filesystem events, ARQ is going to become crummy, and a door will be opened for someone else to write simple backup software without those features that gets the job done and doesn't bog up your computer.

I guess we'll have to try Arq 5 for a few weeks to find out. Fingers Crossed. I've been using Arq for years and absolutely love it. Worth every penny. It is extremely well-built software — it's FAST, doesn't hog resources, and feels very polished & reliable. I like that I can backup to multiple destinations (AWS S3/Glacier, Dropbox, Google Drive, even my own server via SFTP). IMO you can never have too many backups.

I use it along with Backblaze (and will be setting up Time Machine & Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner this week, after putting it off forever). Congrats to the Haystack team!

A few notes on why I'd stick with CloudFlare personally: In my experience the NS transfer takes 20 minutes tops. Part of the idea with CloudFlare being nameserver on down is that DNS is a great thing to hit if you're performing a DDoS attack.

Also, CloudFlare does offer the offline mode feature, it's called 'Always Online'. It's also free for more than 1 page, unlike the Kloudsec one. It also seems weird to me that they bill for their 'webshield' on a per-attack basis. Someone firing an automated scanner against you could be costing you money big time. These guys also don't have the same reputation as CF for being bulletproof (though I haven't heard bad things about them yet either) and they have some limits on their free plan which CF does not have. Interesting though - always glad to see some competition brewing. I know where I'm taking my business if CF steers me wrong somehow.

This looks a lot cheaper than other alternatives. Windows, OSX, Linux, or.? On Windows, my favorite by far is ShadowProtect. It's actually a sector-by-sector backup that pretends to be a file-by-file backup when you restore a file.

What's great about this is when you modify a huge file, it only backs up the actual sectors you changed. (Most Windows backup programs detect changes on a file-by-file basis.) I have it set to run a full incremental backup every 15 minutes; the backup typically takes 15-30 seconds and is unnoticeable when it happens. Even though it's a sector backup, you can still restore specific files or do a complete system recovery, either to the same/compatible device or with a Hardware Independent Restore to different hardware. I've done each of these many times. On OSX, I'm using Time Machine, but I wish there were something as good as ShadowProtect. It is a bummer when I touch a few sectors in a huge file like a VM disk image, and the best Time Machine can do is back up the entire file again. Do you really need to protect the entire system?

Or have you not captured the setup of your system in a provisioning tool like ansible or chef or the like? And then protect only the necessary files to restore the configuration and user data of the system. Protecting the entire system should be something that is done near line so if you have a catastrophic loss your time to recovery is less than that if everything was stored somewhere in the cloud. Or Just not do it at all and rely on a tool manage the configuration of your system. Data files and configuration are really the best thing to protect with a tool like this.

If you have a total loss your playbook should include something like replacing the failed hardware, Installing and patching the OS, replaying configuration of the system using ansible or chef, restoring data files. To me this is the fundamental gap that cloud backup solutions need to fill to really capture the consumer market well. The SMB market already has this as you goto IT and get your system reloaded and then restore your user data, its pretty much the standard for larger corps. What compression was used before Arq 5?

Lz4 is super fast, but not particularly space-efficient compared to some slower compression algorithms. Since Arq customers are the ones paying the storage bills, this doesn't seem like an entirely costless decision--Arq is now faster, but you should expect your storage bills to go up a bit due to the lower compression. I use Borg backup with lz4 compression, so I definitely don't think this is the wrong decision, just something to keep in mind (and, it does seem like something that could and maybe should be user-configurable). I'm also curious about the choice of LZ4.

It's fast, but its compression is pretty awful. For example, on simple, regular text (JSON) files I'm seeing about 45% worse compression than plain gzip (default compression level). I hope at least it's using the highest compression level, but I've found that 'lz4 -9' is about as slow as 'gzip -6', still with worse compression.

I'd be happier if the choice of compression was dependent on the size of files. The larger a file, the more you gain from compression. Does Arq skip compression for already-compressed files (.gz,. Introduction To Materials Science And Engineering Chung Pdf more. xz,.bz2 etc.)?

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