Ap Psychology Eighth Edition Myers


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Ap Psychology Eighth Edition Myers

No notes for slide• • • • • • • • • • • • OBJECTIVE 1 Describe hindsight bias and explain how it can make research findings seem like mere common sense. “Anything seems commonplace, once explained.” Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes.

Two phenomena – hindsight bias and judgmental overconfidence – illustrate why we cannot rely solely on intuition and common sense. • OBJECTIVE 2 Describe how overconfidence contaminates our everyday judgments. • • OBJECTIVE 3 Explain how the scientific attitude encourages critical thinking. • • OBJECTIVE 4 Describe how psychological theories guide scientific research. • If we were to observe that depressed people talk about their past, present, and future in a gloomy manner, we may theorize that low-self-esteem contributes to depression. • • • • OBJECTIVE 5 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of case studies in studying behavior and mental processes.

• • OBJECTIVE 6 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of surveys in studying behavior and mental processes, and explain the importance of wording effects and random sampling. • • • • OBJECTIVE 7 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of naturalistic observation in studying behavior and mental processes.

• • OBJECTIVE 8 Describe positive and negative correlations and explain how correlational measures can aid the process of prediction. • • • • • OBJECTIVE 9 Explain why correlational research fails to provide evidence of cause-effect relationships. Gta Vice City Apk Full Download here. • OBJECTIVE 10 Describe how people form illusory correlations. • • OBJECTIVE 11 Explain the human tendency to perceive order in random events. • OBJECTIVE 12 Explain how experiments help researchers isolate cause and effect.

Hp Compaq Nx9005 Drivers Free Download. • • OBJECTIVE 14 Explain the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable. • • OBJECTIVE 13 Explain why random assignment and double-blind procedure build confidence in research findings. • Sometime research participants out of enthusiasm or personal beliefs can affect the out come of an experiment.

To control for such affects, a double-blind procedure is used, in which the participants and the experimenter’s assistants are not aware of which participants got real treatment and who got placebo. • • • OBJECTIVE 15 Explain the importance of statistical principles, and give an example of their use in daily life.

• OBJECTIVE 16 Explain how graphs can misrepresent data. • OBJECTIVE 17 Describe three measures of central tendency and tell which is most affected by extreme scores. • • OBJECTIVE 18 Explain two measures of variation. • • • OBJECTIVE 19 Identify three principles for making generalizations from samples.

• OBJECTIVE 20 Explain how psychologists decide whether differences are meaningful. • OBJECTIVE 21 Explain the value of simplified laboratory conditions in discovering general principles of behavior. • OBJECTIVE 22 Discuss whether psychological research can be generalized across cultures and genders.

• • OBJECTIVE 23 Explain why psychologists study animals, and discuss the ethics of experimentation with both animals and humans. • • • OBJECTIVE 24 Describe how personal values can influence psychologists’ research and its application, and discuss psychology’s potential to manipulate people.

Chapter 1 - AP Psychology • 1.

Prologue • 1.

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