Arcgis Cross Section Tool


Creating and Managing Digital Geologic Cross Sections within ArcGIS By Evan Thoms U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508 Telephone: (907) 786-7409; Fax: (907) 786-7401; e-mail: INTRODUCTION While geologic maps are now almost always created within a geographic information system (GIS), geologic cross sections still are commonly portrayed and archived as simple un-attributed graphics in either paper form or digital files. Yet, there are several advantages to creating cross sections within the same GIS as the map. Features can be richly attributed and symbolized with the same symbology as in the map, the scale of the cross section can be more closely controlled than in a graphics program, and, once created, it is possible to project the cross section back into the coordinate system of the map with elevation values so that it could be used for 3D analysis or viewing. Furthermore, with the introduction of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) geodatabase format, it is possible to store the map and the cross section within the same data container, which simplifies distribution and archiving. In this paper, I describe a Visual Basic extension to ESRI’s ArcGIS program that takes relevant information from a geologic map—the digital elevation model (DEM), geologic polygon layer, structural point measurements, and borehole information (Figure 1)—and builds a template from which the user can begin to digitize a geologic cross section.

Arcgis Cross Section Tool

A surface profile is interpolated from the DEM, apparent dip is calculated for structural measurements, boreholes are shown as stick columns, and the amount of vertical exaggeration can be controlled. The output data are stored within either ESRI shapefiles or ESRI geodatabase feature classes, depending on the format of the input layers. Cross section line in map view, above a geology polygon layer with boreholes.

THE CONCEPT A key concept employed within this extension is that of “linear referencing”, a concept likely to be unfamiliar to most GIS users who have a geology backgrounde, as it was primarily designed to manage transportation systems. There are two intrinsic components to linear referencing. The first is a “route”, that is, a line feature that has been “measured” so that every vertex stores not only the X and Y attributes of its position but also a value, M, related to its distance from the starting point of the line. The second component is a table of point or line “events” that occur along that route. In a transportation-based GIS, a table of point events might represent the locations of bus stops along a bus route, and a table of line events might represent sections of a road network that are under construction.

When the table of events is referenced to the route, a new feature class is created without requiring the user to know or calculate the XY coordinates of the new features. Linear referencing is used in the cross section extension, in three ways. First, the line of cross section on the map is assigned elevation values based on the underlying DEM and then converted into a route so that every vertex stores an X, Y, Z, and M attribute (Figure 2).

Arcgis Cross Section Tool

Next, the extension builds a new line by setting the X value equal to the M and setting the Y value equal to the Z at every vertex (Figure 3). This step “flips” the cross section line on to its side so that it is represented in the vertical plane. The resulting surface profile is drawn so that the X coordinate at the starting point equals 0 and the X coordinate at the ending point equals the length of the line in the units of the map view. It is also a route retaining the M values from the previous step against which events can be referenced.

Why to use Orientation Analysis and Cross section tools. (CSTools) in ArcGIS? Orientation Analysis Tools described here offer practical method of processing tectonic data in relation to their location and attributes. Use them in combination with GIS tools to work and understand your set of tectonic data. In ArcGIS, Selection.

The cross section line after Z values have been interpolated from the DEM and after its conversion to a route. Note the first, or starting, vertex has been selected. The new surface profile route (with 10 times vertical exaggeration) made by setting X equal to M, Y equal to Z (x10), and keeping the M value from the step before.

In this second step, linear referencing is used to build tables of line and point events that occur along the cross section route in map view. Line events represent the locations of the intersection between the line of cross section and the boundaries of polygons in an underlying polygon layer, which the geologist interprets as geologic contacts. Point events represent the nearest projected locations of points, either locations of structural measurements or boreholes, along the cross section route within a specified buffer distance. The resulting line events table carries all of the fields from the original polygon layer with the addition of three: a route key field, a from-M field, and a to-M field (Figure 4). The route key field carries a value equal to the user-chosen name of the cross section route so that the linear referencing engine can place the events along the correct route.

The from-M and to-M fields carry values that specify the beginning and ending distances along the route of each event. Once the table has been generated from the map view, it is referenced to the surface profile route (Figure 3) in the cross section. The resulting feature class consists of a collection of contiguous lines, each of which represents the intersection of a geologic unit with the topographic surface (Figure 5). Lines can be symbolized by attribute, or with a short perpendicular tick at the end (or beginning) of each line to mark the unit contacts. Point events tables, similarly, retain all of the fields from the original layers as well as an additional route key and M field.

Structural measurements are also run through a routine that converts the true dip into an apparent dip. The resulting feature class of lines representing the contacts between the geologic unit polygons. The final use of linear referencing is to build and attribute borehole “stick” columns in the cross section view. This process begins with building a line for every borehole, based on the elevation of the borehole collar and the final depth of the hole. Each line representing a borehole is then measured and turned into a route where some unique value, either a numerical id or text name field, is stored as the route key.

At this point, a non-spatial table of borehole intervals or layers is required. This type of table is often already part of a borehole database; existing in a one-to-many relationship with another table or feature dataset of borehole locations.

The intervals table is used in the same way that the extension-generated events tables (Figure 4) are used. It must contain a route key field of unique values (usually a borehole id or name field) and two fields that describe the top and bottom depth of each interval. Once the intervals events table is referenced against the borehole routes, each borehole column consists of a collection of contiguous lines representing the intervals. The intervals can be symbolized and labeled according to any attribute in the table, to aid in interpretation of the subsurface geology. USING THE EXTENSION The Geologic Cross Section Tool extension is available from me (see email address in title) as a dynamic link library (DLL) file.

It has been compiled for ArcGIS 9. Once the DLL has been registered with the host computer, the tool can be added to any ArcMap toolbar through the Customize interface. It appears as a button with a simple “faulted strata” icon.

To use the tool, first add appropriate layers to an ArcMap data frame. These are: a polygon layer of geology units, a line layer containing one or more lines of cross section, a digital elevation model or similar raster with elevation values, an optional layer showing structural measurement points, an optional layer showing borehole locations, and a related table of borehole intervals. The following are some requirements for the formats of the layers: • Before being added to the map, all layers should be projected to the same coordinate system. • All X, Y, and Z values among all layers must be in the same units. In particular, check that all elevation and depth values in the boreholes layer and the borehole intervals table agree with the DEM. • The cross section lines attribute table must have a name field with which to uniquely name each cross section. Avoid using a single quote character in the name, that is, don’t use AA’ or BB’.

• The structural measurements attribute table must have strike, or equivalent, and dip, or equivalent, fields. Convert any quadrant strike values (e.g., N30E) into azimuth values between 0 and 360. • The borehole locations attribute table must have a field that carries the name of each borehole and a field that carries the total depth of the hole. It is best if there is also a field carrying the elevation of the top of the hole, but the user has the option of letting the extension calculate an elevation value from the DEM. • The table of borehole intervals must have a field that carries the name or id of the borehole that each interval is associated with (values must exactly match the name or id values in the borehole locations attribute table), a field that carries the depths to the top of each interval, and a similar field of depths to the bottom of each interval. • It may be necessary to make partial copies of the borehole locations layer and the related borehole intervals table that only include the boreholes lying very near, if not completely within, the desired buffered width of the cross section line. The extension tends to commit fatal errors when trying to process large tables.

Once the map and tables are ready, the user selects a line of cross section (the selection does not have to occur within an editing session) and clicks on the tool button. A two-page form is displayed, on which the user selects the appropriate values from a series of picklists or enters information (Figure 6).

The user must supply a text string, which will be used as the prefix to the feature class names that will be created. Lastly, the user can choose to have the new feature classes added to a new data frame in the map document. The new feature classes are created in the same format and placed in the same workspace (a geodatabase for geodatabase feature classes or a directory for shapefile feature classes) as the layers on which they are based. Pages 1 and 2 of the Geologic Cross Section Tool form. Here are suggestions for managing and editing the cross section layers in the cross section view: • Feature classes generated by the extension are assigned an “unknown” coordinate system, thus, the user cannot explicitly set a scale until the ‘Map units’ are set through the data frame properties dialog.

Set these to be the same as in the map view (usually feet or meters). • Before creating geology polygons, create a feature class by importing the attribute table schema from the geology polygons feature class being used in the map view, and import the symbology. • Establish topology between the contacts and geology polygons layers (with either a map topology or a geodatabase topology relationship class) and use the relationship to build the polygons from the contacts. • For viewing in layout view, create a custom data frame grid with an origin of 0,0 and with intervals appropriate to the length and vertical exaggeration of the cross section. Unfortunately, you must always divide the Y value by the factor of vertical exaggeration to obtain the correct elevation. I know of no way to force ArcMap to make that calculation for grid labels.

• Ultimately, you will probably want to store the cross section layers in the same geodatabase as the map layers. In that case, store them in a feature dataset with an unknown coordinate system. Nearly final version of interpreted geologic cross section showing subsurface geology and boreholes (10x VE). Borehole intervals have been symbolized by classes defined by groups of unified soil classification system codes. CONCLUSION I wrote this extension with two primary goals in mind. First, I wanted to be able to build geologic cross sections in ArcGIS using borehole data without having to purchase an expensive plug-in or a separate software package. In this respect, I have mostly succeeded (Figure 7).

The greatest inflexibility is that data in the output layers are not dynamically linked to the input layers or selections, that is, many output files are often generated before an acceptable set is decided upon. As a result, the user must exercise good file management. But the primary advantages are that the symbology of the layers in the map view can be used for the cross section layers and, at least if the geodatabase format is being used, the cross section layers can accompany the map view layers in the same data container. My second goal was to devise a method for taking interpreted cross section data from the cross section view and converting them into 3D features that would be viewable in a 3D viewing program, such as ArcScene or Earthvision. The extension does not yet do this, but I describe the presumed method here in the event that another developer will wish to implement it. Again, linear referencing will be the key.

The process would be to take the X coordinate of every vertex or point in the cross section view and treat that value as an M value which can be referenced to the cross section route in the map view. The X and Y at that measure of M could then be used to create a new vertex or point where the Z value is equal to the Y coordinate from the cross section view.

At that point, the process will have come full circle and the new features will have been elevated from simple graphics to attributed spatial features that can be viewed and analyzed alongside other subsurface data. RETURN TO URL: /of/2005/1428/thoms/index.html Page Contact Information: Page Last Modified: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 22:05:24 EST.

• NIM005208 - Spelling error in mime type for header from GIS Client requests to a MapService. • NIM034506 - Unable to see all layers listed in Disable Layers list if map document contains a large number of layers. • NIM043616 - Viewshed: When specifying an outer radius to limit the area of the calculation, the visibility result is incorrect. • NIM045325 - Viewshed: Geographic raster and vector data as an input to Viewshed results in a raster where every cell is visible when a Z factor is applied. • NIM045329 - Using the Viewshed tool with vector and raster data in a Geographic coordinate system without a Z factor produces almost the same output as the data in a projected coordinate system, when it should be different. • NIM057475 - Calculate Geometry for Text field gives incorrect results along Latitude 4 Degree South.

• NIM058271 - Reshape Edge Task overwrites Z-values of vertices for polygons with a large number of vertices. • NIM059752 - Unable to identify features from WMS served from the 'MapServer' product. • NIM060998 - 'Join data from another layer based on spatial location' works with feature classes in a Geometric Network, but the Spatial Join geoprocessing tool cannot use these same feature classes to perform a Spatial Join.

• NIM062517 - Print preview and print fail to honor excluded layers in data driven pages. • NIM063426 - Incorrect label given to new toolbox stored in the geodatabase. • NIM064296 - Browsing to a folder with many sub folders is slower in ArcGIS 10 than it is in ArcGIS 9.3.1.

• NIM064736 - Editing polygons with picture fill symbology applied and zoomed into a large scale will cause ArcMap to freeze. • NIM065009 - Labels do not display when 'Clip to current data driven page extent' is used and the labeled layer is within a excluded group layer. • NIM067060 - In ArcGIS Version 10, IClone is not cloning IGeometry types as expected if it has Z values. • NIM067321 - The performance of ArcGIS Server Version 10.0 map service, containing NetCDF raster layer, degrades after installing 10.0 Service Pack 1. • NIM067530 - The visible area on a viewshed output decreases when the viewshed parameter RADIUS2 decreases. • NIM067820 - When copying features from an ArcSDE geodatabase to a file geodatabase using Copy/Paste in ArcCatalog TOC, the representations are not maintained. • NIM068881 - ArcMap stops working when using the Spatial Join tool in a Windows 7 environment.

• NIM068990 - The Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification tool does not process correctly on certain TIFF images when the output is TIFF. • NIM070076 - Thin tool: The behavior for the Background Value options (ZERO and NODATA) are inverted from the expectation.

• NIM070251 - Spatial Analyst Area Solar radiation tools and mask Environment creates incorrect output. • NIM070253 - Block Statistics crashes ArcMap when run on a large (grid) raster with a large neighborhood. • NIM070670 - The Slope tool hangs when writing a large raster dataset to ArcSDE. • NIM070749 - Viewshed result does not show 'not visible' pixels when the output format is.tif or.img.

• NIM071209 - The IRowEvents::OnChanged of a newly-created custom Feature is fired before the IRowEvents::OnNew. • NIM071688 - 1-bit tiffs appear grainy and washed out in mosaic datasets. • NIM071708 - Math tools in spatial analyst tools are not maintaining the Nodata value in the output if the Input layer is the NetCDF Raster layer.

• NIM072336 - Multipart To Singlepart tool crashes with certain feature classes. • NIM072404 - NumPyArrayToRaster produces unexpected results when passed a view of a NumPy array. • NIM072480 - Some elements in the metadata editor are missing help strings. • NIM072543 - GP progress dialog window continues to utilize CPU if left open after tool succeeds if the tool was written in C#. • NIM072572 - The Weighted Overlay tool loses values for% Influence in ModelBuilder when language and regional settings are set to Portuguese (Brazil). • NIM073258 - When saving edits and rebuilding a large ArcSDE network dataset, the 'Matching Connectivity' phase takes a long time to complete (minutes) as compared to the other phases of the build (seconds). • NIM073300 - Cannot add a rule to a composite relationship class with one-to-many cardinality in Version 10 SP2.

• NIM073717 - The Viewshed tool on a multipoint feature crashes ArcMap. • NIM074114 - Runtime properties do not get applied to Composite locators published to ArcGIS Server.

• NIM074169 - 'Rotate marker symbols with data frame' box in ArcMap Advanced Settings does not work in 10.0 SP3. The marker symbols always rotate even when not selected. • NIM074175 - The unit picker for the Absolute X, Y command loses the default option if a different unit is selected and used.

• NIM074305 - Starting at 10.0 SP3, the Sort tool on Server fails with 'ERROR 000824: The tool is not licensed.' If specify multiple sort fields.

• NIM074315 - When using a 10.1 client to save a copy of MXD file with a parcel fabric to a 10.0 version, it causes ArcMap 10.0 to crash. • NIM074485 - After successfully synchronizing newly created features, these records are not subsequently deleted from the child feature class when deleted in the parent and synchronized in a 1-way replica with archiving enabled. • NIM074916 - A security vulnerability issue exists with TeeChart ActiveX (version 8) used in ArcGIS 10.0. • NIM075375 A Least Squares Adjustment does not recognize active control points with the same Name, Error: There are not enough active control points to continue. It should add or activate at least two control points. • NIM075497 - Error fixed by rebuilding the connectivity at the junction feature is not reflected after reconcile and post. • NIM075538 - Some valid pixels in 4-band tif images are displayed as NoData.

• NIM075624 - Tools that convert geodatabase feature class with domains to a shapefile have poor performance. • NIM075759 - SDE connection information is not preserved in an MXD if a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path is used. • NIM076031 - The selection chip does not select the feature specified in the list of selectable features drop-down. • NIM076153 - The Select by Location tool used on multiple layers will be run on the full extent of a feature class if the selected set is stored in the ArcSDE logfile tables. • NIM076186 - The Join Field geoprocessing tool called from Toolbox or Python results in null values for some records.

• NIM076188 - ArcGIS SDK Java 10.0 Service Pack 3 deadlocks using RPC. • NIM076197 - ArcCatalog crashes when attempting to open Set Data Sources dialog on a 10.1 map. • NIM076245 - ArcReader Ink toolbar: Markup Pen palette and Eraser tool palette.

When you hover over a control in these tool palette, the tooltip appears very briefly then it disappears along with the tool palette. This makes it really hard or impossible to select tools from these palettes. • NIM076441 - Manually changing the size and position properties of two or more selected graphic elements in layout view makes no change. • NIM076495 - 'Layer to KML' and 'Map to KML' GP tool crashes ArcCatalog if the line feature class has representations. • NIM076505 - Reconcile of a version by attribute and in favor of target version may fail with the error, the geometry corresponding to an edge element may not be zero length. • NIM076711 - AccessViolationException occurs in a workflow where dynamic display is being used and the underlying MXD is being switched with different map documents.

• NIM076741 - Curved line segments stored in an SDE database are irregular when compared to same features created in a file geodatabase. • NIM076807 - Memory is not released after using GC.Collect() and axMapControl.Dispose() methods when dynamic display is on. • NIM076994 - When an item's metadata is exported to a standard format, all bounding boxes typed into the editor will be exported even if they use projected coordinates. Preference should be given to the geographic extent added by synchronization, and only consider exporting other extents if it is appropriate to do so.

• NIM077025 Zonal Histogram fails to execute to output INFO or dbf table when a graph name is specified. • NIM077135 - The Validate Topology in Current Extent tool crashes ArcMap.

• NIM077155 - A memory leak exists that causes a database lock to not release. • NIM077195 - Implement top location check in the gettoken page. • NIM077224 - Cannot view or export reference system information for a data source listed in the item's lineage.

• NIM077274 - Scale/Rotation is not being written for unclosed parcel; it always says 0,1 regardless of rotation/scaling. • NIM077288 - Running Standardize Addresses via Python causes memory leak. • NIM077295 - Table to Ellipse tool, if the input Major and Minor fields are Short Integer types, the output is empty geometry. • NIM077306 - A service layer with a password programmatically set in clear text will fail to draw when it participates in a basemap layer. • NIM077518 - Annotations with CJK character orientation enabled are not drawn correctly in basemap layers or MSD based services.

• NIM077604 - Calculating solar radiation for points, whole year 'MULTIDAY 1 360 2012', output for each interval, often crashes ArcMap. • NIM077752 - Reconcile fails if you use the split tool at different locations on the same complex edge in multiple versions. • NIM077753 - With a particular workflow, an edge may be deleted on reconcile when the In Favor of Edit option is selected. • NIM077815 - Snap Raster Environment Setting is not honored with the Natural Neighbor interpolation tool. • NIM077825 - When using parcel editor's manual edit mode, circular arcs may be corrupted on workflows that use parallel offset prior to a parcel merge. • NIM077829 - Querying a joined dataset using a joined field creates the wrong selectionset. • NIM077846 - Reconcile Error 'Null Z Value' occurring on a dataset due to an invalid/missing centerpoint.

• NIM077888 - When creating feature-linked annotation from selected features inside scale reference, annotation elements are 'squashed.' • NIM077928 - The OnMessageAdded method of the IGeoProcessorEvents is never called.

• NIM077935 - Scales are set to zero when saving to XML on a geographic parcel fabric. • NIM078014 - The fillet dialog that opens when creating a new feature is occasionally crashing ArcMap. • NIM078057 - The IDW tool is incorrectly throwing an error when the input points have a shape.z field and a barrier polyline is used. • NIM078093 - The 'Boundary Must Be Covered By Boundary Of (Area-Area)' rule returns an error when run in Python script. • NIM078095 - With the Polyline (M-enabled) Plugin Data Resource loaded in ArcMap, clicking the Identify Route Locations tool causes ArcMap to crash. • NIM078295 - ArcGIS Desktop crashes when deleting domains using the Delete key from the keyboard.

• NIM078315 - ID values for ID-enabled geometry are reset to 0 when a vertex is moved during editing. • NIM078367 - Changing Store Relative Path Names doesn't change the paths for 10.0 locators.

• NIM078571 - Code exported from the Python window includes a NUL character at the end of (or.txt) file. Code cannot be run as is. • NIM078811 - With ArcReader 10.0, pmf files will open the application, but not the map. • NIM078941 - When the Advanced Check Box is checked on the Label Expression dialog box, Function (null) is returned. • NIM078953 - When repairing broken data sources that use joined fields for symbology, the symbology reverts back to single symbol after it is repaired. • NIM078975 - IQueryName2::Open fails with a ComException at ArcGIS Desktop 10 SP3 and 10 SP4.

• NIM079027 One-way archiving: delete of added feature does not sync for disconnected case. • NIM079040 - Create Composite Address Locator tool does not map fields correctly when using the tool from Python or.Net.

• NIM079064 - With Geoprocessing, performing a Spatial Join in a model crashes ArcMap and creates an empty output. • NIM079090 - K Function permutations to create Confidence Envelopes are not using Simulated points.

• NIM079126 - The Spatial Join tool produces NULL results for some fields/some features on ArcGIS 10 SP4. • NIM079326 - Users may experience slow performance when using unclosed parcels to split closed parcels. • NIM079398 - ITerrainEdit.AddPyramidLevel: fails to add record to InsideTiles private FC. • NIM079457 - A map document that opens in 9.3.1 crashes when opening in 10 due to a Character Marker Symbol. • NIM079458 - The Mean Center tool in the Spatial Statistics toolbox does not execute successfully in a Chinese environment; Z value issue. • NIM079479 - Removing the curve on a parcel does not remove the curve in the database.

• NIM079508 - When displaying a raster layer with Bilinear and Nearest Neighborhood resampling methods, the identify tool returns different values at some locations. • NIM079511 - The FeatureToRaster tool is crashing when the input feature class does not have an extent. • NIM079522 - An invalid PDF is produced when the layers and attributes option is set to none.

The clip operator Q is imbalanced, causing PDF graphics streams to be un extractable. • NIM079524 - Route solver cannot find path in one case with hierarchy ON and oneway restriction OFF.

• NIM079614 - WeightedSum tool does not filter out featureclass layer from input raster parameter. • NIM079651 - A Geostatistical layer, created with a dataset that includes coincident points, incorrectly forces recalculation when.mxd is opened or.lyr is added to ArcMap. • NIM079652 - Examine bivariate distribution y-axis label is incorrect.

• NIM079744 - Reconcile fails with 'Invalid geometry' error due to coincident orphan and user-defined junctions when there is a network inconsistency with one of the connected edges. • NIM079751 - Unable to synchronize data changes on a one-way (parent-child) replica. Errors returned are: table name is invalid, and field not editable.

• NIM079810 - TopoSink class in arcpy sa is not working. • NIM079821 - When you export an item's metadata to either the FGDC CSDGM or the ISO 19139 XML format, there are problems handling some dates and times.

• NIM079822 - If a Content Type classification is provided in the metadata, but a Distributor Contact wasn't provided, the Content Type isn't exported to the FGDC Distribution Information section. • ArcGIS NIM079823 - When importing ISO 19139-format metadata XML files to ArcGIS, a couple metadata elements are not imported correctly. • NIM079827 - Old content type values are still sometimes displayed as keywords that do not make sense, e.g. '002' • NIM079828 - The display of ISO 19139 XML files, gco:nilReason='missing' is not displayed when it is associated with an element that would normally contain a codelist value. • NIM079829 - When viewing an ISO 19139-format XML file, the GML description reference property will not be displayed if it is present. Acronis True Image 2015 Download Full Version Crack. • NIM079830 - With Metadata, some scope codes do not display successfully.

• NIM079831 - If an ISO 19139 XML file contains the ArcGIS/Geoportal Content Type as a keyword, this information is not identified as a Content Type and imported properly. It is only imported as a keyword. • NIM079832 - The ArcGIS itemName metadata element may contain user and schema/database name for items stored in an RDBMS. Remove local storage info.xslt should remove these, if they exist, to avoid possible security problems when data is published. • NIM079833 - Update ArcGIS to ISO 19139 exporter to better handle some content for the INSPIRE style. • NIM079834 - Export metadata to the ISO 19139 XML format, for numeric elements, only export these elements if the required values are greater than zero.

• NIM079837 - Raster Calculator does not take mosaic dataset layer as input. • NIM079858 - TableToTable, FeatureClassToFeatureClass; concatenating field values using the fieldmappings does not honor the order of the fields set in the parameter. • NIM079861 - Python window drop downs only work with map layers, not with full paths. • NIM079862 - Python window drop-down list is too narrow. • NIM079879 - Error when creating a new fabric with a name that already exists in another FDS. • NIM079886 - Spatial Analyst tools fail if input file has a space in the path. • NIM079904 - Allow users to change default Home folder location.

• NIM079909 - When providing a contact's address in an item's metadata, if you set the country to 'Empty' in the drop-down list, the string 'Empty' is saved as the country. • NIM079913 - When describing fields in an item's metadata, values typed into the Value Measurement Frequency and Value Explanation elements are not save. • NIM079914 - RastertoNumpy does not upcast the array dtype based on the appropriate value specified by the ValueToNodata parameter. • NIM079915 - When adding temporal or vertical extent information to an item's metadata, an empty bounding box container element is always included if one doesn't already exist. This can cause problems when synchronizing and exporting metadata. • NIM079923 - While editing metadata, if you remove existing Thesaurus information that is associated with a set of Keywords, clicking the Thesaurus' red X deletes all the Keywords as well as the Thesaurus. • NIM079924 - Reject fractions greater than.9 appear to be applying a >than rather than a >= to the specified reject fraction (or confidence value).

• NIM079931 - After upgrading 9.3.1 FGDC metadata using 10.0 SP4, the upgraded use constraints aren't available on the Item Description page under the Use Limitations heading. They are only available on the Resource >Constraints page under the General Constraints heading. • NIM079950 - MultipartToSinglepart crashes with certain curve geometries. • NIM079961 - The size of the script of an attribute script should not be limited. • NIM079972 - Currently Node reduction rules do not compute a new distance ratio for the NOLs associated to superspan links when the option 'Keep vertices' is unchecked. • NIM079990 - Tools with field mapping (FeatureClassToFeatureClass, Merge, etc) that use layer with field renamed in FieldInfo have strange field mapping behavior and null values in output fields. • NIM079992 - Using referenced data, Parcel Remainder throws a Construction Method Error in 10.0 and causes unexpected results in 10.1.

• NIM079993 - Performing Remainder causes the parent parcel to regenerate, loosing it's shape on the curve. • NIM079994 - When joining to control points an association is made but does not get pushed properly to the database. • NIM079999 - Property putref_ReferenceLink of interface ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLink does not always work properly.

• NIM080026 - Definition Query fails with large Long integers in 10.0 SP4. • NIM080049 - Maplex is crashing during map caching operations in some cases when very small polygons are encountered. • NIM080050 - Only simple Fill symbols are working with halos on text symbols.

• NIM080051 - Text symbols drawing with a fill symbol other than simple fill symbol bleed into areas outside the geometry. • NIM080244 - When edits are made to a table participating in a relationship, where the new edit values are not in the related table, the edits cannot be synchronized to a one way child replica in a file geodatabase due to error 'Invalid SQL statement used'. There is no error reported when replicating to an SDE geodatabase. • NIM080354 - Synchronization error 'The workspace is not connected' when syncing a replica as the SDE user.

• NIM080468 - There is a COM exception while using ITable.DeleteSearchedRows() method to delete rows from a non-registered geodatabase table by granted users in Version 9.3.1 SP2, 10.0 no SP, SP3, SP4, and 10.1. • NIM080521 - Templates are not showing up correctly when switching versions or Database Users on a map document. • NIM080641 - Documentation updates for ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5.

ArcGIS Engine. • NIM071529 - Equivalency issue with PageLayoutBean with ArcGIS Engine Runtime Service Pack 2. • NIM072566 - The layers underneath the basemap layer do not return in the table of contents hit test, instead it returns a null value. • NIM078826 - Menu, on toolbar bean, becomes unresponsive after several clicks.

• NIM079290 - There was instability when an ArcGIS Engine application written in Java got migrated from 9.3.1 to 10.0 on Linux. The customer's app runs normally for a few minutes but then crashes.

ArcGIS License Manager. • NIM047107 - Cannot retrieve GPJobMessage when adding ArcGIS Server SOAP Web Services WSDL as a 'Service Reference' in VS 2008. • NIM054549 - Add identify tolerance configuration for ArcGIS server WMS services. • NIM055586 Allow ArcGIS Desktop to switch the culture property for Bing Maps content. • NIM065363 - Map images generated in the ArcGISOutput directory will exceed the pixels value set in the or elements in the config file of MSD based map services.

• NIM076829 - ArcGIS Server can be vulnerable to Blind SQL injection attacks. • NIM076945 - For msd based map services, 'QueryRelatedRecords' operation in REST performs very slow after adding definition query in ArcMap layers participating in a relationship class. • NIM078915 - ArcGIS Server 10 SP4 for Java ships with JRE build 1.6.0_16-b01. Customer security policies state that JRE build 1.6.0_31 is required. • NIM079996 - Find does not return results when search text contains an apostrophe ('). • NIM080047 - When virtualOutputFolder is secured at 10.1 ArcGIS Server, mapServiceLayers are not displayed in 10.0 client. Java: • NIM065449 - Validate data input to Feature service editing..Net: • NIM073555 - In a REST enabled custom SOE (Server Object Extension), the input parameters to the REST operation are preformatted or altered.

Examples of impact include zip codes with leading zeros and asset IDs including leading zeros. • NIM075661 - The 'Content-Type' header shows incorrect MIME type for a.KMZ file while capturing HTTP Response Headers from the ArcGIS Services Directory. • NIM077184 - Cookies used in ArcGIS Server should include the HttpOnly attributes. • NIM077057 - ArcGIS Server.NET REST admin/login/SDK pages should disallow open redirects. • NIM077193 - Implement a top location check in the REST admin/login pages. • NIM077272 - The MaxAllowableOffset parameter is not culture invariant.

• NIM078956 - There is a memory leak when accessing a geoprocessing service through the REST endpoint that returns a large JSON string. • NIM080012 - Validate input values before writing to Services Directory.

• NIM080043 - Input value in scientific notation is not accepted. Same request works in 10.0. • NIM080044 - Enable View in link when a service is secured with token based security. • NIM080045 - REST login fails when the login URL is https and it has a redirect URL which is http.

• NIM080046 - HTTP POST does not work when accessing result (f=image) from a geoprocessing service that has an associated MapService..Net Manager. None Issues addressed with Service Pack 4 ArcGIS Desktop • NIM003693 - Changes to layer names inside a group layer file does not get saved/persisted when ArcCatalog is closed. • NIM004428 - ArcMap crashes intermittently when editing while the GPS connection is open. • NIM008333 - In ArcReader, using the option to Reposition Lock Area will cause the application to freeze.

• NIM033250 - The GPS Toolbar does not recognize over 9 COM ports. • NIM046879 - Method call to IAnimationTool.DisplayConfigurationDlg crashes ArcMap.

• NIM048951 - Default output locator workspace in the Create Address Locator GP tool should be set in the workspace where users click New >Address Locator. • NIM052294 - Unable to render a raster based on a joined attribute when using the Classified Renderer. • NIM054287 - When listing parameters in the Python Window with a Japanese feature class name followed by an English feature class name, the English feature class name is added within the Japanese feature class name. • NIM054293 - When listing parameters in the Python Window with a Japanese feature class name, after adding the feature class name, the font of the Python Window changes. • NIM055668 - ISurface.GetLineOfSight: incorrect output geometry when using Curvature option.

• NIM057020 - The number of files attached to a Personal Geodatabase Feature Class does not get updated in ArcGIS 10 Prerelease. • NIM057560 - ArcGIS is not compliant with WCS 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 for the 'identifiers' in DescribeCoverage request. • NIM059165 - Running Rebuild Connectivity in ArcMap returns a 'General Function Failure' error. • NIM060049 - In ArcMap, IExportFileDialog::DocumentName property (esriOutputUI) is not behaving the way it did prior to 10.0. • NIM060135 - Projecting annotation from a geodatabase feature dataset causes the text to draw a huge distance away from the proper location in the output. • NIM061217 - After publishing a map service using an.MXD, the service does not start, but.MSD based map services work on machines using ATI Rage XL video cards.

• NIM061722 - ISpatialFilter::SpatialRel::esriSpatialRelIntersects gives incorrect results with the File geodadabase. • NIM062706 - Extract Multi Values to Points results in incorrect values. Output values have incorrect number of digits or are negative. • NIM062822 - Jump option does not work when the polygons are hyperlinked to a layer file. • NIM063020 - arcpy.mapping.ExportToEPS produces negative colors in output file. • NIM063482 - ArcMap crashes with runtime error when reconciling certain child versions with default.

• NIM063494 - Annotation is reset when vertex moved for edge feature but not when Junction is moved. • NIM063691 - Layer with marker fill symbol loses its background color when adding to basemap layer with symbol level turned on. • NIM063715 - Working on &auot;Solar Radiation' tool and enabling background processing in ArcMap or ArcCatalog throws an Error: 'background processing has encountered a serious error'. • NIM063729 - Change Rebuild Connectivity to use extent of Geometric Network to obtain seed point for connectivity tolerance.

• NIM064369 - Certain characters in Metadata descriptions such as &,, and line breaks within a body of plain text, result in a blank output when displayed. • NIM064410 - Annotations with CJK character orientation enabled are not drawn correctly in basemap layers or MSD based services. • NIM064438 - ISurfaceOp::Visibility method fails to remove temporary conversion grids in system temp folder and causes C++ console application to crash when the method is looped approximately 1000 times.

• NIM065361 - A new dirty area for topology is incorrectly created after topology validation when ITopologyClass.EventNotificationOnValidate = True for the associated featureclasses and Service Pack 1 is installed. • NIM065434 - When working with large dataset, the 'Generate Near Table' tool returns duplicate records differently depending on the parameters set. • NIM065713 - Skyline tool results are not correct for some models (feature not participating). • NIM065763 - Reject Fraction in the Maximum Likelihood Classification does not appear to be used when the classification is performed. • NIM066704 - ArcMap crashes when adding certain.hdf files.

• NIM067017 - Arcpy local function tools do not accept Mosaic dataset layer in the TOC as input. • NIM067426 - Reconcile error: 'The operation was attempted on an empty geometry', occurs when reconciling specific version by object in favor of the edit version. • NIM067430 - The IWorkspaceEdit.StartEditing method takes more time to complete with a version 10 File Geodatabase than with a version 9.3 File Geodatabase. • NIM067533 - Support UTM coordinates using the latitude band designator in ArcGIS GoTo XY tool, Identify, and other coordinate read-out locations. • NIM067708 - Long property names cause creating composite locator in ArcSDE database to fail.

• NIM067762 - The Clip tool gives an output image with pixels that are out of the polygon boundary. • NIM067950 - Running the Fuzzy Membership tool, with the membership type set as a variable parameter within a model, causes ERROR 999999.

• NIM067956 - Large multipatch feature classes cause performance issues in ArcGlobe and navigating through the globe document causes ArcGlobe to crash. • NIM068082 - Unable to define the Z and M domain extents of feature classes within a feature dataset in the Schema Generation Wizard.

• NIM068279 - Data Specific - ArcGlobe crashes when symbolizing the point featureclass with large amount of symbols. • NIM068438 - Mosaic datasets are not recognized in the Iso Cluster tool. • NIM068585 - Slow performance when using the Intersect3DLineWithMultipatch: tool. • NIM068647 - The Topo to Raster tool hangs when the default output extent is modified. • NIM068797 - ArcGIS Server map service previews display in ArcCatalog Version 10 slower than in the previous versions. • NIM068952 - Synchronizing a one-way replica is crashing ArcCatalog and ArcMap. • NIM069005 - Two geometric networks in replica: synchronization fails while checking in the edits from a file geodatabase.

• NIM069368 - When running the Spatial Analyst >Hydrology >Fill tool and specifying a Z limit, ArcGIS Version 10 SP2 fills less sinks than ArcGIS Version 9.3.1 SP2. • NIM070075 - While editing ArcSDE Version 9.3.1 data in ArcMap Version 10 SP2, choosing an item of a domain's pick-list returns the error 'The value type is incompatible with the field type. • NIM070139 - Geocoding a table with blank values in the address field generates the error message 'The index passed was not within the valid range' or 'There was an error trying to process this table.' • NIM070167 - DTED (digital terrain elevation data) data stored in a mosaic dataset is not copied into MPK (map package).

• NIM070230 - A marker symbol component of a polygon fill will bleed to the feature envelope when exported to PDF or EMF with the option 'Convert Marker Symbols to Polygons' set. • NIM070294 - Tiff images created with custom application displays correctly in 9.3.1 but not in 10. • NIM070355 - The Polygon to Raster tool, with the maximum_area selection, is creating nodata areas inside polygons, along the edges. • NIM070440 - The topology loader fails to load complex parcels; there is a line sequence error. • NIM070461 - Region Group produces incorrect output when output is non-Grid.

The data may have stripes or bands of incorrect values across the output raster. • NIM070859 - Enabling time on a query layer based on a database table crashes ArcMap when two time fields are specified. • NIM070882 - Layers get removed from the table of contents (TOC) when running a script tool that uses arcpy.mapping CURRENT. • NIM071273 - Parallel Offset fails on multiple parent parcels when there is a curved line. • NIM071299 - Add support to locators for skipping the last character of a word when geocoding.

• NIM071377 - Applying a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) grid 1:500,000 reference system to a data frame with non-WGS84 datum crashes the software. • NIM071413 - When a band from a multiband raster is used as a layer input, local functions and operators always treat it as the first band. • NIM071482 - When reconciling certain versions that are involved in a Parcel Fabric, the error returned is, 'Version could not be reconciled,' with no extended description. • NIM071653 - When ArcSDE input names are very long, Overlay tools like Identity or Intersect are failing. • NIM071720 - The parcel fabric drop-down list for sub-type returns a blank value in the parcel line-grid field. • NIM071723 - When selecting the option to use refractivity, the Skyline tool fails on certain data. • NIM071737 - Allow for map service cache to be recognized as a 3 band image for use as an overview in a mosaic dataset.

• NIM071742 - When saving class breaks for a geostatistical layer, the error message returned is 'Cannot create the file.' • NIM071755 - File >Add Data From ArcGIS Online window in ArcMap: Suppress the ability to find WMS services from the ArcGIS Online window because adding them into ArcMap from this window is not currently supported.

Currently you get an error if you find a WMS service and try and add it into ArcMap. • NIM071982 - Annotation with the symbol stored inline with a bezier text path is not drawing correctly in basemap layers or optimized map services. • NIM072007 - Request to change a line of code in the ARCGIS2FGDC.xml to improve the FGDC compliance of the map projection name, when exporting ArcGIS metadata to FGDC standard. • NIM072009 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: when an item's spatial reference uses parameter names that are all lower case, the projection parameters are not exported. • NIM072057 - After encountering a map document saved with a more recent version, ArcMap fails to display the name of any further map documents opened in its title bar correctly. • NIM072123 - Reconcile may cause geometric network inconsistencies under particular circumstances.

• NIM072197 - Values stored in a Float field are not displaying the correct number when set to display 6 digits to the right of the decimal place. • NIM072205 - Changing the caption of a menu in ArcGIS Desktop 10 with ICommandItem.Caption property fails to refresh, thus the original caption always remains the same. • NIM072238 - Network dataset property UI prevents time-aware, but not traffic-aware, evaluators from being added to attribute sources. • NIM072248 - Out of server memory or ArcGIS Desktop crash is encountered when running the Split Raster tool on a large raster dataset. • NIM072260 - LandXMLToTIN tool results in error 999999 with certain.xml files. • NIM072275 - The Rebuild Connectivity tool fails with a 'General function failure' on a specific feature.

• NIM072276 - When called in, Python script MOMA (Multiple Output Map Algebra) processes in the previous version, but fails to execute in ArcGIS Version 10. • NIM072319 - After editing and saving metadata without making any changes, the Upgrade button disappears. • NIM072328 - Reading some pre-10.1 compressed datasets is slow. • NIM072330 - If the Upgrade button is visible, the Validate button should be hidden. • NIM072435 - Validate button is missing in the Description tab for a specific shapefile. • NIM072446 - Mosaic dataset does not refresh properly when a raster is added if the mosaic dataset contains a function. • NIM072454 - Update resource string used for 'Fields and Subtypes' heading in metadata display.

• NIM072465 - All items that aren't maps or layers for which metadata hasn't already been created are being treated like maps and layers; metadata isn't created when you view their metadata. • NIM072591 - Using the 'Export to CAD' tool to export a feature class with curves to a DGN results in irregular features. • NIM072608 - Attempting to copy/paste a versioned geometric network from an upgraded 10.0 geodatabase to another 10.0 geodatabase may fail with an 'Item not found' error. • NIM072615 - Attempting to query values stored in a FLOAT field in a file geodatabase results in the following message: 'The expression was verified successfully but no records were returned.'

• NIM072717 - When creating a new version and switching to it, not all the parcel fabric layers are assigned to the new version. • NIM072786 - Grids and Graticules Designer: XML save does not honor trailing and leading spaces in Anno Group Prefix. • NIM072816 - The full screen icon on the toolbar in ArcReader is not working/displaying correctly. • NIM072834 - Importing unique value symbology from one raster to another crashes ArcMap. • NIM072938 - Construction Method Error on Parcel Remainder. • NIM072971 - ArcMap crashes while selecting a custom element after selecting a core (non-custom) element using the Ctrl or shift key in the Layout view.

• NIM073000 - In 10.0 SP3, when map tips are enabled, the Hyperlink tool's cursor no longer turns black when hovering over a hyperlinked feature. • NIM073031 - ArcGIS Online Network Analyst Long Route solver fails with some specific stop locations when using hierarchy. For some other request, the Route solver failed as well. • NIM073061 - The remainder function needs to cut linear (unclosed) parcels into closed parcels. • NIM073062 - Ensure parcel area units confirm with the plan settings and do not change.

• NIM073066 - Failed to reconcile a version due to the line segment had been flipped. 'The geometry corresponding to an edge element may not be zero length.

[class=NE.TRANSMEDIA, oid=97224]' • NIM073202 - Importing COLLADA files that contain mipfilter tags can fail. • NIM073214 - When using the 'Construct from Parent' editing workflow with the Parcel Editor, line-point creation fails when the parcel has a large shape std.

• NIM073219 - Spatial extent information is not read correctly from an ERS header file. • NIM073236 - Some TIFF images show invalid extents (- 1, #QNAN) in ArcGIS Desktop 10 service pack 2. • NIM073250 - The rendering time is longer in ArcGIS Version 10 Service Pack 2 when the map document contains a large number of TIFF images from multiple folders. • NIM073519 - Tracking Analyst does not display events located at latitude 0, longitude 0 in WGS 1984 datum.

• NIM073552 - Shape.M in multipoints is processed incorrectly. • NIM073634 - PDF Extension - CMYK color values, for Picture Symbols, change value on export to PDF. • NIM073679 - Importing a data change message after edits are made in the parent results in the following error: Import Changes failed.The workspace is not connected. • NIM073771 - Zonal Histogram produces incorrect results when the zone is set to a string field. • NIM073838 - Zooming in for one particular personal geodatabase feature class, all features disappear from ArcCatalog or ArcMap.

• NIM073877 - Contour with Barriers - # in File Containing Contour Value Specifications throwing an error (good in 9.3.1 broken in 10). • NIM073959 - Spatial Dispatch should not remove vertices. • NIM074339 - ArcMap does not draw Service Layers in PageLayout when the layer has transparency. (& ExportWebMap does not draw images on layout page when dynamically added sublayer exists.) • NIM074463 - Topo loader fails to import the DELTA value. • NIM074479 - ArcReader Ink toolbar: Markup Pen palette and Eraser tool palette will not activate from the menu icons. Must be started from the drop down menu. • NIM074486 - Scale bar height and text size do not change when adjusting scale bar with ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 Service Pack 3 installed.

• NIM074501 - In ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 SP3, the insert scale bar command no longer adds scale bars in metric units. • NIM074582 - The Cogo importer creates parcels that are not closed, but that should be closed. • NIM074607 - Enable Find Route to work with 3D networks. • NIM074624 - When panning or zooming in a map document with the reference scale set, representation markers will shift unexpectedly.

• NIM074625 - Annotation or Dimension feature classes that use the new Python scripting should be blocked from being opened using ArcGIS 10.0 clients with file and personal geodatabases. • NIM074680 - Opening a network feature class is slower in ArcGIS 10.0 than with ArcGIS 9.3.1. • NIM074691 - should not apply the current environments to the raster. • NIM074699 - Publishing a mosaic dataset created at 10.1 from Catalog 10.0 causes ArcMap to crash. • NIM074734 - Cannot snap to Layers outside of the fabric when the SDE version is switched. • NIM074744 - Spatial Analyst Abs produces incorrect results when Mask function is applied on top of a mosaic dataset. • NIM074816 - Relationship class labels are not displayed in the Attribute editing window tree view.

• NIM074823 - Can't RemoveLayer WMS layers because the arcpy 'ServiceType' information is incorrect. • NIM074826 - Metadata gets deleted if the title of the metadata includes spaces. • NIM074828 - Representation editing tools are not working with shortcut to suppress snapping using SPACE while editing.

• NIM074862 - Locator does not display house number for reverse geocoding before regular geocoding is performed. • NIM074909 - Artifacts exist along the edge of tiles when applying a hillshade function at the service level.

• NIM074914 - ArcReader's Toolbar buttons do not lose their selected 'highlights' when the mouse leaves the icon or another icon is selected. • NIM074919 - In ArcMap 10.0 sp3, custom map elements that don not implement implement IGraphicsComposite and IEnumElement interfaces will crash when their properties are accessed. • NIM074922 - Error 'An invalid SQL statement was used' is displayed when building routes with Spanish language settings. • NIM074938 - Applying a positive or negative line offset on a cartographic line's symbology on a time enabled feature class's track symbology crashes ArcMap.

• NIM074939 - Intersect3DLineWithMultipatch fails when run programmatically. • NIM075083 - The time it takes to open a table with many relationship classes has increased when compared to pre-10 times. • NIM075309 - Gazetteer index building fails. • NIM075352 - In Version 10.0 Service Pack 3, graphic properties only give 3 measurement unit options for the perimeter and center properties, while in 10.0 Service Pack 2 there are 11 options. • NIM075383 - Attempting to copy/paste a versioned geometric network from an upgraded 10.0 geodatabase to another 10.0 SDE geodatabase fails.

• NIM075406 - Cannot dissolve a network dataset containing null street names. • NIM075478 - The Identify tool can hang ArcGlobe when used with very large city scenes. • NIM075483 - Locator producing different results depending on locale selected on users machine. • NIM075505 - Need to propagate the M domain of the feature dataset to the underlying M-aware feature classes. • NIM075506 - Default grid size of feature classes should be zero to bring it inline with how feature classes are created through the Create Feature Class wizard. • NIM075507 - The M Domain of a feature class is incorrectly assigned the values from the Z Domain on feature class creation. • NIM075564 - Grids and Graticules Designer: Cannot create grid in SQLExpress.

• NIM075570 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: Do not extend segments when AOI ends on the same interval as the calibrated segments. • NIM075601 - ArcMap crashes when exporting colormap from a Raster Catalog. • NIM075609 - Topoloader does not orient Origin Connection lines properly. • NIM075647 - Raster Calculator does not treat all values from a double variable in model builder as float data. • NIM075667 - Shape.M and Shape.Z appear incorrectly in a GA layer in Table of Contents. • NIM075668 - Cannot save stops to feature class when using 3D network dataset.

• NIM075690 - Import XML fails with 'geometry cannot have Z values' for geometric network. • NIM075698 - Import Mosaic Dataset Geometry tool does not recognize field name in Python.

• NIM075707 - Topo loader should provide appropriate error message when importing unclosed Centerlines parcels and using the polygons instead of the lines. • NIM075731 - The Apply button is not active after you import custom statistics within the Symbology. • NIM075732 - Reverse geocoding on hyphenated range addresses fails. • NIM075752 - The Points To Line tool returns a validation error for derived input in ModelBuilder. • NIM075756 - Create Parallel Offset does not form all parcels in some cases involving circular arcs. • NIM075758 - Geocoding toolbar fails to return a result in some situations where it incorrectly thinks there are ties.

• NIM075762 - Feature Outline Masks gp tool creates heavily simplified/distorted masks for large annotation features. • NIM075787 - Parcels are automatically assigned a default accuracy if their accuracy category is null. • NIM075788 - ID's can get scrambled on a shapefile when more than one cursor is open and at least one is recycling.

• NIM075789 - ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 3 Help File updates for Japanese. • NIM075795 - Can't save degenerated geometries with ArcSDE. • NIM075805 - ArcMap crashes if you use the GridIndexFeatures tool via arcpy and pass in a single, referenced layer instead of a list (of referenced layers). • NIM075806 - arcpy.mapping MapDocument.replaceWorkspaces fails when moving from one workspace to a different workspace when the 'to' workspace is not the owner user account. • NIM075850 - Prevent Fabric reconcile from crashing when corrupt feature linked annotation exists in the database. • NIM075857 - Support editing an item's Content Type in the Description tab and exporting this information to the FGDC metadata format. • NIM075859 - Bad link reconnection from the TOID field value.

• NIM075860 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: after existing 9.3.1 FGDC metadata content has been upgraded for ArcGIS 10, when metadata is later exported again the citation information describing the item will include two copies of the online linkage. • NIM075861 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: after existing 9.3.1 FGDC metadata content that was synchronized with a vector or raster dataset has been upgraded for ArcGIS 10, when metadata is later exported again the metadata will include two Spatial Data Organization Information sections. • NIM075862 - With export to ISO19139, if both conformance and quantitative test result data are provided in the data quality section, quantitative test results are not exported. • NIM075863 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: the geospatial data presentation format element in the citation describing a raster dataset type will always be set to raster digital data even if the value remote-sensing image has been selected in the FGDC Geospatial Data Presentation Form dropdown list.

• NIM075867 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: when metadata for a dataset contains citations for cross-referenced resources or source material for the data, the geospatial data presentation format element describing the related resources is not dependent on the dataset's type. • NIM075868 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: if fees, ordering instructions, or turnaround time information have been provided for a distributor, this information is not exported unless a distribution format or some distribution transfer information has also been provided. • NIM075869 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: after existing 9.3.1 FGDC metadata content containing bounding polygon information has been upgraded for ArcGIS 10, when metadata is later exported again the points defining the bounding polygon vertexes are exported incorrectly, causing the resulting file to be invalid. • NIM075870 - When FGDC metadata is imported, the source metadata's fields information is not imported. • NIM075871 - Improve handling of the Use limitations element to account for rich text that may be present for ArcGIS Online. • NIM075872 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: the metadata's future review date is formatted as an ISO 8601 DateTime, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, instead of as an FGDC CSDGM date, YYYYMMDD, causing the resulting XML file to be invalid.

• NIM075873 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: access constraints pertaining to the metadata won't be exported unless the constraints text begins with the phrase 'Access constraints: ' • NIM075874 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: if both horizontal and vertical positional accuracy information has been provided, these sections are exported in a manner that causes the resulting XML file to be invalid. • NIM075875 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: if information is provided in both the file decompression technique and format information content elements, the resulting XML file is invalid because these elements are exported in reverse order. • NIM075876 - Export to ISO19139, the gml:id attribute can't have values that are GUIDs.

When a GUID starts with a number, this causes the resulting ISO 19139 metadata to be invalid. • NIM075877 - With export to ISO 19139, if both planned available date and planned available date range have been provided, two dates are exported to the ISO format causing the resulting XML file to be invalid. • NIM075878 - With export metadata to any standard format, process steps in an item's lineage should be ordered by date.

• NIM075879 - With export to ISO19139, when a geoprocessing step is marked to be included in the item's lineage on export, two copies of that gp process are included in output. • NIM075880 - Schematic Node Reduction Rule By Priority crashes ArcMap if a link has no origin or no extremity node. • NIM075881 - Import or upgrade of FGDC metadata; if a contact has multiple addresses they are all lost.

• NIM075882 - Export metadata to FGDC CSDGM format: if topic categories have been provided in the item's metadata, these are exported as theme keywords after any place, stratum, and temporal keywords are exported. This group of keywords is out of order, and cause the resulting XML file to be invalid.

• NIM075883 - With export to ISO19139, the reference system's code isn't exported even though it is present in the item's metadata. • NIM075884 - When you view ISO 19139-formatted metadata in the Description tab, citation identifiers are not displayed. • NIM075885 - With export to ISO19139, if an indirect spatial reference is present (for FGDC), when you switch metadata styles this causes problems for exporting to the ISO format. • NIM075886 - export to ISO 19139, when a service type is specified for the NAP and INSPIRE metadata styles, a codespace that has been provided for that type isn't also exported.

• NIM075887 - After selecting a process from the geoprocessing history to include in the item's lineage, this option isn't displayed in the Description tab. • NIM075888 - ArcGIS maintenance contacts that have been provided and saved in the editor aren't displayed in the Description tab. • NIM075889 - When viewing both ArcGIS metadata and ISO 19139 metadata in the Description tab, some elements are labeled and displayed incorrectly. • NIM075892 - On an Arabic OS, if an item has no thumbnail and you look at its metadata, the box containing the phrase 'Thumbnail Not Available' isn't visible. • NIM075893 - Display of ISO-format DateTimes is incorrect on Arabic OS. • NIM075918 - When the abstract is removed from a geoprocessing tool's metadata, the update is not applied in both XPaths associated with this value. • NIM075919 - When displaying metadata, automatically update metadata when synchronization flag isn't present in the registry.

• NIM075920 - Portrayal catalogue information is saved to wrong XPath location. • NIM075921 - Support rich text in the Use limitations element to correspond with the capabilities offered by ArcGIS Online. • NIM075922 - Handle address country information as a country code, and an 'Empty' option in the country codelist. • NIM075923 - GUID generated by the editor on the Metadata Details page isn't stored in the file identifier element. • NIM075924 - For contacts, the contact instructions control should be a multi-line input text box. • NIM075925 - With FGDC metadata style, NAP codelist should be available on the Spatial Data Representation page in the Cell Geometry element. • NIM075926 - On the References page, fix data type for two elements in the Application Schema section whose data type is Binary.

• NIM075927 - The language dropdown list should only include 23 official EU languages for the INSPIRE style. • NIM075928 - Reduce the number of available values in the metadata hierarchyLevel dropdown list for INSPIRE only. • NIM075931 - If you execute GP tool UpdateDiagram from ArcMap on an open diagram in a new data frame, the diagram will end up with duplicate feature layers. • NIM075932 Enumerated domain content is saved incorrectly. • NIM075936 - File Menu hangs when ArcMap is not able to access ArcGIS online in ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 3.

• NIM075947 - Cannot copy/paste or extract data from some dissolved network datasets. • NIM075955 - When converting a diagram into shapefiles using the Export All Related Features Attributes, the last attribute(s) values are sometimes not exported. • NIM075977 - If ArcMap has a mosaic dataset and rasters in a FGDB, then the mosaic dataset resulted from the Consolidate Layer GP tool doesn't point to the newly consolidated rasters. • NIM075978 - Options, Keep inside vertices and Keep first vertices outside for Geo-Compression, do not work correctly. • NIM075982 - Update by append should not resynchronize the entire diagram.

• NIM075989 - The build of a versioned network dataset is very slow. • NIM075996 - When opening a Parcel Fabric in ArcMap, hold references to Parcel Fabric tables instead of opening and closing them. • NIM075998 - Convert Coordinate Notation tool returns WARNING 000585. • NIM076001 - Zoom to layer (large data), which is fully cached, crashes the application. • NIM076009 - Creating a linestring creates overlapping, duplicated line data. • NIM076013 - Planarize causes Linestrings to be deleted if created in opposite direction of parcel. • NIM076029 - Different results are generated in the Location-allocation solver in French and English operating systems.

• NIM076034 - SDE issue with storage field when exporting dataset: non predefined storage fields of custom queried feature classes are not populated if created before the feature class is saved in GDB. • NIM076035 - When using the Measure tool on image service, moving mouse around the map keeps making requests to image service. • NIM076036 - Layer to KML can crash when converting data with interior rings. • NIM076039 - Creating a remainder parcel from a unclosed (linear parcel) fails when radial lines intersect parent lines. • NIM076051 - ArcMap crashes when new field is added to fgdb with many existing fields. • NIM076065 - ITerrainEdit3.DeleteDataSourceData2 crashes when used on referenced point source. • NIM076084 - Spatial Join errors 999998 if the field mapping cannot calculate output field.

• NIM076091 - Solar radiation graphics tools fails when generate sunmap with 'MultiDays 2011 152 181'. • NIM076092 - Point Solar Radiation results show anomalies (spikes) when specifying small daily intervals. • NIM076114 - Unjoining a parcel and then reconciling and posting will cause the Unjoined parcels to be deleted and the points that are shared in the map to be deleted as well.

• NIM076115 - Issue with rematch when using a composite that contains a composite. • NIM076116 - Accuracy of parcels created in the construction environment should be set to NULL. • NIM076167 - ArcMap becomes unstable and/or crashes when loading many symbols from style files using the StyleGallery object. • NIM076171 - Stream Order outputs 1-bit raster to TIF and IMG, causing the pixel values to be incorrect. • NIM076209 - Improve performance of Interactive tools on Spatial Analyst toolbar so that they can process large datasets.

• NIM076269 - MSD based map services containing a query layer fail to project features on the fly with export map image operation in REST. • NIM076301 - Block the opening of feature-linked annotation when the linked class has ArcGIS 10.1 functionality. • NIM076370 - With elevation (image) services the 3D Toolbar tools need to use subset AOIs and display resolution. • NIM076703 - When using the Parcel Editor, during reconcile, some versions may encounter this error: 'Number of parts in shape is incorrect for its geometry type.' • NIM076953 - Updates to Desktop documentation for 10.0 SP4. ArcGIS Engine. None ArcGIS Server GIS Services and Caching • NIM057528 -.MXD based WMS does not honor the symbol levels/drawing order for symbols in a Group layer.

• NIM070092 The create tiles on demand process generates tiles much slower for MSD-based map services, compared to MXD-based map services. • NIM064521 Mapservices sourced from map documents with layers that have defined vertical coordinate systems, output improperly transformed vector KML during the required datum transformation to WGS84. • NIM071481 The Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool is not tracking the completion status of features properly after the first encounter with a failure to manage tiles.

• NIM073122 The MinX and MaxX coordinate values for a bounding box substitute the values of MinY and MaxY and vice versa in the WMS 1.3.0 Capabilities response xml. • NIM073774 - Integer values with more than 10 digits cannot be entered in a double field for a feature service layer while adding/updating features from REST.

• NIM073963 - MXD based WMS Service performance is poor when publishing multiple raster data types from large unmanaged raster catalogs. • NIM074827 - Labels are not displayed in MSD (optimized map service) based KML Service if the KML is generated with layer option 'Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images' to return vectors from the service dynamically. • NIM076055 - Inherited domains are not listed for types when the data does not have subtypes. • NIM076122 - Features will not draw in the correct locations if the layer's vertical coordinate system differs from it's coordinate system and the layer is drawn in a projected map which requires a geotransformation. Mobile • NIM059854 - Subtypes revert back to default value after synchronizing the mobile cache. • NIM069936 - The Create Mobile Map cache tool ignores definition queries when creating a mobile cache with annotation layers.

Rest API • NIM073774 - Integer values with more than 10 digits cannot be entered in a double field for a feature service layer while adding/updating features from REST. • NIM076068 - Sanitize user input before writing to the HTML pages in the Services Directory for NA Solve Route, ServiceArea and Closest Facility operations. • NIM076069 - Service Directory page for Geoprocessing Execute task shows quotes with escaped characters ('). This will cause subsequent requests using the same input data to fail. • NIM076070 - Do not include pixelType in exportImage request to ImageServer if the request does not include the pixelType parameter. • NIM076142 - Integer values with more than 10 digits cannot be entered in a double field for a feature service layer while adding/updating features from REST..Net Manager.

None Issues addressed with Service Pack 3 ArcGIS Desktop • NIM004239 - Hillshade tool with model shadows option produces artifacts when used with low altitude values. • NIM004428 - ArcMap crashes intermittently when editing while the GPS connection is open.

• NIM008882 - After copying and pasting a legend the copy loses custom legend settings. • NIM040480 - Sort Ascending in the Identify window sorts Double fields by string values rather than numeric values. • NIM047093 - Cut Polygon Features tool fails on feature classes that have been upgraded from low to high precision spatial references. • NIM049488 - Weighted Overlay tool returns 'Sum of% Influence Weights must equal 100' error when 5 or more input rasters are using user-defined% influence values. • NIM050344 - Links in ArcGIS online content should include a target attribute to better support searching and discovering content in Desktop. • NIM050456 - Metadata shows incorrect processing environment for Vista and Windows 7.

• NIM053780 - Some floating point ASCII files display as integer rasters in ArcGIS Desktop. • NIM054015 - DGN only - If ArcGIS annotation justification does not include Left justification, the output DGN pushes the text way to the right. • NIM055952 - When Building overviews, when the projection of the Mosaic Dataset and the Map differ, a tear (sliver) appears at certain scales (data across multiple UTM zones). • NIM056042 - Calculate Adjacent Fields: Geometry restrictions are too strict. Users should be able to use this tool for grids that are not 'perfect'. • NIM056576 - Calculate Field with Expression None and Expression Type PYTHON or PYTHON9.3 does nothing and no error/warning given.

Calculate Field with Expression Null and Expression Type VB works fine. Occurs on numeric and text fields.

• NIM056971 - WMS service based on MSD map service does not carry datum transformation defined in the map document. • NIM056996 - ArcCatalog crashes when importing a specific feature into ArcSDE.

• NIM057253 - Projection information marked as Undefined in ArcGIS 10, but is read correctly by ArcGIS 9.3.1 SP1. • NIM057273 - Attribute values changed to default domain values after using the Integrate tool. • NIM057356 - An unexpected error occurs when selecting by location on a layer that has a join and a definition query defined from joined field(s). • NIM057932 - Search Window title and Toolboxes cannot switch back to English by using ArcGIS Administrator if current OS displaylanguage is Non-English. • NIM058074 - Performance of Calculate Field tool needs to be as fast with selection sets as it is without a selection when using SDE data. • NIM058521 - Lookup tool returns incorrect outputs when using a join table value as a lookup field and a cell size greater than the input. • NIM058674 - InternetTiledLayer contained in a Basemap Layer can draw incorrect LOD tiles for a given service, such as Bing, if the request for a tile fails and yet still return success for draw.

• NIM059158 - In ArcGIS 10, fields are not displayed in field calculator when the raster attribute table has a joined table. • NIM059194 - A 4 bit raster does not display in ArcGIS 10 when pyramids or overviews are present. • NIM059884 - For CAD data in ArcMap at version 10, Layer Properties >Transformations tab >Enable Transformations >Rotate, Scale and Translate option no longer works. The data does not move when this option is selected. • NIM059888 - The legend patch size, title font, and spacing between items revert back to odd values if the values are changed and saved. • NIM059994 - Destroying a QAxCtl object in a Qt application causes the MapControl and TOCControl to ignore requests to resize themselves. • NIM060127 - IStartupDialog2.InitialCommand is not triggered in version 10.

• NIM060426 - Toolbar cannot be placed in a desired docked position where it remains after closing and reopening a map. • NIM060754 - Line Decoration does not honor the settings when the dataframe is rotated. • NIM060806 - Text Boundary shifts when editing inline formatting of annotation with baseline alignment. • NIM060855 - Grid Index Features tool, with Iterate Feature Selection, will not produce desired results run in Model Builder. • NIM061029 - ArcMap crashes when exporting a map built with Data Driven Pages to PDF when the frame of the extent indicators is set with offset cartographic line symbols and the PDF pages options are set to multiple pages using page names. • NIM061112 - Calculate Geometry dialog should display RTL reading order in bi-directional environment. • NIM061223 - If the time slider start time is changed through the GUI, df.time.startTime still reports the initial start time; not the new one.

• NIM061425 - Attributes of a featureclass become Read-Only when attempted to be edited through 'Attribute Edit window' after joining to a table in ArcGIS 10. • NIM061605 - Using arcpy.mapping to move to the next time interval updates the map, but not the time slider. • NIM061613 - Importing XML to file geodatabase using Case Tools in ArcGIS 10 (ArcCatalog) removes domains from tables. • NIM061709 - When using Data Driven Pages with a Scale field, the data are not always centered in the layout. • NIM061715 - MTEXT entities from AutoCAD DWG files display with invalid characters,, at the beginning and end of the text strings in ArcMap. The invalid characters also appear when the data is converted to geodatabase using Import from CAD. • NIM061731 - Some parts of the TIFF image disappears when zoomed in close.

• NIM061741 - Canceling the Zoom-in tool operation with the Esc key, in the PageLayoutControl of an Engine application, leaves app stuck with the zoom-in tool cursor. • NIM061779 - Strip Map Index Features tool produces an Output Feature Class having gaps along the strip. • NIM061916 - The Mean Center tool in the Spatial statistics toolbox never execute successfully in Chinese environment. • NIM062021 - The field calculator does not work using a bi-directional environment using two or more fields. • NIM062054 - Cutting polygon with condensed vertices causes ArcMap to crash. • NIM062058 - Certain IMGs fail in the Zonal Statistics as Table tool in ArcMap 10 that worked in 9.3.1.

• NIM062152 - Maptips do not draw properly when hyperlinks are enabled and you hover over a feature with the Hyperlink tool. • NIM062233 - A NetCDF raster layer that has a 0-360 longitude disappears from display when animated with a time slider, but only when ArcMap dataframe has GCS longitude between -180 and 180. • NIM062235 - Exporting metadata on an OS where the decimal separator is set as a comma causes real numbers in the output xml file to have commas as their decimal separator.

• NIM062251 - Cannot animate an ArcSDE feature class added from a direct connection when a server name is not specified in the spatial database connection properties. • NIM062403 - When using an MSD service, some labels are coming into other areas. • NIM062594 - The XSLT Transformation tool can't export metadata to HTML files using ArcGIS.xsl. • NIM062639 - IGeoProcessorPtr throws an exception when it goes out of scope. • NIM062704 - Editing features using the attribute window may cause ArcMap to crash. • NIM062738 - Support editing a lineage source's media, and a feature catalog's language, to better support the NAP and FGDC metadata standards. • NIM062844 - The Split tool has been enhanced to allow the ability to divide a line into more than 99 equal segments.

Also, Construct Points has been enhanced to allow the creation of more than 999 new points. • NIM062896 - The color correction window is blank on a Windows 7 64-bit machine with the language set to Spanish and the decimal symbol set to a period.

• NIM063022 - Dynamic text inserted into the layout displays as the formatting tags when the mxd that contains the dynamic text is used as a map template. • NIM063027 - Unable to successfully open map documents in 10 resaved in a previous version that contain unreferenced inserted images in the data frame; receive error 'Opening the selected ArcMap document failed. The data frames of the map document could not be read.' • NIM063221 - Layers present in Snapping Dialog Box from Editor Menu in Engine application do not refresh upon opening a new Map Document. • NIM063302 - Explode Multi-part feature tool empties the feature cache when used on a non multi-part feature.

• NIM063358 - Changing data frame coordinate system (GCS_WGS_1984); unable to add horizontal annotation data. • NIM063413 - Support providing a temporal extent in an item's metadata and DateTime values in other appropriate ArcGIS elements. • NIM063466 - The Mosaic function does not read the 'first' and 'last' mosaic method properly. • NIM063495 - When toggling from English to Chinese or other languages, the previously language does not clear and the changes are not reflected in ArcCatalog. • NIM063553 - CMYK TIFF files with PackBits compression displays incorrectly. • NIM063711 - MSD-based map service does not show symbology containing concentric circles in a proper manner. • NIM063739 - Resizing the Graph added to layout, incorrectly displays the label for Y-axis horizontally when exported to PDF.

• NIM063816 - Zonal Statistics as Table fails with a large feature data set when using a 'string' field as the zone field value. • NIM063831 - The Chinese characters displayed for the 'ArcGIS Server Help' item in the Start Menu are incorrect.

• NIM063834 - Viewing image service results in 'methodName='ImageServer.GetFields'. Method failed.HRESULT = 0x80041202' error in server log since there is no field info for the image service. • NIM063859 - IWorkspaceExtensionControl.Shutdown() is not triggered in ArcMap when interacting with the attribute table in certain ways, e.g. • NIM063869 - The Median Center tool in the Spatial Statistics toolbox never executes successfully in the Chinese environment. • NIM063939 - When exporting metadata for decimal degrees data to FGDC, the resulting file has its spatial reference units spelled as 'Decimal Degree' instead of 'Decimal Degrees', so it is considered invalid. • NIM064003 - WFS service with throw 'An invalid SQL statement was used' when using a GetFeature request with bounding box specified. • NIM064090 - Duplicate Parcel assigns the new parcel an Accuracy 4.

• NIM064123 - Particular fabric data fails to load into parcel fabric. No line or parcel features appear upon import. • NIM064180 - Font embedding fails for OpenType fonts (OTF) with PostScript glyph outlines when user locale is set to a locale whose digit separator is something other than a comma. • NIM064548 - Multiple attachments display when identifying a feature pointing to a historical version.

• NIM064600 - Scale dropdown list in ArcMap stops functioning after removing Add Data button from standard toolbar. • NIM064663 - Slower connection time after upgrading geodatabase to ArcSDE 10.0, related to GDB_ITEMS table queries. • NIM064672 - Typographical errors exist in the data quality report type dropdown list. • NIM064685 - Adding Qb Worldview data sometimes results in the data being incorrectly projected and the data is not visible anymore. Run recompute footprint on the service after ingesting, and things work. • NIM064691 - Importing PNG8 tiles on existing PNG8 tiles causes tiles to be overwritten instead of being blended.

• NIM064704 - Splined coverage annotation appears inverted in ArcGIS 10.0. • NIM064776 - Extended attribute check schema version. • NIM064800 - Weighted Overlay crashes using common scale values for text fields. • NIM064809 - ArcGIS feature services in web maps are not currently supported in ArcMap, feature services get dropped out of web maps. • NIM064812 - Create Fishnet tool does not select an existing shapefile to be the output. • NIM064813 - The Fishnet tool fails to create output (when run three times in a row). • NIM064860 - Make Query Table tool crashes ArcMap when selecting ObjectID of input table as Key Field.

• NIM064865 - Parcel Fabric relates are duplicated when switching versions. • NIM064878 - A large number of ArcGIS Server map service operational layers in web maps are unnecessarily rejected by ArcMap as not being accessible, causing ArcMap 10.0 to therefore not open the web map. This issue is occurring in about 20%-25% of web maps that have operation layers.

• NIM064981 - Using the Bearing/Distance tools from the context menu, depending on the parcel's scale/rotation, the recorded values differ. • NIM065031 - In Data Driven pages with rotated data frames the north arrow shrinks when viewing the different pages.

• NIM065039 - Origin Connection line type has graphical problems during a construction. • NIM065041 - In ArcMap, upon executing a geoprocessing tool in background that has a network analysis layer as derived output, the network dataset layer referenced by the input network analysis layer cannot be used for any further analysis.

• NIM065057 - Raster to DTED tool gives a DTED output raster with pixels that are rectangular instead of a square. • NIM065086 - Topo loader fails depending on the order that the topo rules are created. • NIM065095 - 'Linear Directional Mean' tool returns incorrect results if vectors are oriented exactly due north. • NIM065098 - Unable to Z Snap, by moving a vertex in 'Classic Snapping'. • NIM065327 - arcpy.mapping ExportToTIFF, tiff_compression produces the same output file regardless of option selected.

• NIM065350 - Repeated use of the topology loader GP tool can result in multiple plan records with the same name in the fabric. • NIM065352 - Load of Rights-of-way needs to use line attribute fields as a source. • NIM065375 - Incorrect renaming of the Geodatabase object within ArcCatalog; results in corruption of GDB_items table and makes the renamed objects unusable within ArcCatalog. • NIM065382 - When a parcel is opened, the Control Layer isn't visible.

• NIM065383 - Save and Join are not active on opened unjoined parcels. • NIM065384 - The Grid Index Features tool in Data Driven Pages does not save the 'connect' link for parameter >'Generate Polygon Grid features that intersects input feature layers and datasets'. • NIM065403 - FGDC access and use constraints are not being translated successfully to and from the ArcGIS metadata format. • NIM065420 - Page Definition queries fail if the values in the 'Name Field' of the Index Layer used in Data Driven Pages contain an apostrophe ('). • NIM065445 - Adding a shapefile to a basemap layer will leak GDI objects each time the map is refreshed after changing the extent.

• NIM065454 - Improve exporting ArcGIS metadata to FGDC format for metadata dates, points of contact, keywords, supplemental information, originator, address type, TDD/TTY phone numbers, vertical positional accuracy, vector data properties, media types, and bounding polygon content. • NIM065456 - When drawing complex polygons with an offset outline there is a significant reduction in the amount of data displayed at 10.0 SP1.

• NIM065457 - Improve upgrading and importing of FGDC multiple dates and times, address type, TDD/TTY phone numbers, geospatial data presentation form, lineage source information, raster properties, media types and formats, metadata review dates, topic category keywords, and bounding polygon content. • NIM065470 - Smooth Line geoprocessing tool shifts attribute values because the field locations are shifted. • NIM065474 - Maintain address and phone types, larger work citations, and source scale denominators when importing and upgrading FGDC metadata. • NIM065486 - Dates in FGDC metadata that are accompanied by a time stored in another element are not translated to other formats as date-time values.

• NIM065488 - Improve how approximate time information such as 'unknown' or 'now' are translated to and from ArcGIS metadata. • NIM065524 - Weighted Overlay tool errors out when rasters are accessed via a group layer using user defined% influence values. • NIM065627 - Improve importing and exporting FGDC update frequency, multiple dates and times, sources for a process step, a source's temporal extent, online linkages for all citations, general distribution information, and vertical extent content. • NIM065633 - Error while appending annotation feature classes when you are the owner of the Annotation feature classes.

• NIM065717 - Domains assigned to subtype values are dropped on export/import of XML WS Doc. • NIM065725 - Web maps created or modified after March 2, 2011 (when the web map format was changed) can't be opened in ArcGIS Desktop 10.0. ArcMap 10.0 gives you the message 'Invalid Web Map'. ArcMap 10.0 SP1 gives you the message 'Could not open the specified file.'

You should be able to open these web maps in 10.0 at the same level of support as earlier web maps (i.e. ArcMap will open the map but omit the map note features and any other currently unsupported content). • NIM065752 - Exporting metadata to ISO 19139 format fails when you use the ESRI_ISO2ISO19139 translator if on the Locales page only a language and country are provided. • NIM065804 - Web maps with certain characters in their name such as colon (:), forward slash (/), back slash ( ), or double quote (') can't be opened in ArcMap or ArcGIS Explorer Desktop. • NIM065835 - An Engine application containing at least a single basemap layer, the application crashes if another layer is dragged into the TOC control while the Control key is being pressed. • NIM065846 - Line Density with selection on input features crashes ArcMap. • NIM065895 - The Extract Values to Points tool gives incorrect values for geometrically valid features following a feature class with null geometry.

• NIM065900 - Point of Contact role is set to default value of pointOfContact or deleted when exported to ISO 19139. • NIM065978 - The patterns in a Marker Line Symbol may shift during Export or Printing when the line features intersect with the map frame. • NIM065984 - ZonalStatisiticsAsTable crashes with unsorted VALUE raster. • NIM065999 - ArcCatalog and ArcMap send usernames and passwords to token secured ArcGIS Server endpoints with the HTTP GET method which is logged in clear text in web server logs. (Using HTTP POST will instead prevent web servers from logging clear text passwords.) • NIM066045 - Include a fall back mechanism within Afcore to allow for ArcMap to load correctly even when the registry does not exist when dependant dlls load. • NIM066051 - Where possible, update error messages during Reconcile to include class name and OID of feature causing the failure. • NIM066159 - Remainder tool hangs when cutting donut parcel.

• NIM066223 - Using an iterate file in ModelBuilder with KML to Layer tool causes ArcMap to crash when it attempts to go to the second iteration. • NIM066296 - If you create a reference MD with a SQL query and then add another raster that meets the criteria for the SQL query, the reference MD is not updated with the added raster. • NIM066327 - When dynamic range adjustment (DRA) is enabled in the Image Analysis Window there is no default stretch type. • NIM066339 - Some Straight lines converted to bulges when exporting to CAD. • NIM066340 - When importing ArcGIS or FGDC metadata, field descriptions aren't being imported. • NIM066402 - Multiple Ring Buffer tool has issue in the tool validator code that causes problems in ModelBuilder (using intermediate output data as input to M-R-Buffer is tricky).

• NIM066474 - Synchronize Derived MD does not update Referenced MD. • NIM066475 - ArcGIS Administrator is unable to return borrowed licenses if DNS resolution is required to reach the license manager. • NIM066478 - UpdateLayer function does not honor polygon outline color property. • NIM066518 - ESRI Metadata Translator, XSLT Transformation, and USGS MP Metadata Translator tools override any default output file paths produced by the geoprocessing system that start with 'Database Connections' or 'Database Servers' with a file location set to the user's $TEMP location. • NIM066646 - Setting mxd.activeView from a script tool clears the layers in the data frame being made active.

• NIM066711 - The Generate Near Table tool crashes when processing more than one feature class in the Near Features field. • NIM066732 - Changing the version with the fabric table window open does not refresh the table view. • NIM066740 - In-memory relationship class is not updated when changing the version.

• NIM066774 - Build overview does not take the changes if ZOrder field is set on Mosaic Dataset. • NIM066775 - ArcCatalog crashes when upgrading a version 9.3 SDE geodatabase to version 10 with orphaned address locators in the database. • NIM066801 - Version changes command report edits made in the current version which are actually made in a different version. • NIM066815 - Colors of rasterized elements, raster layers, and inserted raster pictures are inverted when exporting to PDF in CMYK colorspace.

This happens with JPEG or Adaptive image compressions. • NIM066846 - Composite locator leaks memory in ArcGIS Server and may cause stability issues with the geocode service if system resources get low.

• NIM066864 - Masking is dropped when a map is exported to PDF, EPS, AI, and PNG for layers which utilize true curves. • NIM066876 - Geostatistical Analyst tools still display in English in ArcMap 10 with Chinese Language Pack. • NIM066880 - must be placed in front of in WMS 1.3.0 Capabilities response xml. • NIM066913 - When a scope code is selected that exclusively resides in MX_ScopeCode from ISO 19139, the value isn't exported to ISO 19139 format.

• NIM066974 - 'Construction Method Error' occurs when merging two parcels and using Remainder. • NIM066983 - Removing feature layer displays blank map. • NIM066989 - Arcpy.mapping.PrintMap prints extent indicators for dataframes in the current map but not in a named map.

• NIM067056 - DMS_1 Coordinate available through Military Analyst Extension is not available in the 'Convert Coordinate Notation' tool in ArcToolbox at Version 10. • NIM067072 - [UNIX] MapTocToolbar sample crashes when opening an mxd with a basemaplayer.

• NIM067075 - Include ArcPress support for the HP Designjet Spring 2011 series printers. • NIM067076 - Update ArcPress driver auto-selection to recognize Spring 2011 HP Designjet printers. • NIM067081 - ArcMap crashes performing 'Copy Parallel' on certain features.

• NIM067085 - Validating topology returns 'Validate Topology Failed' A failure was detected inside the topology engine overlay processor, [error id: 109]. • NIM067104 - Lookup and Reclassify tools produce incorrect results when using a string field as the lookup/reclass field. • NIM067117 - Generate Near Table hangs when the maximum number of closest matches parameter is set to a number that exceeds what will be returned. • NIM067119 - IGlobeAdvancedOptions.WriteToRegistry works well with ArcGIS Engine 9.3 but gives error at ArcGIS Engine 10. • NIM067121 - When identifying a mosaic dataset in ArcMap, it returns values for the rasters that are not displaying.

• NIM067130 - Start a Schematic Edit session turns off labeling when labels come from advance expression with join feature layers. • NIM067135 - A map containing two or more layers, symbolized with cartographic representations, creates different EPS export file sizes until the map has been exported four or more times in a row. Visually, the maps are identical. • NIM067146 - PrintMap - arcpy.mapping produces a significantly larger PRN than the UI when (ortho) photo layers are in the map. • NIM067149 - Block Web service layers from supporting layer.dataSource. • NIM067157 - arcpy.mapping for loops on layers in a layer file produce SDE connections for each layer - need to recycle SDE cache. • NIM067167 - DDP line index features are not centering on the page when a rotation field is applied.

• NIM067203 - Maplex Reduce Font Size is not working for point labels. • NIM067245 - The geodatabase should not filter user created tables/featureclasses that have names starting with 'GDB_' or 'ORG_'.

• NIM067251 - If a database containing a modified parcel fabric is reconciled, the connection to the SDE server cannot be dropped without exiting ArcMap. • NIM067257 - When using a Feature Set with the Multiple Ring Buffer in a Model an error is generated. • NIM067258 - Files greater than 1GB produced with Export to PDF (either UI or ArcPy) get created but can't be opened. • NIM067286 - After reconciling and posting a version with fabric edits, the state ID of the child version being posted was higher than the Default version. • NIM067297 - Mark Crossings are inconsistent when there are equalities in coordinates. • NIM067307 - The feedback for the direction distance and distance distance sketch constructors is not correct when using the classic snapping environment.

• NIM067353 - Tiff image shifts when zoomed out and displays in correct location when zoomed in. • NIM067358 - ArcMap crashes when an annotation, with category symbology that contains grouped values, is being edited. • NIM067418 - Composite locator only reports top-level locator name for ReverseGeocoding requests. • NIM067424 - Improve character mapping table in locator styles to support advanced parameters for better address matching and score calculation.

• NIM067488 - Using ArcCatalog 10 to import an XML workspace document into an ArcSDE 9.3.x geodatabase fails with an error 'Import XML data failed' if the XML file contained any relationship classes. • NIM067501 - Bearing Distance To Line, TableToEllipse, XYtoLine result in validation errors.

• NIM067561 - One representation line symbol layer appears thinner when exported to PDF at 1200dpi; 1100dpi and lower and 1210dpi and higher are fine. • NIM067609 - The Date and custom DateTime controls are set to 'Now' by default if a value isn't already stored in the element. As a result, you can never add today's date to one of these elements; the controls prevent the default date value from being saved everywhere in the item's metadata. • NIM067699 - Zonal Statistics and Zonal Statistics as a Table tool crashes on dataset with many fields. • NIM067714 - Editing Tracking Server Actions can cause the server to crash if the server is processing messages at the time the user finishes editing the action(s). • NIM067735 - Handle 'Full Width' Unicode characters in locators correctly. • NIM067736 - Periods in the street name cause batch geocoding to grow in memory and CPU until the application crashes.

• NIM067739 - Analysis/Near does not find any feature if the extent of the input and near feature class do not overlap. • NIM067753 - Graphic tracker symbols move if dynamic display is toggled. • NIM067755 - When reconciling a version that has fabrics and annotation, the process is very slow. • NIM067760 - The Fillet tool can crash ArcMap if a 3rd party software is installed that is not managing events correctly. • NIM067761 - Right to left - The feature inspector grid in the attributes dialog is not getting flipped. • NIM067775 - Extended attributes not showing up in Plan Properties.

• NIM067812 - When entering latitude/longitude coordinates into the Find Address Candidates operation for a geocode service using spatial reference 2264, the results are given as latitude/longitude rather than feet. This does not occur prior to Version 10 SP1. • NIM067821 - Receive error 'Can't open Target Version. The Geometry property of the spatial filter is invalid' on using version changes tool after applying hot fix QFE-DT-931SP2QIP-188269 for NIM066801 on ArcGIS 9.3.1 SP2 QIP. • NIM067822 - Image service footprints should response to time slider as well.

• NIM067823 - Hardware acceleration can cause inconsistent behavior and/or crashing in Basemap Layers if the machine is using an IntelGMA graphics chipset. • NIM067880 - Annotation features display outside of the data frame when exporting a map. • NIM067905 - Granting privileges to 9.3 locators in ArcGIS 10x SDE geodatabase fails with errors. • NIM067917 - Loading a previously saved class break XML file causes the error. • NIM067954 - Improve the message that appears in ArcMap if a user tries to open a map document created in a more recent version. • NIM067955 - Topoloader is skipping parcel lines. • NIM067964 - Histogram on the image classification toolbar does not work with WCS raster or Landsat Image Service.

• NIM067966 - Using interactive image classification tool on a WCS service causes a crash. • NIM067967 - Calculate statistics in memory for rasters that do not have valid statistics as required by the function. • NIM067973 - Parcel Remainder is leaving gaps and some curves are flipping. • NIM067978 - Extract by Mask tool does not process multiband image service input successfully.

• NIM067979 - The Spatial Analyst Con tool fails to execute with an image service input. • NIM067988 - The Map/Layer to KML (Keyhole Markup Language) conversion process incorrectly converts polyline curves to 90-degree angles with some datasets. • NIM067993 - Dynamic range adjustment (DRA) doesn't respond to mosaic rule change on the layer properties change. • NIM067994 - Support JPEG compression transmission for more than 3 band image service. • NIM067995 - Time extend defined on mosaic dataset should be read automatically by image service. • NIM068004 - Topology Loader fails to import certain multipart polygons.

• NIM068057 - Invalid Package error returned when unpacking a package if the My Documents has been redirected to a location using a UNC path. • NIM068061 - Previewing a layer displayed with a chart renderer shows super saturated colors. • NIM068062 - The Point, Polyline, Polygon To Raster tools do not honor the environment cellsize, and when the cellsize is cleared on the dialog, the default value is not filled out. • NIM068064 - Delta angle is not getting computed correctly. • NIM068076 - arcpy.mapping.PrintMap - ratio should be image_quality and default value should be 'NONE'. • NIM068080 - When consuming a Network Analyst service in ArcMap using the Find Route Tool, the error 'Route not found' will occur if the server has its web service protocol set to 'SOAP'. • NIM068086 - Permissions are not propagated to a M:N attributed table when the relationship class is created outside of a feature dataset.

• NIM068092 - Using a string field in the attribute table as the input to a function is not resulting in the function reading the values from the table. • NIM068093 - Make Image Server Layer tool show validation errors for default mosaic method with some image services. • NIM068094 - Extract Multi Values to Points tool crashes with image service input. • NIM068100 - The order of elements in a GroupElement stack is not honored in an optimized map service. • NIM068206 - A mosaic dataset has slivers/gaps between overviews when the data frame is in a different projection than the mosaic dataset. • NIM068265 - The Multiple Ring Buffer tool generates unexpected output when more than two distances are specified and the dissolve option is set to 'ALL' (ArcView and ArcEditor license level only). • NIM068315 - A crash occurs when switching views after opening mxd saved to 9.0/9.1 or 8. Wifi Hotspot Driver For Windows 7 Free Download there. 3.

• NIM068322 - The Split tool generates an empty line feature with extraneous extents, or a populated point feature with extraneous extents, after ArcGIS Desktop Version 10 SP2 is installed. • NIM068449 - ArcMap crashes when downloading selected rasters if the raster on mosaic dataset has a mask function. • NIM068460 - The spatial reference information is not recognized for ECW images. • NIM068480 - When output spatial reference is set in a FindAddressCandidates request to a 10 locator, this spatial reference is used in subsequent requests where the output spatial reference is not set. • NIM068497 - Specific tiff images, with pyramids/overviews, do not display correctly at the overview level. • NIM068587 - Adding a new field to a layer that has a Definition Query causes ArcMap to crash after being in an Edit Session.

• NIM068659 - ArcMap crashes when exporting a video from the Time Slider on Win 7 machines. • NIM068661 - Locators created without one or more optional zone fields have incorrect score. • NIM068662 - Composite Locator returns incorrect score for participating locators. • NIM068686 - Setting the IRasterProps.NoDataValue property to 0 does not work in ArcGIS 10 SP2. • NIM068704 - Path Distance tool returns wrong values for small negative slopes when a custom graph is used for the vertical factor.

• NIM068709 - Selection chip holds on to features too long. • NIM068733 - An http 500 error is returned when using a GetCapabilities request with a WFS service which references an external capabilities file. • NIM068741 - Certain web maps currently crash ArcMap when they are opened • NIM068754 - With 10 SP1, in a generic model, Addjoin needs to recognize input from MkFeaLyr for next tool to hook up. • NIM068763 - In ArcGIS 10.0, Chinese version, the Query/Identifier Editor and the Fields tab in the Schematics Dataset Editor look different from the English version. • NIM068767 - Certain ASRP (ARC Standard Raster Product) rasters cannot be added to ArcMap and will generate an invalid raster dataset error. • NIM068806 - Clicking Map control using any of the tools in the Measure dialog box, opens another Measure dialog box.

• NIM068825 - Replica synchronization fails when field types of GUID type are used to define a relationship class included in the replica. • NIM068861 - Batch mode: Match rate shows significant inconsistency (up to 3% fluctuation) on USA address point and zip code when geocode it in 10 SP1. • NIM068862 - Automatic Rematch for batch geocoding does not work from the Interactive Rematch dialog. • NIM068899 - IinterpolationOp3::Trend returns error when run more than 5 times in succession. • NIM069067 - The Make Parcel Fabric Table View is not working on SDE Versions.

• NIM069081 - Creating an invalid control point causes corrupt job and ArcMap to hang. • NIM069083 - Segmented Line tool fails to show segmented points on open OR new parcel. • NIM069224 - The metadata editor isn't correctly handling the country associated with a language for North American Profile metadata. • NIM069225 - When there are search tags but no detailed keywords, export search tags to ISO 19139 and FGDC as theme keywords. Theme keywords are mandatory in FGDC metadata. • NIM069229 - The metadata synchronizer records feature class geometry type and feature count, and language and country codes incorrectly in an item's metadata.

• NIM069230 - When items are copied in ArcGIS, a flag is incorrectly added to the copied item's metadata identifying it as ArcGIS metadata. This prevents the Upgrade button from appearing even though the metadata is 9.3.1 FGDC metadata that hasn't been upgraded. • NIM069232 - Metadata synchronization may update all instances of a metadata element with the default value when it should only update one -- the one that was added automatically. • NIM069234 - When the metadata synchronizer stores values in an XML attribute, the element doesn't also get the Sync attribute indicating the element was added automatically.

This makes it look like ArcGIS metadata, which prevents the Upgrade button from appearing even though the metadata is 9.3.1 FGDC metadata, hasn't been upgraded. • NIM069245 - Reference scale is cleared out when zooming in and out with certain layers after installing ArcGIS 10 Service Pack 2. • NIM069246 - If HTML in the item's description can't be decoded for some reason, nothing will be displayed under the Description heading in the brief summary shown at the top of the metadata display. If this happens, show the description's content as plain text instead. • NIM069247 - Support editing vertical extent, application schema, and the source associated with a lineage process step to better support ISO 19139 and FGDC metadata. • NIM069248 - Changes made to the metadata's date on the Metadata Details page aren't saved.

Today's date will always be recorded in the element instead. • NIM069249 - Aggregate information provided in the data identification section isn't visible in ISO 19139 metadata XML documents. • NIM069250 - The ArcGIS metadata display doesn't show an item's current location under the ESRI Metadata and Item Properties heading. • NIM069251 - Support editing aggregate information (cross-referenced resources and larger works in FGDC terminology) and application schema information in an item's metadata. • NIM069254 - Provide an XSLT-based ArcGIS to ISO 19139 export transformation.

This must be included in the ArcGIS Metadata Toolkit to support profiles of ISO 19139. • NIM069255 - Support editing both the FGDC geospatial presentation form value with the FGDC metadata style. • NIM069256 - Support editing TDD/TTY phone numbers with FGDC and NAP metadata styles. • NIM069257 - Support editing an address' type with the FGDC and NAP metadata styles.

• NIM069258 - Support editing Indirect Spatial Reference Information with the FGDC metadata style. • NIM069260 - An item's content type provided in 9.3.1 FGDC metadata isn't upgraded to ArcGIS metadata. This may cause problems when publishing the item to a geoportal. • NIM069261 - When exporting metadata, handle online linkage elements appropriately when they don't contain a valid Internet address.

• NIM069265 - On the Fields page, make the Attribute Definition input control a multi-line text box instead of a single-line text box. • NIM069266 - Update labels on the Item Description page to clearly identify where to put Abstract and Purpose content. The metadata Abstract is the ArcGIS Online 'Description', and the metadata Purpose is the ArcGIS Online 'Summary'. • NIM069268 - When an item only contains synchronized ArcGIS 10 metadata, the FGDC Metadata >Spatial Data Organization heading will appear but there is no content to display underneath it.

• NIM069269 - The Export button won't appear in the Description tab when the OS uses a comma for a decimal place. • NIM069279 - On the Fields page, support editing an overview description and an attribute's measurement frequency with the FGDC metadata style.

• NIM069280 - On the Distribution page, support editing an available time period, format information content, and use extended media name and format lists with the FGDC metadata style. • NIM069295 - Remove the Spatial Reference page from the FGDC metadata style. The spatial reference must be defined in the item itself. Make sure the Locales page is available for all ISO-based metadata styles.

• NIM069296 - When values are validated in the editor as numbers, they must be checked based the English locale. A period must be used for the decimal place. • NIM069319 - Performance is significantly slower when editing in a map document containing many feature classes. • NIM069343 - File geodatabase gets error 'Failed to connect to database. FDO error: - [GDB_SystemCatalog]' after compacting. • NIM069371 - Linear Directional Mean tool fails when the case field has Chinese characters. • NIM069373 - Standard Distance fails when the Case Field supplied includes Chinese characters.

• NIM069415 - The Export Metadata and Validate Metadata buttons on the Metadata toolbar show a red circle/X with error 000732 for the Source Metadata parameter when the selected item is a feature class or feature dataset in a geodatabase. • NIM069447 - Graphic Element disappears in Transverse Mercator projection when the Equator is not visible. • NIM069511 - Isocluster creates an empty output signature file with function raster. • NIM069514 - Extract Values To Points with option for appending attributes of raster incorrectly writes string field values. Also creating incorrect values in the table. • NIM069516 Build overview does not take the default mosaic method defined in the mosaic dataset.

• NIM069606 - Masking a vertex that precisely intersects the border of a map sheet causes the masked features to completely disappear when the map document is exported to EPS (encapsulated PostScript file). • NIM069683 - Line events are not offset parallel to underlying routes. • NIM069741 - After adding a real-time layer to ArcMap, toggling to List by Selection in the table of contents causes ArcMap to crash. • NIM069793 - Extract Multi Values to Points is slower than Extract Values to Points. • NIM069863 - When exporting a mxd to PDF that contains a polygon feature class symbolized using a representation rule designed with a hatch fill pattern that is partially covered using the donut effect, the polygons that cross the edge of the data frame do not retain the donut effect and appear symbolized with a solid.

• NIM069881 - Composite locator is broken if the participating locator names are in Unicode. • NIM069929 - Appending a group of parcels that need to be split (because they are disconnected) and then join them individually, it duplicates the plan. • NIM070039 - Initially display all ArcGIS metadata content, instead of having to click and click and click nested headings to see metadata content. Organization of content in the display should match the organization of content in the editor. • NIM070062 - Export metadata appropriately for the NAP style: use appropriate standard name, ignore ISO content excluded by the NAP profile, and organize distribution information appropriately for NAP rules. • NIM070077 - Overviews are incorrect when high resolution data is added to a mosaic dataset before low resolution data is added.

• NIM070091 - Radial lines are not imported if they are an exact match with existing radial lines in the fabric; the imported parcels are corrupt. • NIM070106 - Selecting a row from the Raster Attribute table on a 16-bit unsigned raster causes ArcMap to crash. • NIM070123 - Vehicle Routing Problem solver can produce sub-optimal solution when using multiple depots with default settings. • NIM070124 - Vehicle Routing Problem solver does not give good solutions for instances involving multiple depots. • NIM070125 - Vehicle Routing Problem solver can incorrectly schedule all the max cumulative breaks at the start of the day for some instances. • NIM070126 - The Vehicle Routing Problem solver does not produce a solution with tight clusters when route seed points are used. • NIM070127 - The Vehicle Routing Problem solver returns a solution with multiple buses visiting the same neighborhood for school bus routing.

• NIM070128 - Vehicle Routing Problem solver can cause a crash when solving some instances with order curb approach set to No-UTurn. • NIM070151 - The IRasterAnalysisEnvironment::SetAsNewDefaultEnvironment is not honored in ArcGIS 10. • NIM070153 - Zonal Histogram crashes when floating point value raster with Unique Value symbology is used and graph is specified. • NIM070159 - A memory leak while reading Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) format crashes ArcMap. • NIM070160 - ArcGIS 10.0 WCS client in ArcGIS Desktop fails to display 10.1 WCS service with certain projections.

• NIM070161 - Tabulate Area with zone field 'object id' gives null values when output to fgdb. • NIM070162 - Point Statistics: if the output is fgdb, it gets truncated to integer regardless of input field type and statistic type. • NIM070163 - Zonal Statistics and Zonal Statistics As Table crashes with shapefile, string field, and selection. • NIM070165 - Create Histogram and Create Contour tools on Spatial Analyst toolbar should honor the display extent. • NIM070195 - CV table of Kernel Interpolation dialog in the Wizard has 3 columns filled with NaN for 10 SP1 and 10 SP2. • NIM070216 - CV output Feature Class does not have any extent with Z enabled input data. • NIM070217 - in comma locale - incorrect output for subsequent run of idw when neighborhood with decimal value is used.

• NIM070245 - Geostatistical Analyst Wizard crashes with input raster in PGDB. • NIM070247 - Geostatistical Analyst Wizard is crashing when using a PGDB with a join as input.

• NIM070255 - ArcMap can crash when map service request response time is delayed. • NIM070257 - The Export Image functionality, using Rendering Rule Colormap through the REST Services Directory, does not display the expected result when all pixel values are not specified. • NIM070263 - ArcMap crashes when variography is exported to table in Geostatistical Wizard. • NIM070266 - Cache corruption is causing a crash in ArcMap while drawing Basemap data.

• NIM070274 - Diffusion Interpolation with Barriers tool, with extent set in the environment, crashes when used in Model Builder. • NIM070285 - GALayerToGrid GP tool is too slow when non single sector searchneighborhood is used (fast in 9.3.1 and slow in 10).

• NIM070323 - Security Vulnerability in ArcGIS Server 10 Image Service file resource. • NIM070342 - An image service viewed through REST with band IDs specified does not have any stretch parameter applied to it. • NIM070349 - Converting Scale Text to graphics in layout view changes the text from the current scale to the default text in the Scale Text Selector dialog box. • NIM070360 - The cached map service does not display correctly in ArcMap using an ArcGIS Server internet connection when the layer name is in Russian. • NIM070431 - It is not possible to change the workspace AND the dataset to something that doesn't exist using replaceDataSource and validate=False.

• NIM070443 - Geoeye ikonos raster type metadata fields not updated correctly. • NIM070462 - Pointing to an EO.dat file for applanix does not work. DEM selection switched back to Average Z when you close the applanix raster type dialog. Raster type fails to load data. • NIM070468 - Exported image from image service sometimes repeats existing name. • NIM070474 - Reduction By Priority rule: parameters in the 'Target node priority options' section are not persisted.

• NIM070482 - Polygon declustering in the Wizard is too slow on Vista/Windows7 operating systems. • NIM070483 - Moving Window Kriging crashes with static variables; crash is data-specific. • NIM070487 - GP tool convert diagram To Features checkbox 'Reuse Existing Structure' doesn't work correctly.

• NIM070490 - Long time taken to draw MD footprints, or even trying to load the MD to map. • NIM070495 - Import Mosaic Dataset Geometry does not recognize the fields added to the mosaic dataset in the same model.

• NIM070531 - Importing a shapefile with an area attribute to an ArcSDE geodatabase results in all values for this field set to NULL. • NIM070537 - Do not treat raster catalog footprint as custom features. • NIM070568 - The Raster Renderer color ramp control does not include Geostatistical Analyst color ramps category. • NIM070570 - Illustrations for custom script/model tools are shrunk in the Item Description. Images should not be resized so drastically because they are a very important part of the description.

• NIM070576 - Landsat service returns a poor looking image when BandIds parameter is not specified. • NIM070580 - Repair of a locator fails if the workspace of the locator's reference data does not exist at the original location. • NIM070584 - Many Map Algebra equations will not execute when an image service layer, raster layer or netCDF layer is used as input. • NIM070585 - Tabulate Area crashes when using Zone field 'COUNT'. • NIM070589 - Re-executing a tool from a Result with the table open in preview mode, causes ArcCatalog to crash.

• NIM070591 - Cannot set raster dataset to include a specific band using arcpy.mapping Layer.replaceDataSource. • NIM070593 - arcpy.mapping MapDocument should raise an error when asked to perform a save as to version '8.3' outside of CURRENT. • NIM070609 - NetCDF property page does not show up for NetCDF Feature Layers in ArcGlobe and ArcScene. • NIM070623 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: Shift in tick placement. • NIM070624 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: User modifications to coordinate systems properties not persisted. • NIM070625 - Make Grids and Graticules Layer: Point features do not clip to the AOI/Neatline like gridlines.

• NIM070675 - Add Field to Analysis Layer tool should succeed with warnings if the field already exists. • NIM070676 - Add Field To Analysis Layer GP tool crashes when a map layer object is specified as input network analysis layer.

• NIM070677 - Loading long lines (country boundaries) as line restrictions takes long time. • NIM070678 - The Restrictions and Attribute parameter in all Network Analyst geoprocessing tools must list the items in alphabetical order. • NIM070679 - UpgradeNetwork tool must always run in foreground even when background geoprocessing is turned on. • NIM070680 - The alias names on the feature classes are not written to the output of DissolveNetwork. • NIM070729 - Project tool is not validating a missing geodatabase correctly and adding multiple.shp extension to the output.

• NIM070752 - Valid geometry should be built before saving the diagram. • NIM070757 - Some TIFF datasets written in ArcGIS 10 don't display in the correct location in 9.3.1 when the projection units is feet. • NIM070769 - Define Mask through the Mask function does not persist the function to the mosaic dataset. • NIM070770 - Attribute table in the layout doesn't draw due to broken data sources. • NIM070771 - Scale bar width changes after changing font color. • NIM070772 - After using the Change Layout button legends become corrupted and reduced in size. • NIM070777 - An error can occur during Stop Editing process.

The problem appears to be in getting the display to invalidate the screen, then the display is returned as NULL. • NIM070778 - Copy Feature tools, when run repeatedly, with a moderate sized data consumes more and more memory on each iteration. • NIM070781 - Spatial Join returns 0 for JOIN_FID if no join feature is found. Should return -1. • NIM070782 - Script Attribute parameters should not be evaluated as string. • NIM070785 - Delete Identical is not deleting duplicate polygons.

• NIM070794 - Spatial join fails when target, join and output are in ArcSDE. • NIM070795 - Spatial Join tool not ignoring invalid match options. • NIM070800 - For custom evaluators, edge restrictions cannot be made time-aware. • NIM070801 - Custom turn evaluators cannot be made time-aware.

• NIM070803 - Shortcut menu does not open when right-clicking Interoperability Connection in the Catalog window in ArcScene and ArcGlobe. • NIM070805 - A 2 point spline text in layout view does not have curve handles when first created. • NIM070837 - Inconsistent behavior of Insert and Update Cursors when the data is Versioned ArcSDE data. • NIM070841 - Size and position values for legends and scale bars change in some cases. • NIM070842 - In Model Builder, the Make Route Layer geoprocessing tool does not honor all of the analysis settings when creating the schema for the output Route layer.

• NIM070846 - Select tool fails with a 99999 error if a valid SQL query statement in the expression parameter of the tool creates an empty output with no features selected. • NIM070851 - Grids and Graticules Designer: MGRS - Custom Precision anno style creates incorrect values. • NIM070854 - Fail to publish the service with default layer in 10.0 SP2. • NIM070862 - Diagram generation from Network Analyst Service area failing if there are breaks over 5 minutes.

• NIM070863 - The Restore Default button of Linear Dispatch property page does not work correctly. • NIM070864 - Update metadata synchronization to store all real numbers with periods for the decimal separator. • NIM070865 - Update metadata synchronization for rasters to always store real numbers with a period for the decimal place. • NIM070872 - Incremental rebuild sometimes incorrectly removes an edge element from the network dataset. • NIM070873 - Zonal Statistics As Table geoprocessing tool fails to execute with statistics type SUM and output to info table. • NIM070877 - In Model Builder, the DissolveNetwork geoprocessing tool incorrectly outputs Error 030070 'Invalid network dataset type' message when chained with a tool that creates a new network dataset.

• NIM070885 - Adding the WFS capability to a Map Service that contains a Mosaic Dataset causes the ArcSOC process to crash. • NIM070893 - gp.describe of RasterCatalog.SpatialReference errors at 10.0 SP2 (works with 10.0 final). • NIM070898 Add ESRI.ArcGIS.DataInterop.dll and ESRI.ArcGIS.DataInteropUI.dll to the ArcObjects.NET Setup for developers who need to access Data Interoperability data sources programmatically and to provide equivalency with 9.3.1. • NIM070901 - Add the field names used by NAVTEQ's FileGeoDatabase data product to NetworkDatasetConfiguration.xml. • NIM070902 - CreateCompositeLocator GP tool should enforce 14 character limit on the locator names for the participating locators.

• NIM070910 - In the Catalog window, a folder connection's context menu doesn't include the Item Description command. You can't see the folder's metadata. • NIM070934 - Compressed FileGDB crashes during deletion of 501 rows with delete searched rows.

• NIM070935 - Importing a geometric network to a 10.0 geodatabase can results in a crash with 10.0 SP2. • NIM070941 - Ensure uniqueness of Schematic Dataset, Schematic Diagram, and Schematic Folder names. • NIM070965 - In the Catalog window, the.sde connection file's context menu should include the Item Description command. Without this option you can't see the geodatabase's metadata. • NIM070966 - If a connection to a geodatabase isn't available, the Item Description command in its context menu should be disabled in the Catalog window. • NIM070968 - ArcMap crashes after running MapDoc.DataDrivenPage on a foreign OS.

• NIM070971 - Check marks are mirrored on the Join Validation dialog. • NIM070972 - ArcGIS 10.0 users need the ability to set a line template for copy/pasted line-work and Construct from parent (without creating new lines). • NIM070973 - Export dataset doesn't export manually added fields for Schematic feature classes correctly. • NIM070974 - Enforce maximum number of rasters downloadable per request in GetFile request. • NIM070975 - Update ArcGIS Server.NET Help for 10.0 SP3. • NIM070977 - Update ArcGIS Server Java Help for 10.0 SP3.

• NIM071039 - In using a compressed feature classes, some records are not found through IRandomAccessCursor if the attribute table is open in ArcMap. • NIM071049 - When parent exports changes without switching role, Import Message does not enable on parent. • NIM071094 - Enable indexer logging so users can fix problems if the index crashes.

• NIM071095 - ArcMap displays the 'Warning Inconsistent Extent' message when you add an ArcGIS Server map service into a map from the Catalog in cases where it really shouldn't. • NIM071097 - Location-Allocation target market share does not converge to solution with particular dataset. • NIM071102 - Disable automatic updating of the To/From point when clicking a point in the map. • NIM071109 - ArcMap crashes when joining to a parcel that does not have a plan name. • NIM071112 - Feature Adjustment fails to save associated feature classes.

• NIM071116 - When adjusting parcels, the Parcel Editor reports that you don't have enough active control points. • NIM071117 - If all lines in a parcel are set to accuracy category 7, the adjustment fails. • NIM071120 - arcpy.mappingListLayers on SDE layers does not release ArcMap.exe from task manager when mxd is closed. • NIM071123 - Time aware annotation that is using a join results in a query failure.

• NIM071298 - Aliases get applied recursively, i.e. British Columbia is matched to British Columbia and Baja California (both of them have BC as an alias).

• NIM071302 - After upgrading valid FGDC metadata, a bounding box is not calculated and added to the metadata; an existing extent is attributed as if it were added by synchronization, and empty bounding boxes are added to each extent container element. • NIM071339 - Search ArcGIS Online using Non-English (Chinese) strings in a Localized desktop (i.e.

Chinese) returns irrelevant result. • NIM071340 - Some tools cannot be found or incomplete search result returned when doing search by 'Tools' using French version ArcMap. • NIM071433 - Schematic Migration into Oracle server fails when an attribute has a name exceeding 30 characters. • NIM071461 - Show a popup that warns people with FGDC metadata that they must upgrade before it can be edited in the Description tab.

• NIM071656 - Packaging NetCDF raster layers will cause ArcGIS to fatal. • NIM071745 - Update ISO 19139, INSPIRE, and NAP metadata styles to use improved, XSLT-based ARCGIS2ISO19139.xml translator for exporting metadata. • NIM071746 - When exporting ArcGIS metadata to ISO 19139 format, if mandatory elements are missing, insert those elements into the output file with the attribute nilReason='missing'. • NIM072105 - Need to port SORT and JOIN FIELD down to lower license levels. ArcGIS Engine • NIM065008 - Running a geoprocessing tool using background geoprocessing causes license error in ArcGIS Engine 10.0. • NIM070802 - A NullPointerException is encountered while creating QueryFilter. ArcGIS License Manager • NIM070924 - Authorization fails in certain environments such as the Amazon cloud where machine identification cannot be reliably obtained.

ArcGIS Server: GIS Services and Caching • NIM051468 - The Service Configuration tag does not work for MXD map services with File Geodatabase feature classes. • NIM063428 - Marker symbol offset setting is ignored with MSD-based map service when feature access is enabled. • NIM063845 - REST directory shows wrong 'Relationships' information for a feature class with relationships when it is added to an mxd multiple times. • NIM064027 - Publishing an Esri Optimized Map Service with a Query Layer takes longer than publishing the same MXD as a Classic Map Service. • NIM064238 – Update the Geoprocessing Server help stylesheet to be equivalent to the stylesheet used in ArcGIS Desktop. • NIM064918 - ArcGIS Server WMS services should not use the cache when the request's coordinate system does not match that of the cached service.

• NIM065021 - UNIX: Compact cache cannot be created using script if the cache directory is located in a network file system. • NIM065844 - Using the tool 'Export Map Server Cache' crashes ArcGIS Desktop if the cache to be exported was created with a previous version of ArcGIS Server. • NIM065885 - Optimized map service published with ArcGIS Server Java on Linux cannot display true type fonts (TTF) symbols other than the symbols already present in./servercore/vmw/mw/fonts.

• NIM066071 - SOAP proxies made from the GPServer WSDL are not working because of a missing property GPToolInfo:Description. • NIM066935 - The Import Map Server Cache tool is removing JPEG compression from source tiles when existing tiles are replaced. • NIM068958 - A model with the Slice tool returns an error when run as a geoprocessing service. • NIM069924 - ClassBreakRenderer does not report correct class range when classes are reversed. • NIM070046 - ArcCatalog crashes while generating a map cache with more than 16 or 30 instances when using a feature class at scales larger than 18K.

• NIM070188 - A query layer operation through the service directory against a layer with a Point ZM SHAPE field hangs, or returns an error message, when the return geometry is set to true. • NIM070445 - The 'content-location' header has changed in 10.0 and ArcMap is resampling when 'blank' is returned instead of just displaying the blank tile. • NIM070446 - The blending feature in Import Map Cache Server tool corrupts adjacent areas in cache tiles. • NIM070874 - MapServerLegendInfo does not return the raster legend class when legend symbol is null. Mobile No Mobile specific issues. REST API Java: • NIM071096 - Validate user input before writing to t.

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