Berkeley Puppet Interview Manual Dexterity

Berkeley Puppet Interview Manual Dexterity

Twitter has had an lately. Its, its, and. In recent weeks, Twitter has announced (or had leaked) plans to change the platform’s, its of messages, and the site’s most vocal users are fearing, and saying,. The more I read of it, the more I think about the over the past few years, and I see some striking parallels.

To be sure, they are very different entities. Most importantly, is a publicly traded company, while the is a non-profit organization. But both are important platforms in the online information ecosystem facing significant questions about not just its future but even its present. Both have much in common in their history and structure, and in the challenges they now face: • Wikipedia and Twitter both started out as side projects of other projects that weren’t going anywhere: Wikipedia of traditionally-edited online encyclopedia, and Twitter of possibly-before-its-time podcast directory. • Both are basically monopolies in their particular corner of the information ecosystem: Wikipedia has no competitor in collating the “sum of all human knowledge” into readable text; Twitter is the only public, real-time conversation network (in it has bested Facebook). Described at one time or another.

Nov 30, 2006. Only the name of the victim is written by hand. But there's still the drag on economic efficiency of writing the victims' names in by hand. But here in America, the NY Times will not only publish something calling for our puppet to shed rivers of Iraqi blood, they don't even care it makes no sense. The Berkeley Puppet Interview (BPI) is an age-appropriate instrument for self-reports of problem behavior by young children. Objective: Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the BPI will be reported, specifically, test-retest reliability, intra-class correlations, congruent and concurrent validity. Methods: In a sample of.

• Both are among the most-recognized, heavily-visited destinations on the web. Google pretty much points searchers to Wikipedia by default, and recently re-upped a deal to provide Twitter results in searches. Both are websites: according to Alexa, Wikipedia is 7th and Twitter is 10th., Wikipedia is currently 6th and Twitter 8th. • Both are open publishing platforms, inviting its readers to be contributors. Even so, the vast majority of participants (broadly defined) choose only to consume. Wikipedia’s reader base has always vastly exceeded its editors, which isn’t a huge surprise.

Berkeley Puppet Interview Manual Dexterity

But Twitter has been for a number of years. (See also: the, the Internet’s ). • One possible reason why both have so few active contributors is that they are both notoriously difficult to use. This is rather obviously true for Wikipedia. It is, after all, an encyclopedia, and making beneficial contributions to it requires time, knowledge and inclination (not to mention persistence and thick skin). Twitter’s 140-character simplicity belies its true complexity, as.

• Both are organized as democratic, non-hierarchical platforms where everyone theoretically has an equal chance to be seen and heard. But of course invisible hierarchies emerge, as certain power users self-identify through the strength of social ties or canny dexterity with the platform. Twitter at least makes follower counts public, while Wikipedia is considerably more opaque.

• For each, active users grew dramatically (even exponentially) until hitting a peak and then declining. This happened for Wikipedia in 2007, which happened to be the same year Twitter first started gaining traction. However, this growth ran out by 2009, making for a very similar looking user growth-and-decline charts.

Growth and decline: Wikipedia editors at left; Twitter audience at right.• Both allow users anonymity—or, more accurately, pseudonymity—which arguably fosters a community culture suffering from a lack of responsibility and accountability. Relatedly, both have had significant trouble with the, and female users of both platforms have reported.

• Fallings out among top leadership have been the norm since the beginning. At Wikipedia, co-founder Larry Sanger became disillusioned with the project, leaving Jimmy Wales free to bask in the glory of being a “digital god” as the last week. As Nick Bilton described in his book,, Twitter’s most contentious co-founders, Jack Dorsey and Ev Williams, were at each other’s throats almost constantly.

Multiple defenestrations later, Dorsey once again leads the company as CEO. • Besides the personal squabbles among its founders, both have experienced very recent and very concerning internal confusion at the company / parent organization, riven with conflicts about the future of the organization, and a revolving door of high-level executives. For Twitter, this has been in the tech press almost constantly.

For Wikipedia, this has been covered most extensively by only and a of, including. • The direction of each has caused immense consternation in the community of power users who are conflicted about revisions to the platform, both rumored and launched. Impending changes to Twitter’s character limit and algorithmic order of tweets can be compared to community revolts over several recent software initiatives, especially the, which sought to fundamentally change the nature of editors’ interaction with the site. At present, Wikipedians are anxious to know if is another. • For both, the silver lining is that their position is secure so long as arguments are being had there: that people care about what is being said on each website. No matter what ails each one, no competitor is likely to displace them, and their core function is likely to be relevant for the foreseeable future. Are there lessons for one or the other?

I’m not so sure. One conclusion that does occur to me as a longtime Wikipedia editor, observer and fan: how fortunate is Wikipedia to be a non-profit foundation right now! Whatever complaints one may have about Jimmy Wales, and there are many valid ones, his decision to forsake the chance to become “an Internet billionaire” on the back of Wikipedia, as, infelicitously, owes significantly to its central role on the Internet today. Had, for example, Wales insisted on monetizing Wikipedia with advertising (something Twitter once, long ago, promised it would never do, and only recently has begun ) the rest of Wikipedia’s contributors might have walked out the door.

Twitter, on the other hand, was founded by startup veterans who probably never seriously considered doing anything but become Internet billionaires. (For what it’s worth, and both achieved this goal.) I come here not to criticize the ambition, but to observe that it hasn’t worked out so well for the platform. In its attempts to generate revenue to match their brand recognition, Twitter has experimented with several different strategies and business models. Unfortunately, these often ran at cross-purposes to what Twitter was good at, as observers from to Twitter investor have both written. That it is now publicly traded is a worse headache, and places on it a burden of expectations that may ultimately spell its doom as an independent company. Fortunately for Wikipedia, it has a clearer notion of what it should be. It is an encyclopedia.

Its recent struggles may owe something to the fact that the Wikimedia Foundation doesn’t always seem to recognize that. Twitter may have largely succeed at becoming “” but, for a company whose shareholders expect continuing growth, that isn’t enough. As any wiki-watcher surely expected, today’s milestone brought an avalanche of news coverage not seen since, well, the last round number anniversary, when Wikipedia turned ten in 2011. But Wikipedia journalism is hard (take it from me, I know) and when outsider scribes momentarily and try to write something meaningful, the. With that in mind, I decided to take a look at what some major news outlets are saying about Wikipedia today: what they led with, what they weirdly obsessed over, and how they wrapped things up. ♦ ♦ ♦ ABC News, “”, Michael Liedtke Lede: [1] Journo-speak, natch. Sadly, Wikipedia failed to create 15 million articles by its 15th birthday.

Wikipedia is getting another source of cash for its 15th birthday, expanding beyond fundraising drives that have already poured $250 million into the Internet’s leading encyclopedia. Huh: Wikipedia’s growth has spurred criticism that its parent foundation has become bloated and doesn’t need to raise so much money.

Upshot: “We stay very mission-driven,” [Jimmy] Wales said. “One of the things that we are focused on is the idea of having an encyclopedia available for every person in the world in their own language. As you go in that direction, these (requests for money) are some of things you need to do to build that long-term dream.” The Wikimedia Foundation’s (WMF) announcement earlier this week of [2] as by yours truly just last month pays off here, giving journalists a solid hook for a story more substantial than “has it been 15 years already?” and less unpleasant than the at the WMF HQ in San Francisco. However, points subtracted, ABC News, for quoting Eric Barbour, arguably the of Wikipedia on the Internet—and that’s. ♦ ♦ ♦ Washington Post, “”, Andrew Lih Lede: On Jan. 15, Wikipedia officially celebrates 15 years as the Internet’s “free encyclopedia,” cataloging humankind’s achievements in real time and, more importantly, rescuing desperate students facing school assignment deadlines.

In that time, it has hastened the end of Microsoft’s Encarta encyclopedia and supplanted Britannica as the dominant reference work in English. While the digital landscape has changed drastically over the last decade, Wikipedia has not, and still delivers that rare site that strives for neutrality and accuracy, all with no commercial advertisements. Huh: Unfortunately for Wikipedia, this global trend toward mobile could have a dramatic effect on the site’s volunteer contributions. Are people going to help edit text articles on mobile devices with tiny on-screen keyboards, or can the Wikimedia movement tap the potential of micro-contributions or use these multimedia-capable handsets for audio, video and photos from the crowd? Upshot: [T]echnology is not enough to keep the Wikimedia movement moving forward. Ultimately, Wikipedia was started by and still relies on the efforts of human volunteers.

It will only thrive for another 15 years if that community can work cooperatively with the Wikimedia Foundation — and infighting doesn’t splinter the movement. Good call by the Post to turn over its coverage to longtime editor and commentator Andrew Lih, the author of a 2009 book,. Of all the pieces mentioned here, this is by far the most comprehensive, and does an admirable job balancing what’s great about Wikipedia as well as what ails it. Although it’s impossible to read everything written about Wikipedia published today, I feel safe saying if you can only read one column, this should be it.

♦ ♦ ♦ BBC News, “”, Zoe Kleinman Lede: The English language version of the site, which anyone can edit, has more than five million entries and has been edited around 808 million times. We’re still talking about this guy?A page about former US president George W Bush has attracted the most attention with 45,862 edits since its creation. Upshot: [Warwick Business School professor Aleksi Aaltonen:] “As Wikipedia has grown older, it has become progressively more difficult for contributors to improve content. At the same time, Wikipedia’s system of rules has become more burdensome.

However, if Wikipedia can maintain its success, it will be remembered as a gift of an open internet that is now under attack from many directions.” Yesterday, the WMF also published a blog post about the. So, you can see what’s going on here: many of the poor, beleagured hacks [3] See, I was once an actual working journalist, and I can tell you: it’s not that we’re lazy, it’s that we’re harried. Tasked with writing something about Wikipedia just went to the nearest official source and piggybacked on whatever they were saying. So, nice work Wikimedia comms dept! That said, I could see the Independent or Guardian still being obsessed with George W. Bush all these years later, but et tu, BBC? ♦ ♦ ♦ TIME, ““, Lily Rothman Lede: Wikipedia went live on Jan.

15, 2001, but the now-omnipresent online reference couldn’t have existed without work that began years earlier, around the the dawn of the World Wide Web. Everybody loves Ward. Looking back, the extent of that sociological phenomenon is surprising even to [wiki-inventor Ward] Cunningham.

“The Internet is a much more hostile place,” he says, acknowledging that the site he started in 1995 was a place for “computer people” to talk about computer programming, a context in which open collaboration wasn’t so scary. “They all felt like we were working together. Even so, I thought it was so open to abuse that if it only lasted six months it would still be a nice experiment.” Upshot: [H]ard work alone couldn’t have made Wikipedia what it is today. After all, without the collaborative feeling engendered by the wiki technology, it’d be hard to convince people to do that work.

Cunningham sums up that allure thus: Before WikiWikiWeb, you might reach the end of a set of linked pages, and that was that. On a wiki, he says, “it says, ‘Now it’s your turn. You tell us.’ It’s an invitation. It says, ‘If you’ve gotten this far, we need your help building this.’” Well done, Lily Rothman, for tracing Wikipedia’s history all the way back to. [4] Ah, Hypercard, how I miss you.

This super-fun and groundbreaking Apple-invented software could have been the World Wide Web, if only it was network-aware, but instead it was just great for building dumb games to amuse my friends while we should have been paying attention in class. Actually, the whole piece is really just an interview with Cunningham, but that’s more than all right. Everyone else was trying to write something “big picture” today, so, kudos to Rothman for picking up the phone and doing something a bit different. ♦ ♦ ♦ Scientific American, “”, Larry Greenemeier Lede: It must be difficult for the roughly half a billion people who visit Wikipedia every month to remember a world without the free online encyclopedia. Since co-founders Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched Wikipedia on January 15, 2001, the site has grown into a behemoth of information with about 35 million articles and 30 million images available in nearly 300 different languages.

The English-language Wikipedia site alone features more than five million articles. Huh: [Scientific American:] Are you aiming to have a specific ratio of male to female editors for the site? Upshot: [Lila Tretikov, in response:] We did research on this in 2013 and a study by researchers Benjamin Mako Hill and Aaron Shaw estimated that 23 percent of U.S.

Editors are women and 16 percent of global editors are women. We also try to target special programs on women, for example an education program in Arabic that is 80 percent women. Wikipedia is so diverse, which is why it’s hard to put just one number on it. Everyone around Wikipedia loves Ward Cunningham, who made everything we do possible, and today is kind of an aloof, avuncular figure far-removed from the controversies constantly swirling around Wikipedia.

The same is assuredly not the case with WMF executive director Lila Tretikov, who is deeply unpopular in the non-profit’s headquarters (and a mystery to the thousands of editors who never think twice about what happens in San Francisco). The most interesting part of this interview was the oddly-phrased question about Wikipedia’s difficult gender imbalance, and Tretikov’s accurate but evasive reply that closes the Q&A is barely worthy of a shrug. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Economist, “”, “A.E.S.” Lede.

These people didn’t mean to launch Wikipedia.Fifteen years ago today, on January 15th, 2001, Wikipedia was founded by two internet pioneers, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, although neither had any idea how ambitious their online encyclopedia would become. Today Wikipedia is the tenth most popular website in the world, with versions available in some 280 languages containing around 35m articles. Like the ancient library of Alexandria and Denis Diderot’s encyclopedia published during the Enlightenment, Wikipedia is an ever-evolving manifestation of its creators’ desire to preserve and compile knowledge. Biology Campbell Pdf 9th. Huh: Wikipedia was early to anticipate three important digital trends.

First, people are willing to participate in global forums for nothing. Wikipedia, which is written and edited by volunteers, was an early social network. Second, Wikipedia saw that the knowledge economy was heading online. In 2012 the “Encyclopedia Britannica” stopped printing and is now only available in digital form. Third, Wikipedia showed the importance of network effects to online ventures: the more people use Wikipedia and write entries, the more helpful it has become.

Younger digital firms, like Facebook and Uber, are premised on this same concept. Upshot: Wikipedia has other challenges with which to reckon. However, there is plenty of time. Wikipedia has built up a trove of information and become an invaluable resource to anyone with an internet connection. That is more than any teenager could hope for. I love The Economist, but you don’t read it for the hot takes—nor the pithy quotes. It’s certainly not a perfect overview, and not even a great one, but if you didn’t have time to read Lih’s in-depth analysis, this wouldn’t do you too badly.

[5] Which is pretty much The Economist‘s M.O., now that I think about it. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Guardian, “”, Stuart Dredge Lede: As Wikipedia turns 15, its operator The Wikimedia Foundation is hoping to secure its long-term future with a new endowment fund that aims to raise $100m over the next 10 years. Huh: A Google search for “death of Wikipedia” yields more than 72k results, with articles from 2006 onwards predicting that the online encyclopedia was on its way out for various reasons. Upshot: “We have a great fundraising model right now, but things on the Internet change so it’s not something we can count on forever,” said The Wikimedia Foundation’s chief advancement officer Lisa Gruwell. A perfectly serviceable entry in the “big picture” genre, and another win for the timely endowment announcement. ♦ ♦ ♦ Wired, “”, Cade Metz Lede: Today, Wikipedia celebrates its fifteenth birthday. In Internet years, that’s pretty old.

But “the encyclopedia that anyone can edit” is different from services like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. Though Wikipedia has long been one of Internet’s most popular sites—a force that decimated institutions like the Encyclopedia Britannica—it’s only just reaching maturity. As seen on many, many, many news stories about Wikipedia.

If editors were required to provide real names, many would leave the site. And the decline would begin again. Wikipedia is dominated by people who embraced the Internet early, and that kind of person still holds tight to the idea of online anonymity. Upshot: Of course, the non-profit setup comes with its own advantages. Wikipedia doesn’t have ads. It doesn’t collect data about our online habits. It gives the power to the people—at least in theory.

The result is a source of information that could never be duplicated by a Britannica or a World Book. “There are very few websites that make the world a better place,” [ employee and “longtime critic” Judd] Bagley says.

“And I’ve come to believe that the world is better off for Wikipedia.” Wow, does anyone remember the from 2007–8? Cade Metz—who for the always-antagonistic UK Register [6] aka El Reg—clearly does. Now writing at Wired, Metz is not above to his old stories at that website, and I guess Wired is cool with that.

To be fair, it’s perfectly fine that some of these overviews are hostile, and this one certainly is. And however much Metz has his thumb on the scale, he’s at least done his homework.

♦ ♦ ♦ Wired UK, “”, Emily Reynolds Lede: It’s hard to imagine a world before Wikipedia. Saviour of student deadlines everywhere and settler of endless pub arguments, Wikipedia is now a ubiquitous part of the online world. But it’s not been an entirely easy ride — beset by vandalism, Wikipedia has also had to ban users for secretly promoting brands and has been accused of being skewed by “rich, Western voices”. Huh: The most striking difference between early and late Wikipedia pages is in tone.

Like a traditional encyclopaedia, Wikipedia strives to be neutral in tone and requires articles to be rigorously and extensively referenced. Early pages, often, do not reflect that mission. This is NOT the most embarrassing photo of Jimbo I could have selected.“Spot the Dog showcases Hemingway’s hallmark minimalism: ‘Where’s Spot? Is he under the stars?

Is he in the box? He’s at the bar. Sipping whiskey. Sucking on cigarettes. Suffering’.” the page stated. Like the iPhone, though, the page has now been reverted to its (less existential) reality. Wired‘s UK edition opted for a quick look at how certain prominent entries have changed over time, which is a neat idea.

OK, that’s all I have to say here. ♦ ♦ ♦ Fortune, “”, Matthew Ingram Lede: After 15 years, Wikipedia has become one of those Internet services that is so central to the online world that it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without it. Would we go to the library to read physical books? Turn to a printed encyclopedia? Or just trust the information we find through a random web search? Huh: Those who have seen inside the Wikimedia Foundation, the parent entity that theoretically manages Wikipedia (to the extent that a massively crowdsourced phenomenon can be managed) say there is a lack of strong leadership.

This threatens the organization’s ability to spend money wisely or come up with a coherent long-term vision, they say. Upshot: Will Wikipedia be able to survive the turmoil in its management ranks, and broaden its appeal and inclusiveness, while at the same time raising enough money to keep it operating for at least the next decade? The answer to those questions is unknowable. But it is definitely a site worth rooting for, in all of its troubled glory. Fortune’s piece is another rather critical one, less detailed than that of Lih’s or Metz’s, but more open-minded than the latter. It also wins points for quoting from, not that it influenced my decision to include it or anything. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mental Floss, “”, James Hunt Lede: Part Encyclopedia Britannica, Part Hitchhiker’s Guide, Wikipedia has proven itself an invaluable (and often entertaining) research tool since its creation 15 years ago today.

It’s almost hard to imagine what life was like before it became the go-to source for articles on everything from A (the letter of the alphabet) to Zəfəran (the village in Azerbaijan). Our man Sully. January 15th 1967: The first ever Super Bowl is played in Los Angeles, with the Green Bay Packers defeating the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10. It remains the only Super Bowl that was broadcast simultaneously by two television networks: NBC and CBS.

Upshot: January 15th 2009: US Airways Flight 1549 makes an emergency landing in New York’s Hudson River, shortly after taking off from the nearby LaGuardia Airport. All passengers and crew survive.

Hey,, a Chiefs–Packers Super Bowl is possible again this year! (Unlikely, though.) And, amirite? ♦ ♦ ♦ Fusion, “”, Sloane Steel Lede: Wikipedia, also known as Wiki, (wɪkɨˈpiːdiə / b. 2001), is a free access, free content encyclopedia. On January 14, 2015, Wikipedia celebrated its 15th anniversary (1).

Upshot: [1] “Fusion Celebrates Wiki Anniversary” (, January 2015) OK, this isn’t a real overview (it’s a quote graphic [7] Click through the headline to see it; I didn’t feel right hotlinking it and depriving Fusion of. With clever copy), but that’s cool by me. After all, on the advent of Wikipeda’s 10th anniversary I wrote and executive-produced the following video, narrated by Jimmy Wales, which I think holds up well. In fact, is there anything in it that isn’t essentially true today?

Yeah, as said long before Wikipedia was a gleam in eye: age ain’t nothing but a number. All images c/o Wikimedia Commons.

In order, copyrights belong to: Andrew Lih; N/A, work of U.S. Government; Carrigg Photography; Edward O’Connor; Wikimedia Foundation; Zzyzx11; Ingrid Taylar. Thanks to for research assistance.

↑ Journo-speak, natch 2. ↑ as by yours truly just last month 3. ↑ See, I was once an actual working journalist, and I can tell you: it’s not that we’re lazy, it’s that we’re harried.

↑ Ah, Hypercard, how I miss you. This super-fun and groundbreaking Apple-invented software could have been the World Wide Web, if only it was network-aware, but instead it was just great for building dumb games to amuse my friends while we should have been paying attention in class. ↑ Which is pretty much The Economist‘s M.O., now that I think about it. ↑ aka El Reg 7. ↑ Click through the headline to see it; I didn’t feel right hotlinking it and depriving Fusion of. On Tuesday, this blog published of the biggest Wikipedia events over the past 12 months.

In that post, we covered the untimely passing of Aaron Swartz, the launch of Wikivoyage, the rise of Wikipediocracy, battles at Wikimedia Commons, and problems that have followed Wikipedia’s impressive fundraising. Today we finish the job: ♦ ♦ ♦ 5. Basically ArbCom will never get its act together Fair warning: I am not an ArbCom insider, I rarely follow its various dramas, and so I am not going to even going to attempt a satisfactory summary of everything that happened with ArbCom this past year. But let’s start with some background: ArbCom is short for, a group which I’ve just discovered has. It’s an elected volunteer panel of (generally) respected Wikipedians who weigh in on tough issues and make binding decisions. The comparison to a national Supreme Court is glib but not entirely wrong, especially as they can (and often do) refuse to take certain cases, not to mention set precedents affecting future decisions. The problem with ArbCom, if I can describe it generally, is that the organization has.

Nothing that happened this year was especially new, but that’s also part of the problem. Back when Wikipedia was just an experimental project, it was plausible enough that ArbCom’s dysfunction was something Wikipedia could grow out of. But the opposite has proved to be the case—as far as I can tell, no one thinks it’s ever getting better. Two major incidents were big enough to merit rate a mention in episodes later in this post. Among others which didn’t, one more or less started off the tone for the year when, in March, an ArbCom veteran resigned his position while for “stonewalling, filibustering, and downright ‘bullying’” when they weren’t “getting their way”. And then, as the top vote-getter in the latest ArbCom election, conducted just weeks ago, after admitting to maintaining a secret account on—wait for it—Wikipediocracy. Wikipedia has more than a gender problem It won’t take us too long to get back to ArbCom, but first let’s observe that Wikipedia is well known to have a “gender problem”; (and many ) have written extensively, Wikipedia’s editorship is overwhelmingly male, and it doesn’t cover certain topics (like women scientists, for example) very well.

But this year an ugly row exposed what seems to be a more localized but still serious problem with transgender issues. In August, Private Bradley Manning was, and subsequently announced a public transition from male to female and the intention to be known as Chelsea Manning. (As I’ve written before, Manning’s transgender status was known, but until this point unconfirmed by Manning herself.) Wikipedia is generally considered a more progressive community than most, and references on Wikipedia were changed more quickly than at most news organizations. In fact, some of those same for being quick to act. As it turned out, they should have been slower to praise.

The move was challenged, and the article was even changed back to Bradley, where it stayed as the debate heated up. Some objections were made in good faith and based on interpretations of guidelines, but some people were just being assholes. And then some of some of Chelsea Manning’s defenders crossed the line as well, and of course it ended up at ArbCom, which could seem to make no one happy in its various conclusions. First, ArbCom decided that yes, “Chelsea Manning” would indeed be the article’s name going forward.

But among the punishments handed out, over an issue many considered a technicality—. During the fracas, the media was still watching, and. Indeed, a newspaper may be slower to change, but when it makes a decision, it usually sticks with it.

What happens when the COI guideline is contested in court? Some of the problems involving the Wikipedia community have to do with the unusual compensation-based class system that has evolved around its community and “” rules. The more important Wikipedia has become, the more reputational impact it has shown to have, and the more it has been seen as both an opportunity and problem for celebrities, semi-public figures, professionals, companies, brands, bands, campaigns and non-profits. Since this first became an issue in 2006, Wikipedia has never quite figured out what to do about it. At the risk of oversimplifying things, mostly it has done nothing. This year the worst nightmare of many came true when it turned out that a little-known but ever-expanding investigation into a network of traced back to an obscure but. The name was familiar to some Wikipedians, but no definitive link had been established between the company and these accounts, owing something to the community’s (inconsistently applied) hang-ups about identifying editors’ public identities.

The revelation prompted the Wikimedia Foundation to issue a to the company, although the impact was blunted when it emerged that someone from the company’s article, violating the same rules it was supposedly defending. One can almost start to understand why the issue has been allowed to slide for so long. Meanwhile, Wikipedia’s volunteer community banned the company’s known accounts, and then Arbcom angered some editors when it ordered one of the volunteer investigators to back off for. Legal action from the Wikimedia Foundation is still possible, which could put the Foundation on an uncertain path just as its longtime leader is about to leave (see next). Sue Gardner’s departure and the uncertain new era is not exactly the only leader Wikipedia has ever known.

After all, Jimmy Wales is still its, and there was, once, too. But Sue Gardner is (with one interim exception) the only executive director the Wikimedia Foundation has ever known. In 2007 she left a position running the CBC’s web operations in Toronto to join the Wikimedia Foundation. By the end of that year she was in charge of the whole thing, (does anyone remember Danny Wool? Carolyn Doran? In the years since, it has grown considerably more (150+ staffers now vs. A handful at the beginning), and she has led the Foundation about as well as anyone could be imagined to do.

Now she’s on an as-yet-unspecified date to pursue as-yet-unspecified plans. An decision about her replacement is expected by March 2014, though a presumptive favorite hasn’t publicly emerged.

Whomever gets the job in the end has a very difficult task ahead. In fact, asking how much the leader of this San Francisco non-profit is really in control of Wikipedia is really asking the wrong question. The executive director leads the Foundation’s staff, but that’s entirely different than saying she leads the Wikipedia community.

Which, as a matter of fact, brings us to the biggest Wikipedia story of 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦ 1. The Visual Editor debacle is also a potent metaphor for Wikipedia’s chief organizational dilemma To conclude the thought above: the Wikipedia community does not always agree with the Wikimedia Foundation. Some Foundation initiatives have been met with a indifference at best (, which is arguably the real predecessor entry to this one). Others have been rejected like antibodies to a transplanted organ. Into this latter category falls the, a long-in-development software initiative which was rolled out this summer to mixed reviews () followed by a backlash that grew and grew until a volunteer editor’s uncontested edit of the source code summarily immobilized the whole expensive project.

Maybe I’m overdoing it to place this at number one. Maybe the underlying issue is less than the existential struggle between those two classes of community members than I think; perhaps the issue was simply one of a botched deployment and avoidable toe-stepping that only temporarily poisoned the well. But I believe no single event in the past year encapsulated the biggest challenge facing Wikipedia today: it seems no better able to organize itself now than when it was a freewheeling experiment stumbling into greater and greater success in its first seven years of its life. Seven years further on, Wikipedia is a different kind of community, one struggling to cope with its fantastic success, but which hasn’t yet learned to adapt. Whether the Visual Editor itself ever finds its way into everyday usage—and I think it will, after a long “eventually”—it spotlights Wikipedia’s most critical challenges more than any other story, and that’s why it’s the most important Wikipedia story of 2013. Photo credits: U.S.

Army, Chelsea Manning, Wikimedia Foundation. The Wikipedian has been occupied with other projects, and fairly quiet as of late. The good news is that, with the Wikimania global conference just around the corner, I’ll be writing more here in the near future. And I really do mean just around the corner: will be held in the city I call home, Washington, DC. Meanwhile, here’s something I’ve noticed that I don’t think other Wikipedia commentators have remarked upon: the divergent activism of its two co-founders, its still closely involved spiritual leader and unofficial mascot, and estranged, erstwhile rival. Although both men might be broadly described as libertarian—as legend has it, they first met on an Internet discussion forum for Objectivists—and yet their causes today are all but diametrically opposed. In the last week, Wales has U.S.

Department of Justice plans to extradite a British student, Richard O’Dwyer, for (allegedly) knowingly enabling copyright violations by users of a website he once operated (since shuttered). Although based in the UK, O’Dwyer’s domain was registered in the U.S.—hence the federal government’s interest. Wales’ point,: One of the important moral principles that has made everything we relish about the Internet possible, from Wikipedia to YouTube, is that Internet service providers need to have a safe harbour from what their users do. A fair point? Most certainly! Wikipedia is always making someone mad because anonymous individuals use the site to spread malicious, sometimes defamatory, occasionally offensive material, true or false.

In fact, someones like none other than Larry Sanger. In recent months, Larry Sanger has has taken up a more conservative cause,. Sanger is critical of Wikipedia for allowing the inclusion of sexually explicit photos on articles about sexually explicit topics, and moreso Wikipedia’s sister site Wikimedia Commons, for allowing users to upload even more graphic photos, many of which serve no purpose except to titillate the uploader, and disgust most others. By Internet buzz beacon BuzzFeed, on one such example (highly NSFW, even with blurring). Wales remains squarely within, lending support to those who do things we may not like, but whom we may defend on principles of freedom. It is also consistent with his previous activism against U.S.-based SOPA and PIPA legislation,.

From a Wikipedia perspective, the key difference is this: in this case, Wales is seeking to use only his celebrity (which is considerable, in Internet terms) to draw attention to his cause, rather than enlisting the power of Wikipedia’s community as a force multiplier. The matter has been the subject of (basically a water cooler for Wikipedians) this week, led by the following comment: As someone who strenuously opposed the political advocacy pursued by the Wikimedia Foundation early this year I commend your decision to take action on the O’Dwyer case as Wikipedia founder and respected opinion leader as opposed to (additionally) trying to light a fire under the editing community. Sanger has far less celebrity to wield (even in Internet cricles).

Earlier in June, to discuss these topics, and as he said in: Wikipedia, choose two: (1) call yourself kid-friendly; (2) host lots of porn; (3) be filter-free. Not a bad point there, either.

I don’t mean to wade into this controversy myself. I find myself largely in agreement with both men on some broad points, contradictory as that may seem, although I think the long-run implications of both issues are more difficult to assess. As for reservations about Wales’ petition: are we to be ISP freedom absolutists?

Is there no “fire in a crowded theater” moment? As for reservations about Sanger’s cause: how are we to determine what serves a genuine informational purpose, and how do we balance this against Wikipedia’s longstanding and admirable policy that it is “”? I don’t know the answer, but if you think you do, I welcome your response in the comments.

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Academic or scholarly work requires a bibliography, which may also be referred to as a works cited page, a citations list, or a reference list. There are many reasons 15 Nov 2017 MLA Formatting and Style Guide. Summary: MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. Knowing the rules and guidelines that each style guide outlines is an important part of writing a paper and compiling a bibliography. Using our citation guides, you can look up the formatting guidelines and rules for all the source types we support for the MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian style guides.

13 Sep 2017 This LibGuide was designed to provide you with assistance in citing your sources when writing an academic paper. There are different styles which format the information differently. In each tab, you will find descriptions of each citation style featured in this guide along with links to online resources for citing 27 Oct 2017 Whenever you use sources such as books, journals, or Web sites in your research papers you must give credit to the original author by properly citing the sources. Citations also help your reader find the sources again.

There are a number of different citation styles, depending on the discipline in which you 6 days ago but you must ALWAYS check your citations using the resources below: Easy Writer (in the reference collection, PE1408.L852 2016) by Andrea Lunsford has excellent guides and sample citations/papers for MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian Styles. APA (American Psychological Association) - used in the 12 Jun 2017 What is a Citation Style Guide? It's a handbook that describes the accepted format for citing the resources and references you used in your research papers, theses, articles, etc. Don't know which citation style to use? Use APA for papers in psychology, education, and the other social sciences. Use MLA for,,,,. Download Faurecia almussafes curriculum and instruction: Read Online Faurecia almussafes curriculum and instruction: 22 janv.

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More information about finishing is available on the WRCEA's website and in the “Guide to Finishing” publication. Structural Insulated Panels require battens for horizontal and vertical cladding installation. Standard installation requirements in this installation guide apply to the installation of the Weathertex external cladding component.

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