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Next → The third season of the television series premiered in the United States on on March 31, 2013, and concluded on June 9, 2013. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season is based roughly on the first half of (the third of the novels by, of which the series is an adaptation). The series is adapted for television by and.

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HBO renewed the series for a third season on April 10, 2012, nine days after the 's premiere. Production began in July 2012. The show was filmed primarily in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Croatia, Iceland and Morocco. The story takes place in a, primarily upon a continent called, with one storyline occurring on another continent to the east known as. Like the novel, the season follows the climactic battle at Kings Landing. Season three like the previous season mainly centers around the war of the five kings; after the death of, all four kings in believes to have a claim to the Iron Throne, besides, who seeks vengeance for the death of his father,.

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Game of Thrones features a large, including,,, and. The season introduced a number of new cast members, including, and. Critics praised the show's production values and cast. Viewership yet again rose compared to the previous season. It won 2 of the 16 for which it was nominated, it received a nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series (Dinklage), Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series (Clarke) and Outstanding Drama Series. It also won the. See also: After defeating at the Battle of the Blackwater, the Lannisters hold a firm grasp on the.

They are threatened by their new ally House Tyrell, powerful and manipulative players of the game. Tyrion Lannister struggles with losing the power he had as Hand of the King and feels his father doesn't appreciate the service he provided the family as Hand. Meanwhile, Jaime Lannister continues his attempt to return home and begins to form a bond with his road companion, Brienne of Tarth. The Starks find themselves losing the war.

They lost the support of Lord Walder Frey, after Robb Stark broke his vow to him by marrying Talisa Maegyr, and many members of Robb's army are losing faith in him. His relationship with his mother has also turned icy after her freeing of Jaime Lannister, though the reported deaths of her father and the younger Stark boys bring them closer. In reality, Bran and Rickon Stark are alive and continuing their journey north, with new strange allies in the Reed siblings. It was Theon Greyjoy who faked the Stark boys' deaths and is now being physically tortured under an unknown person's command. However, a mysterious boy claiming to be sent by Theon's sister plans to aid his escape. Arya Stark, on her journey home with companions Gendry and Hot Pie, finds herself entangled with The Brotherhood without Banners and Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane. Sansa Stark remains in King's Landing a prisoner of the Lannisters but is now being offered help by both the treacherous Petyr Baelish and the Tyrells.

At Dragonstone, Stannis Baratheon appears a broken man after being crushed at the Battle of the Blackwater. His advisor Ser Davos is imprisoned after attempting to kill Melisandre, who still believes her god, the Lord of Light, will help Stannis return to prominence. Beyond the Wall, Jon Snow joins Mance Rayder's wildling army, but with hidden intentions. His vows are tested more than ever by a growing romance with wildling Ygritte, as he finds that he will have to choose between her and the Night's Watch. The latter has been largely decimated by a White Walker attack, and a group of them is making their way back to the Wall. However, many of the rangers find themselves also questioning their vows, putting Lord Commander Mormont's and Samwell Tarly's lives in danger. Across the Narrow sea in Astapor, Daenerys Targaryen continues her quest to reclaim the seven kingdoms.

She has a new companion in former King's Guard commander Barristan Selmy and is still advised by Jorah Mormont. She contemplates buying the Unsullied, an elite army of harshly trained eunuchs. They are controlled by a cruel master with an intelligent young translator, Missandei.

Episodes [ ]. See also: No. In season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. Viewers (millions) 21 1 ' & March 31, 2013 ( 2013-03-31) 4.37 Some of the Night's Watchmen, including and, survive the White Walkers' attack and pledge to return to the Wall to warn the Seven Kingdoms. Is brought before Rayder, the 'King beyond the Wall', and pledges his loyalty to the Wildlings. A scarred tries to get Casterly Rock from, who promises other things instead.

Engages in charity work with the orphans of King's Landing. Offers to help escape King's Landing. Ros advises Shae not to trust him. Is rescued by Saan, who does not want any more connections with, and returns to Dragonstone, where he unsuccessfully tries to kill, who blames him for convincing Stannis not to let her join the battle, and is imprisoned.

In Essos, arrives in the city of Astapor to buy an army of brutally-trained slave soldiers, the 'Unsullied'. The warlocks of Qarth attemp to assassinate her, but she is saved by Selmy, the former Kingsguard commander, who pledges his loyalty. 22 2 ' Daniel Minahan April 7, 2013 ( 2013-04-07) 4.27 continues escorting across the Riverlands to King's Landing. He engages her in a fight, which is interrupted by Bolton soldiers. After receiving the news of the sack of Winterfell and the disappearance of and, diverts his attentions from the war against the Lannisters to attend 's father's funeral in Riverrun, angering Karstark, who seeks vengeance for his sons who were killed by the Lannisters., and Hot Pie also make for Riverrun, but are waylaid by a rebel group, the 'Brotherhood without Banners', and are taken to an inn, where the captured reveals Arya's identity. Margaery and her grandmother, the 'Queen of Thorns', convince Sansa to tell them about Joffrey's flawed character.

Is tortured by unknown captors. Bran, Rickon, Osha and Hodor encounter the siblings Jojen and Meera, children of the Stark bannerman Howland. Jojen, who has been sharing Bran's strange dreams, tells him that he is a warg, able to enter the minds of animals. 23 3 ' David Benioff David Benioff & D. Weiss April 14, 2013 ( 2013-04-14) 4.72 Robb and Catelyn attend the funeral in Riverrun.

Tywin decides to send Baelish to Lysa intending to have them married in order to secure her alliance, making Tyrion the new Master of Coin. While Hot Pie decides to stay at the inn, Arya and Gendry follow the Brotherhood. Learning of the massacre at the Fist of the First Men, Rayder sends Snow with a band of Wildlings to scale the Wall and attack the Watch while it is weakened. The surviving men of the Night's Watch arrive back at Craster's Keep, where Tarly witnesses Gilly give birth to a son. Theon is freed from torture and captivity by an unknown man, who later rescues him again. Melisandre leaves Dragonstone for an unknown mission, stating that the blood of a King is required for victory.

Targaryen agrees to buy all the 8,000 Unsullied and the translator for one of her dragons, against Selmy's and 's advice. Jaime persuades his captor Locke not to let Brienne be raped, but Locke cuts off the former's sword hand. 24 4 ' David Benioff & D. Weiss April 21, 2013 ( 2013-04-21) 4.87 Theon is betrayed by the rescuer, who returns him to the prison for torture. After a failed escape attempt, Jaime believes that he is lost without his sword hand; but Brienne, knowing what he did for her, urges him not to give up hope.

Tells Tyrion how he became a eunuch, and that he now has in his power the magician who castrated him, advising Tyrion to be patient for vengeance. At Craster's keep, the surviving Night's Watchmen, starving, come into conflict with their host. Craster and Mormont are slain in the struggle, and Tarly flees with Gilly and her son.

Arya and Gendry are taken to the secret cave of the Brotherhood, meeting their leader, Dondarrion, who later sentences Clegane to trial by combat with him. Margaery proposes marriage between Sansa and Loras. Targaryen meets with Kraznys to complete the trade of a dragon for the Unsullied army. She tests the Unsullied, then orders them to kill their former masters, reclaims her dragon and frees the Unsullied, who all decide to follow her freely. 25 5 ' Alex Graves April 28, 2013 ( 2013-04-28) 5.35 Tyrion convinces Olenna to pay for part of the royal wedding.

Sansa tells Baelish about her decision to stay in King's Landing. The Lannisters discover the Tyrells' plot to marry off Sansa to Loras. To prevent the union, Tywin plans to marry Sansa to Tyrion, and Cersei to Loras, despite the siblings' protests. Stannis confesses his infidelity to his wife, Selyse, who then tells him she already knows and approves of it. His daughter, Shireen, sneaks into the dungeon to visit Seaworth and starts teaching him to read.

Sandor kills Dondarrion and is released. However, Dondarrion is resurrected seemingly by the power of the Lord of Light. Gendry decides to stay with the Brotherhood, and Thoros and Dondarrion plan to ransom Arya to Robb. After being delivered to Bolton, Jaime confesses to Brienne why he killed Aerys. Robb executes Karstark after the latter murders two captive Lannister boys.

With the Karstarks abandoning him, Robb plans to make a desperate alliance with Frey. Jon Snow succumbs to Ygritte's seduction and breaks his vows. The Unsullied select a warrior called Grey Worm as their leader on Daenerys' order. 26 6 ' David Benioff & D. Weiss May 5, 2013 ( 2013-05-05) 5.50 In King's Landing, Tywin coerces Olenna into agreeing to marry Loras to Cersei, who reveals to Tyrion that it was Joffrey who tried to have him killed during the siege. Tyrion confesses to Shae and Sansa about the upcoming marriage.

Baelish tells Varys that he has caught Ros as Varys' informant and has given her to Joffrey, who kills her. In the Riverlands, Melisandre buys Gendry from the Brotherhood, foretelling that Arya will kill many people. Robb makes a new deal with Frey by agreeing to give him Harrenhal and marry his uncle Edmure to Frey's daughter, Roslin. Bolton plans to send Jaime to King's Landing, but refuses to send Brienne with him. At an unknown location, the mysterious man continues to torture Theon. In the North, tension arises between Osha and Meera.

Beyond the Wall, Tarly continues his flight with Gilly and her son, while Snow and Ygritte manage to climb the Wall with two other Wildlings. 27 7 ' May 12, 2013 ( 2013-05-12) 4.84 In the North, Jojen tells Bran they must go beyond the Wall to find the raven, to Osha's horror. Snow and Ygritte's relationship deepens, making fellow Wildling Orell angry.

Theon is emasculated by his torturer. Talisa reveals to Robb that she is pregnant. Arya runs away from the Brotherhood, only to be captured by Sandor. Melisandre reveals to Gendry that his father was.

Shae tells Tyrion that she will not continue their relationship once he marries Sansa. Tywin counsels Joffrey and discusses Daenerys, with the former dismissing the danger she might pose.

Daenerys reaches the city of Yunkai and declares war on them. Bolton departs Harrenhall for Edmure's wedding while Jaime says farewell to Brienne and departs for King's Landing. On the road, he finds out that Locke refused Brienne's father's ransom. Jaime returns to Harrenhall to find Brienne in a pit fighting a bear. He leaps in and saves Brienne and departs once more, this time with her.

28 8 ' Michelle MacLaren David Benioff & D. Weiss May 19, 2013 ( 2013-05-19) 5.13 King's Landing hosts Tyrion and Sansa's wedding.

Cersei shows displeasure upon Margaery and Loras. At the wedding feast Tyrion gets drunk and causes a scene, with Tywin demanding he make a baby soon. In their bedroom, Tyrion tells Sansa that they will not consummate their marriage until she wants to. Sandor reveals to Arya that they are heading for the Twins to ransom her to Robb.

Stannis releases Seaworth, demanding he respect Melisandre, who arrives in Dragonstone with Gendry, whom she seduces and extracts blood from him with three leeches. In a magical ritual, Stannis casts them into the fire naming three usurpers: Robb, Balon and Joffrey. Daenerys finds out that Yunkai has employed a mercenary company called the 'Second Sons'.

One of the lieutenants named kills the other leaders and pledges his and the company's loyalty to Daenerys. Tarly and Gilly are attacked by a White Walker, whom the former destroys by the dragonglass dagger. 29 9 ' David Benioff & D. Weiss June 2, 2013 ( 2013-06-02) 5.22 Tarly, Gilly and her son arrive at the Wall.

During a thunderstorm, Bran enters Hodor's mind to calm him down, an ability not possessed by any Wildling. Nearby, Snow refuses to kill a farmer, whom Ygritte kills before Snow is attacked by the other Wildlings.

Bran uses his warg ability to save Snow, who kills Orell before escaping, leaving a furious Ygritte behind with chief. Osha, Rickon and his direwolf depart for the Last Hearth, while Bran and his remaining company plan to go beyond the Wall. Daenerys sends Mormont, Naharis and Grey Worm to infiltrate Yunkai and open the city gate for her army. Yunkai soon falls to her forces.

Robb arrives at the Twins and apologizes to Walder, who feigns acceptance. Edmure marries Roslin and they leave to consummate their marriage before Walder's men murder Catelyn, Talisa and most of the Stark bannermen, while Bolton, revealed to be loyal to the Lannisters, kills Robb.

Arya also arrives at the Twins and witnesses a part of the massacre, but Sandor knocks her unconscious and carries her to safety. 30 10 ' David Nutter David Benioff & D. Weiss June 9, 2013 ( 2013-06-09) 5.39 The mastermind of the massacre is revealed to be Tywin, who awards the House Frey the Seat of Riverrun and appoints Bolton as the Warden of the North. Theon's captor is revealed to be, Bolton's bastard who let the former's men leave Winterfell in exchange for surrendering him. Against Balon's wishes, Yara decides to rescue Theon. Arya and Sandor kill some Frey soldiers mocking Robb's death.

Arriving in the capital with Brienne, Jaime is reunited with Cersei. In the North, Tarly's party encounters Bran's and gives them the Dragonglass weapons before arriving back at Castle Black, where he and send ravens to alert the Seven Kingdoms to the White Walkers. Being hit several times, Jon still manages to escape from Ygritte and returns to Castle Black.

In Dragonstone, Seaworth helps Gendry escape, while Stannis decides to head north and aid the Watch against the White Walker threat, forgiving the former and keeping him. In Essos, the freed slaves of Yunkai receive Daenerys as their 'mother'. Main article: The U.S. Band recorded 'The Bear and the Maiden Fair', a ribald folk song from Martin's novels.

The recording is played over the end credits of, and the song is sung by Brienne and Jaime's captors in the same episode. Set to music by series composer, the recording was released on a seven-inch on Record Store Day, April 20, 2013.

The for the season was released digitally on June 4, 2013, and on CD on July 2, 2013. Reception [ ] Critical response [ ] Review aggregator has a score of 91 for season 3, indicating 'universal acclaim', based on 25 reviews. While the season 3 finale ('Mhysa') was generally well received, 's Matt Fowler stated, 'Season 3 may have stumbled slightly with its finale, but up until then it was thrilling and traumatic.' Overall, he gave season 3 a 9/10 rating.

On, the third season has a 97% approval rating from 41 critics with an average rating of 8.4 out of 10; the season also received a 96% average episode score. Game of Thrones (season 3): Critical reception by episode. • Purdom, Laura (July 13, 2012).. The Huffington Post. Retrieved July 13, 2012. • Martin, George R.

(April 11, 2012).. Retrieved April 11, 2012.

Kinemaster App Download For Pc. • ^ Harwood, Charlie (July 9, 2012).. Retrieved March 5, 2013. • Bibel, Sara (April 2, 2013)... From the original on September 1, 2016. Retrieved April 2, 2013. • Kondolojy, Amanda (April 9, 2013)..

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• Kondolojy, Amanda (April 23, 2013).. TV by the Numbers. From the original on September 1, 2016. Retrieved April 23, 2013.

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Next → The fifth season of, an American television series created by, began airing on on September 28, 2008 and concluded on May 17, 2009. The season takes place five years after the events of the in 2013/2014 and continues to focus on the lives of residents,,,, and, as seen through the eyes of the series' deceased narrator,.

The season's mystery is centered on 's third husband,. The series received media attention following the announcement that Edie, portrayed by, would be killed off close to the end of the season. Edie takes on the narration in ' following her death, marking the second time Mary Alice's voice is not heard in an episode.

The series saw its lowest ratings up to that point in season five. Nevertheless, Desperate Housewives maintained its position as a top-ten series. It was the ninth most-watched series during the with an average of 14.8 million viewers per episode. Season five was released on DVD by as the seven-disc set Desperate Housewives: The Complete Fifth Season — The Red Hot Edition on September 1, 2009 in, October 21, 2009 in, and November 9 in. Contents • • • • • • • • • • Production [ ] Filming began on July 7, 2008 and finished in March 2009. There was much speculation about the fifth season of the show, due to the many cliffhangers at the end of season four, such as the departure of, and whether she would return after the events of the ' episode.

When asked about Sheridan's departure, Cherry commented 'She won't be back for a few years', a reference to the 'five-year leap' that the show is undertaking. Edie returned to Wisteria Lane with a new husband, Dave, played by, who joined the cast as a series regular. However, Sheridan left Desperate Housewives towards the end of the season when her character Edie died in an accident involving her car and a dangerous electrical wire in the 18th episode of Season 5, ', which aired on March 22, 2009. There had also been speculation whether the character of would return, after the final scene in season four, set five years into the future, which showed Susan in the arms of a new mystery man, Jackson (). The fate of Mike Delfino was later revealed by actor, who plays Mike, when he told magazine that he will definitely be returning in Season 5. However, 'Mike and Susan have definitely split up,' Denton told People.

On October 14, 2008, was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. His character, Jackson, plays a pivotal role in the fifth season's eighth episode ', which finds several Wisteria Lane residents trapped inside a nightclub fire. Cherry said Harold had been filming scenes all week for the episode and had been scheduled to be on set Tuesday, the day of the accident. Marc Cherry said they would await the actor's prognosis before deciding how to proceed, but that at least some changes would have to be made: 'We know we're going to rewrite one scene,' he said.

The show issued a statement: 'Gale is part of the 'Desperate Housewives' family and our thoughts and wishes are with him for a speedy recovery.' Despite Harold's injury and ongoing recovery, no major Desperate Housewives production disruptions were expected. Six months after his serious motorcycle accident, Harold has returned to work. Harold's return episode aired in the U.S.

The actor is signed to the series through the end of this season but says he has yet to be asked to return for 2009-10. Eventually, he was not asked to return in Season 6. • ^,, February 11, 2009 •. Archived from on 2010-01-31. Retrieved 2009-07-03. •,, June 30, 2008 •, Hollywood Reporter, June 27, 2008 •, E! Online, February 11, 2009 •,, July 5, 2008 • ^ - E!

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