Soul Calibur Iii Jpn Isolation

Soul Calibur Iii Jpn Isolation

Inferno is the new Nightmare After Inferno was almost killed in Soulcalibur II and Siegfried and Nightmare split, Zasalamel placed Inferno into the old Nightmare armor, thus creating the new Nightmare. • This one is all but canon; Nightmare's bio in SCII and III stated that Soul Edge essentially possessed Siegfried's cast off azure armour, and Inferno is simply the spirit of Soul Edge given physical form, much like Soul Edge (the character) from the first game in the series, Soul Blade. Once the vast majority of the pieces of Soul Edge were gathered by Nightmare, Nightmare essentially became Soul Edge incarnate, to the point that Nightmare and Soul Edge are one and the same.

Nov 11, 2004. The basic layout has been added, as has the 'History of Soul Calibur' section, the 'The Story of Soul Calibur II Section' and the 'My Review of Soul Calibur II' section. Most, if not all of the information added to Version 1.0 has been taken from the Japanese version of Soul Calibur II on the Nintendo. Soulcalibur III continues the franchise on the Playstation 2. This installment adds a character creator, along with other new features.

• It is canon. Oh, and 'Soul Edge' IS Inferno.

Soul Edge will find a new host Zasalamel only reanimated the armor as a temporary body; without Siegfried's body, Nightmare is falling apart. By SCIV, his torso was being held together by sheer willpower and. • One can argue that Soul Edge has already found a new host in Sophitia's daughter, if is to be believed.

Soul Calibur Iii Jpn Isolation

• While Nightmare does have a new host in SCV, this bit at least has been Jossed, since Pyrrha is her own character in that game. • Nightmare sent out Tira to find a suitable replacement host for him, as his body was a rather fragile 'shell', and he himself went on to hunt Siegfried to recover his 'true' body (Soul Edge). According to Soul Calibur 4, Tira found a prospect host on Sophitia's daughter, though the fact she's still too young (4 at most) has made her seek further: by SCIV, she has targeted both Maxi and Yun-seong (only in Mi-na's story mode) to serve that role. • Nightmare's new host is an unidentified male body using the name 'Dumas,' though Tira seemingly wishes to make Pyrrha into another host to do away with Nightmare.

• If Pyrrha Omega is any indication, Tira succeeded. • Adding to the confirmation, the man known as Dumas was recently confirmed in an artbook to be Raphael.

Zasalamel was originally from Babylonian times A lot of his moves are named after Babylonian gods. • That one's possible, he's helluva old. But he's African and he got when he stole a relic from some tribe (says it in the SCIII manual). It could be they gave him a Babylonian name because it felt appropriate? • That happened a long, long time before the games. Zasalamel came from the tribe that used to protect Soul Calibur, but got expelled after he tried to use the sword for his own benefit. He later learns the secret of reincarnation.

African is just his () current incarnation's origin; his true origin is unknown, but likely Babylonian. Zasalamel is. He's immortal, has been around since the beginning of civilization, and, in SCIV, dedicates his life to guiding Mankind to its full glory. • Alternatively, Zasalamel, Mitsurugi, Algol, and Talim will all combine and form the Emperor. Zasalamel and Algol for awsome powers, Mitsurugi for the fighting skills, and Talim to add the messianic touch. • So is Talim the Emperor's compassion that he removed from himself to slay Horus? Does that make the Starchild, Talim?

• And Nightmare is Khorne. • Surely Astaroth is a more appropriate fit. Then again, he could be Gork or Mork. Revenant is an important character in someone's past. Why else would he return in SCIV? He even has his own official bio! • He looks like the original form of Soul Edge (the character), which was, essentially, an undead, flaming version of Cervantes.

Perhaps it's a shout out to the very first game? • He killed Zasalamel at some point in time. Even though he reincarnates, getting killed is never a pleasant experience. As revenge, Zasalamel reanimated his corpse to do his bidding. • So, basically confirmed.

Siegfried canonically dies at the end of IV, but is resurrected by Soul Calibur We already know its evil counterpart Soul Edge is able to bring back the dead (see Cervantes), and that Soul Calibur might not be, AND in every ending (except Hilde's) that involve him, he dies. Now, to figure out how he will. • Didn't his SCIV bio hint that he died during the battle against Nightmare at the Lost Cathedral, but was resurrected by Soul Calibur? It was stated that he had a mortal wound in his chest that should have killed him, but now, he's practically or partly one with Soul Calibur, just like Nightmare is one with Soul Edge, hence why his armor is all crystal-like. • Siegfried was 'near death' before Soul Calibur bonded with his soul, saving him from what would have been death. Also, according to Broken Destiny's The Gauntlet, Siegfried ended up crystallized as a price to stop Soul Edge, and was left under Ivy's care until your team awakens him again.

Though considering the mode labels itself as non-canon right off the bat and is more of a parody, it may mean nothing. • Given that he is showing using Requiem again in the trailer for V, and his armor has gone back to normal style, it seems that he has gone back to being a normal human; seeing as Calibur heals rather than hurts, it's possible that he was going to die, but got healed and devoted his life to Soul Calibur's pursuit, but ended it after he figured out just how far it was willing to go, being yet another atoner.

• According to SCV, despite no longer being the wielder, a piece of Soul Calibur remains inside him, possibly to keep him alive. This is why his Critical Edge still involves crystals. Zasalamel is Tristy The fly on the wall narrator from Weapon Master Mode in Soul Calibur II. He's a member of the secret order that protects Soul Calibur, and by the end of the story, he becomes immortal due to the opposing energy of the swords. This would explain why he thinks getting between them again will finally kill him.

As for the name, he changed it because it sounded silly. • Seems highly unlikely, given Tristy is part of the group protecting the three gates (which could be the tribe protecting Soul Calibur), and Zasalamel's stated to have found the 'secret of resurrection' way after he was expelled from said group. Based on the fact that Tristy in-game uses a Kilik avatar and there's a picture of a younger Edge Master wielding Kali-Yuga in the intro for the mode, I'd wager that Tristy is actually Edge Master, Kilik's immortal and all-knowing master. • To correct my previous assessment from the post above, Tristy most likely is not Zasalamel or Edge Master. Even if we were to ignore that, as briefly noted at the beginning of Chapter 9, note Hideo Yoshie, the lead character designer in III and IV, noted in an interview from the III era that Zasalamel could possibly, but his backstory clearly notes that he has instead of being, Weapon Master Mode most likely exists within its own universe (much like Chronicles of the Sword). Unless you want to chalk up the differently-named regions, landmasses, and bodies of water as the mode being set in Eurasia during antiquity. Every character's weapons are actually made from aluminum That why they never cause permanent damage (read: they act as blunt objects), and that's why Siegfried/Nightmare/half the characters can wield impossibly large weapons as if they weighed as much as a foam bat.

It also helps the mystery that is Cervantes' wooden pistol still being able to shoot bullets (because it's actually aluminum). In the story itself and various endings, weapons are quite capable of injuring and/or killing. • In Nightmare's case, it may be a combo of his bond to Soul Edge and.

• Well, actually, the swords Siegfried and Nightmare use would only weigh about 10-15 pounds, historically speaking. Every character's weapons are actually spiritual projections of their will to fight, with no physical substance As above, but it also explains how they can impale people without leaving any visible wounds, let alone proving instantly fatal. • So Cervantes shoots • Yes, because he's awesome that way. • I didn't mean to say he wasn't awesome, I just wanted to make the reference. • Considering the often-mentioned motifs of 'souls' ('My soul burns brighter than ever!' And 'Whose soul shall be stronger?'

) and the whole concept of Soul Weapons (e.g. The Three Sacred Treasures, and how all the weapons just seems to suit each character's style and even personality perfectly) and such, this seems like a really plausible theory.

Maybe the 'money' you get from different story modes (e.g. Weapon Master) are actually some kind of soul strengthening points similar to common RPG Exps, that allows the bearer to strengthen their own fighting will and obtain better weapons through spiritual projection? Soul Assassins Intermission Rar here.

• Actually, it's possible that they are buying ACTUAL weapons, but because in battle they are so focused on attacking, their soul covers up their weapon, and in cutscenes they are in full control mode, meaning that they won't get their soul into the mix, and the people who have the discipline, Kilik and Xianghua, to prevent this from happening are against killing people naturally, so they actively use this to prevent people from getting killed during a fight. This would explain things such as Kilik being able to pierce soul Maxi with his staff, he took off his Soul. And actively used the weapon to full power, whereas in III's fight between Siegfried and Nightmare, they both managed to pull off the blunting edge of their weapons during the final strike, but the one who hit managed to inflict the lethal injury while coming out fine; presumably Nightmare started doing it, and Siegfreid picked up and removed the soul on his own edge for the last strike.

This would also be why the fire strikes are never seen outside the battlefield, because they need the soul cover in order to activate. • Or it could all be a case of. Siegfried will be fully possessed by Soul Calibur in the next game. Soul Calibur certainly has a will of its own, and even has a voice, as seen in Cassandra's ending.

Soul Edge spoke to Siegfried and tricked him into becoming its host; however, the transformation to Nightmare didn't happen instantaneously. Rather, Siegfried did what Soul Edge told him of his own will at first, believing that it would bring his father back to life. Then over time, Soul Edge fully took over him, turning him into Nightmare. Now look at how things are now. Siegfried is carrying Soul Calibur and perhaps it talks to him as well.

Siegfried is being urged on by Soul Calibur to destroy Soul Edge, just as Soul Edge urged Siegfried on to gather souls. Since Soul Calibur was once a part of Soul Edge, it isn't that much of a stretch to assume that it will use similar tactics. And of course, there is Siegfried's crystallized appearance, hinting that Soul Calibur is beginning to take over. In Soul Calibur V, Siegfried will once again be a mere host to a spirit sword. • Possibly Jossed, as Siegfried no longer has Soul Calibur in V. • He was temporarily taken over by Soul Calibur in his final battle with Nightmare, and Soul Calibur/Elysium possesses Patroklos in V proper. Tira has two souls.

According to her SCIV profile, her mind was completely torn to pieces during the clash of the spirit swords at the Lost Cathedral. Her consciousness pulled itself together and was reformatted into two people. Her profile refers to them as two separate entities, two individual consciousnesses.

Since Tira is now two different people, it is not that much of a stretch to assume that she also has two souls. This will possibly factor into her story in Soulcalibur V. Perhaps, as seen in the cutscene that plays for characters who fight Nightmare as their final boss, Nightmare absorbs her soul when he feels she has outlived her use. Unknown to him, this does not kill her and she manages to crawl away while Nightmare is busy with Siegfried.

This means that one of her selves will be lost; assuming it's Jolly, then Gloomy will be in control and most likely very very pissed off. • Partially Jossed as Jolly and Gloomy are both alive and well in Soulcalibur V.

Though no confirmation for or against Tira having two souls. Ivy is a potentially closet lesbian. It's been known that she doesn't want to have children out of fear that they'd have Soul Edge's influence like she does. But in all honesty it's rather hard to picture Ivy as someone whom is very much asexual due to her infamous appearance and on how her personality can reflect that.

Namco probably only avoided making it blatant out of hope that the games won't get M-rated. Though her 2nd outfit in Soulcalibur II might come off as a rather example to certain people as well. • You mean the one that looks like George Washington? Do I WANT to know how that is questionable? • Her more masculine costumes do have a certain 'butch' element to 'em. Not to mention that odd little smirk she has in SCII's opening while she fights Taki. Yoshimitsu did not establish a of people who all took the name — he attained immortality and is the same person in the Tekken series Immortality is fairly cheap in the Soul series - Algol, all the golems, Cervantes, and Zaslamel have it, and it is quite possible that others (the vampires, anyone?) do as well.

It would have been easy for Yoshimitsu to acquire immortality at some point, and continue fighting against tyranny and sanity into the modern day. After all, Heaven's net is wide. But lets nothing through. Yes, it says Yoshimitsu's been stated to be both 'Yoshimitsu the First' and the 'First Manjitou Leader,' and the sword to in a future be 'handed down from generation to generation.' He's just reallllly sneaky. • Or he could be a robot or golem.

Those mechanical arms might be where the fake flesh coating stripped away. • Except Yoshimitsu had two flesh arms in his first Tekken appearance and they are both missing different arms.

• Maybe whenever he loses too much of his artificial body, he just fakes his death and lays low for a while. A few years later, the 'new' Yoshimitsu shows up (complete with fresh limbs) and convinces everyone else that he's the original's apprentice or something. • by the Yoshimitsu in V, who is explicitly said to have been raised and taught by Yoshimitsu the First (i.e.

The Yoshi from the previous four games). • However, in Tekken 3's PAL manual it is stated that Yoshimitsu may have existed since the 18th Century, implying that a descendant of his is the one to attain immortality. Also, Tekken 2 Yoshimitsu is clearly part cyborg, and gradually becomes alien. It's possible the sword is possessed by Soul Edge and that is why he's the only character to have one in the game.

• It's a case of, plain and simple. And despite the weirdness of Yoshimitsu's design evolution over the course of Tekken, prosthetic arm aside, that can all be chalked up to the simple fact that he's wearing armor. Various, elaborate suits of armor of varying peculiarities. He's gone from a masked man in a bodysuit ( T1) to a masked samurai with a sedge cap ( T2) to an alien-esque figure ( T3) to a skeleton with a beetle's exoskeleton ( T4) to a demonic samurai ( T5) to an even more demonic samurai ( T6), and now he's back in a regular suit of armor come Tag Tournament 2. Yoshi clearly likes to reinvent himself, and the same was true of his predecessor(s). Yoshimitsu is not a title handed down — only the name of the weapon.

The character of Yoshimitsu is confirmed a, but the weapon name the character uses (and presumably handed down) is also named Yoshimitsu. When someone takes on the moniker, he relinquishes his name and identity (hence the mask) and gives himself to the Yoshimitsu blade, not as the master of a sword but as the wielder of an entity (The Yoshimitsu sword itself.) However, this is likely more figurative than literal despite SoulCalibur's tendency for living and magic weapons. • Except the first Yoshimitsu was actually named Yoshimitsu, and the name of the sword came from the character. He named it after himself to gain better control over the evil spirits contained within the sword. Also, the Yoshimitsu in SCV refers to himself as 'Yoshimitsu the Second,' and his backstory confirms that the name is actually a title. The blade itself canonically will only accept its wielder if they have the title. Mitsurugi is actually.

His fighting style resembles battoujutsu to some extent, and he kinda made it up himself. Look at his Relic stance, then look at Kenshin's battoujutsu stance. Also, Hiten MITSURUGI? Mitsurugi strikes this troper as egotistical enough to name a kenjutsu style after himself. • Actually, a Hiko Seijūrō, presumably the original, already appeared in an earlier one-shot by, Crescent Moon in the Warring States.

Although the title is handed down to succeeding masters of the style, it's not impossible for Mitsurugi to be Hiko Seijūrō II, just difficult chronologically. Though the story is set during the Watsuki (allegedly) mentioned (1336–1573) in particular; Mitsurugi wouldn't be born until 1562, right before the end of this period (if one assumes that both works are concurrent), and doesn't take up the sword and the last name Mitsurugi until his parents died of illness when he was 14.

That being said, Mitsurugi canonically was trained by the Murakami clan of samurai. The Soul Series is the prequel to the Tekken series. In this theory, Heihachi Mishima is the descendant of one of the winners of the Soul tournament. For one reason or another, the sword infuses itself into the soul of its new host, or curses them somehow. This is why the Mishimas in general are so hard to kill. The Moonlit Wilderness stage in Tekken 5 is what remains of the Lost Cathedral. Raven is either a descendant of Zasalamel, a reincarnation of Zasalamel, or working for Zasalamel.

• More specifically, exposure to the power of the Soul Edge or one of its fragments is what caused the Devil gene to develop in the first place. There's a reason Ivy decided not to have kids, but not everyone made that choice. • Not so much the theory itself, but because of the fact that Yoshimitsu is the founder of the clan that Tekken's Yoshimitsu is a member of, it's pretty much canon that Soul Calibur takes place in the same universe as Tekken, just hundreds of years earlier.

• It has been noted that Mitsurugi bears a strong resemblance to the Mishima family and also features as the standard lead character in each game no matter what the plot. It is plausible that Mitsurugi's offspring is Jinpachi's father. • Arthur has some of Paul Phoenix's moves and resembles him.

He may well have fled Japan to go to the US. Such things may explain why Paul is a champion of Martial Arts himself - his ancestors were raised in Japan.

• This would also explain why both Paul and Lee train with Law, as well as why Paul's rival is Kuma - Paul is a friend of the Mishimas and the family connection may go back centuries. • Kunimitsu is plausibly descended from Natsu (Taki's replacement in Soulcalibur V). It was originally speculated that Kunimitsu was descended from Taki, but Natsu's reddish-blonde hair means she is more plausibly related to Kunimitsu, who has red hair.

Natsu's second costume is purple and she wears her hair in a ponytail, which makes it vaguely resemble Kunimitsu's outfit. Natsu's personality is also that she disobeys the clan she is part of, which is exactly what Kunimitsu does that gets her kicked out of the Manji clan and presumably murdered by Yoshimitsu in Tekken 2. Speculation could be that Natsu joins the Manji Clan and her descendants are part of it for centuries, until Kunimitsu betrays it and is killed without having any children.

• That's somewhat reaching, especially since recessive genes (or, depending on how closely linked Namco wants the two series to be, the taint of Soul Edge, as seen with Xiba) could explain Kunimitsu's red hair despite her being Japanese. It's more likely, given the similarities between Manji Ninjutsu and the Fu-Ma Clan's brand of ninjutsu (particularly where Kunimitsu and Taki/Natsu are concerned) as well as Yoshi II's familiarity with Natsu (they were raised in the same village and are possibly ), that the current day Manji Party was formed by some merger of the Soulcalibur-era Manjitou and Fu-Ma ninjas or consists of the remnants of the latter (or some kind of bleeding effect when it came to the ninja arts, at the very least).

They don't necessarily have to be related, though, and chances of all the above bullets being true is very slim due to contrivance. • Concept art from Tekken 1 features ◊ who resembles both Kunimitsu and Taki, i.e. The idea for Natsu could have been based on her. Taki was a neutral character who Yoshimitsu had no issues with, but Natsu appears to be drawn towards evil and greedy acts due to being possessed by the Arahabaki demon.

This bears some resemblance to how Jin started off as a 'good' character but became more possessed by the Devil Gene as he went on. The reason for Natsu's red hair is given as related to this demonic possession (not unlike how in Soul Edge, possessed characters you fight in Edge Master Mode would appear green), and could plausibly explain Kuni's too. My guess is that Kunimitsu never had honest intentions upon joining the Manji clan and only did it for her own personal gain. One thing that has not been mentioned is that Tekken 2's story mentions Kuni's grandfather who is an excellent swordsmith. It is known that Taki made her own swords and could have passed this tradition down to Natsu who took it through the generations until reaching Kunimitsu. Might we see Kuni's grandfather in a future Soul game?

It is a mystery. • 1) Though some discarded character designs have become full-fledged characters in the past (such as Azola originating from Sophitia's original alternate costume), we have no way of knowing if concept art from the original Tekken influenced the creation of Natsu so many years later. 2) Despite Arahabaki being described as 'a symbol of rebellion,' there's no indication Natsu is possessed by the demon; on the contrary, they appear to have some sort of considering Natsu can freely call upon his power for her Critical Edge. The fact that Yoshimitsu is respectful towards Natsu (he refers to her as 'Lady Natsu' and if he uses his Rainbow Drop throw on her) also contests this, as he would've otherwise labeled Natsu as an 'evildoer' during his taunt like he does with Patroklos. 2) Natsu's hair style is suggested to be due to Arahabaki's influence according to concept sketches, not her hair color (which is strawberry-blonde, by the way); Natsu's hair color was chosen by Project Soul to deliberately make Natsu stand out from Taki (given the rest of her design, she's thought be based on fashion), but there's no in-universe explanation.

4) That's canon; Kunimitsu was dismissed from the Manji Party due to stealing out of self-interest, but she attempts to steal Yoshimitsu (the sword) so that her grandfather can forge a copy of the blade before he dies. Any connections between her grandfather, the rest of the Manji clan, and the Fu-Ma ninjas beyond this, though plausible given the similarities noted, are still conjecture. (Also, to be even more nitpicky, it would have to be an ancestor of Kunimitsu—possibly the original bearer of the title if Namco wanted to add another layer to the current Yoshimitsu's relationship with Kunimitsu—who appears given the centuries-long gap between the Soul series and Tekken. On the topic of Jin, while we're at it, bearing the Devil Gene was but one factor in his, and even then,, but that's irrelevant to this topic.). In the ending where you face Night Terror, Zasalamel succeeded in killing himself.

This is why neither Zaslamel nor Abyss is visible during the fight — he's gone, but enough of Soul Edge's accrued energy got out to create its ultimate avatar. Of course, since that ending is non-canon, Zasalamel failed. One wonders why the fighting skill of an unrelated person would have such an impact on his apotheosis. • This is basically canon. Read Night Terror's profile in game; it says this outright. • It says that Night Terror killed Zasalamel, not that Zasalamel killed himself, though.

• Unrelated?. Necrid from Soul Calibur II was Algol's early attempt to resurrect himself. Something went wrong during whatever process it was that was supposed to bring him back, and he turned into an incoherent green abomination, so he went back to the spirit world and tried again. Supporting this is the fact that both Necrid and Algol have the similar fighting style of materializing weapons in their hands through will alone. • Impossible by both their backstories. Necrid is stated to have been a normal traveling warrior out to get Soul Edge, but ended up.

Algol has never been awakened since his sealing, and he's been inside Soul Calibur, never on Chaos. He also learned his energy-bending while inside the maelstrom of energy released at the end of Soul Calibur III, and is just pure thought: he has no physical body, but one made of raw energy he created with his mind's power and will. • Further by the Japanese sourcebook which mentions Necrid in the series timeline. Download Gx Works 2 Keygenguru. Necrid has nothing to do with Algol. Rothion is a; Sophitia is a lesbian, too. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ • I sure as hell. • Well, that's just terrible.

• Not really. Homosexuality was still considered an evil thing back then, especially considering that Greece is still part of the Ottoman Empire by that time, and so an example of each decided to hook up so as to keep the idea that they weren't into the opposite sex as far from the public eye as possible. Honestly, if I don't ship Sophitia with Rothion, I use this idea pretty much exactly, since we don't have to go through something like the characterization of Rothion as a drunken, abusive asshat, or having an unfortunate forging accident to have him be shipped with whoever else they might aim for.

Or a relative of his will appear in a Soul game. All right, given the Soul Series' predilection for, this isn't so much a wild guess as a near certainty. • Not to mention, unlike the others, Ezio was active at about the time all this is supposedly going down. • Not quite, ACII happens in the late 1400s, around 90 years before Soul Blade (1584).

Still though, it's definitely closer than Kratos was in Broken Destiny. • Just adding; his appearance in the game is justified due to a glitch in the Animus after Ezio picks up an artifact before he goes off to confront Cesare Borgia. Hence why he appears in a timeframe one century later than he reasonably should. Another character will have to become Nightmare. Nightmare can't continue to exist as a body for the sword forever; he needs a host, and he needs one now.

Given that Phyrra is too young, some potential candidates for Nightmarehood are Tira, Sophitia, Maxi, and Yun-seong. Alternatively, Nightmare kills Algol and in absorbing him gains the power to exist perpetually on pure willpower, eliminating the need for any character to fall to the Nightmare persona. • I damn sure hope that someone else becomes Nightmare already so things can finally change a bit! • Or how about Mitsurugi becomes Nightmare? Since he may be an ancestor of the Mishimas (in Tekken), it would make a lot of sense for him to acquire the Devil Gene via Soul Edge, which he then passed on down to his descendants. Jinpachi in particular bears some great resemblance to Soul Edge, what with that demonic eye he can have.

And his demon form is even the same red/purple color scheme as the sword. • As of SCV, Nightmare's new host is a spare body that was hidden under Ostrheinsburg and assuming the alias of Graf Dumas. • Which turns out to be Raphael's body. • And if it was found under Ostrheinsburg, one has to wonder whether this actually makes Amy's SCIV ending.

• If it is really Raphael. They both do look alike, fact; but Project Soul has yet to actually confirm that. Cassandra and Raphael's stories will remain linked In the transition to SCIII, Cassandra's weapons were cracked from an encounter with the vampire townsfolk Raphael turned, while in the transition to SCIV, she was attacked by Raphael personally and had her shards stolen, seeking out the holy stone.

This road could lead to her becoming Raphael's nemesis rather than Soul Edge's, and end in one of two ways for her appearance in SCV's opening or ending: as the world's first vampire hunter. Or as Amy's pet. In Soul Calibur IV, Angol Fear spares Earth from destruction because of the Dodo species. Angol Fear's ending states that 'If mankind was the only being on this planet she would had brought judgement without hesitation but there are other numerous lives on this planet that are unswayable by others and live in peace.' She seems to be looking on Talim's stage filled with Dodo birds.

• Immunity to both Soul Calibur and Soul Edge is what 'unswayable' means. Angol Fear hopes they would become sentient and become the new dominant species. Humanity would be destroyed by the Soul Swords. • Or like the Tau in Warhammer 40K, they lack souls that Soul Edge needs to feed and are unaffected by Soul Calibur mind control.

It would leave both swords with no way to affect the planet and maybe even the wise dodo species would destroy them. This could make them immune to becoming malfested. • Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II also had a collection of stuffed Dodo in his Kunstkammer which was a collection of the three kingdoms (animal, vegetable, mineral). Graf Dumas serves this emperor so the Dodo extermination might have started at his reign. The dodo's in the collection were too dangerous to remain alive and Nightmare killed them himself. To please the Holy Roman Emperor he gave their bodies for his collection. Soul Calibur V Assuming there will be one, where do you speculate the plot and characters will go?

Put your guestimates here. (Now that there is, adding bullet points for the answers). • Lizardman will return from being a comic relief villain. His goals make him an to Sophitia and gives him and Astaroth a common enemy, possibly giving Astaroth more to do than be Nightmare's over and over. • Aeon (no longer going by Lizardman) did manage to bounce back from comic relief status, but since we don't really see what he does storywise, he's more of a threat in gameplay, now that he has two weapons and wings. • Algol will die or become a character like Abyss and Night Terror.

• The possibility is Jossed. He fought Mitsurugi. • Algol is still around in the Astral Chaos, trying to play on the conflict between Soul Calibur/Patroklos and Soul Edge/ Pyrrha.

• Tira informs Sophitia that if Soul Edge is to survive along with her children, that it must be fed souls. So Sophitia kills her and feeds her soul to Soul Edge. • Alternatively, Sophitia takes Soul Edge herself, allowing it to possess her and becoming like the very being she once fought, bringing the story full circle. • Remember that shard of Soul Edge that was lodged inside Sophitia's body since way back at the end of SE when she fought Cervantes? Yeah, she pulled it out and implanted it into Pyrrha to save her life (since she cannot live without the Soul Edge), but ended up dying in the process. Then the poor kid was kidnapped, setting off a domino effect that turned her into quite.

• Talim somehow takes possession of Soul Calibur, the spirit sword drawn to her pure heart; with its current tendencies, however, she will need to keep it under control. Enter Zasalamel, who becomes her in order to keep either sword from gaining an edge and helping preserve the continuing existence of the human race.

• They've both been. • A combination of Algol's and Kamikirimusi's ending becomes canon.

Algol is able to claim both Soul Edge and Soul Calibur. Kamikirimusi finds the family she was looking for. They both elope together, gathering many followers among the youkai and humans. Algol creates based on his fighting style, particularly his Eltanin Nath (Menacing Eye) projectile attack. Later, he rules Gensokyo with his bride, Kamikirimusi, from the shadows after the Hakurei barrier is established. Which is hinted at in his SCIV ending as his motivation: 'What the resurrected Algol aims to achieve is an eternal rule that will never die.' A source of Hourai Elixir would do just that.

• Taki, banished from her ninja clan, takes a last name, Hakurei, becoming the first priestess of the Hakurei Shrine. She does this as the numbers of youkai fall but feels a disconect with the rest of humanity, possibly coming to the conclusion that the only difference between humans and Youkai is power levels. So she flees to a land full of Youkai unable to live with the rest of humanity, creating a position that treats humans and youkai somewhat equally. Taki traveled to at least Ostrheinsburg, maybe even some of Europe, which explains why the Hakurei miko outfit has western influences such as the skirt and frills.

The longer hair and clothes help hide her identity from the Fu-Ma Ninja and allow her to bury her past. When the Hakurei barrier is created, she goes to the barrier to live with the youkai, keeping them in line. • Hakurei Reimu, Marisa Kirisame, Sakuya Izayoi, and maybe Cirno will be the the new guest characters for the next Soul Calibur game. Taki will get her 'first Hakurei Miko' costume, Ivy a Nekoromancer costume, Cassandra a cute witch costume, Amy a 'Scarlet Devil', and a shop keeper costume for Mitsurugi.

•.I refuse to comment on these. • Rock will be dead or retired by the time of SCV - BANGOO!! Will take his place.

• It's unknown what happens to Rock. Though it would be nice to have Bangoo follow in his footsteps, as Rock's Soul Calibur ending hinted. • Here's how it goes down: • Nightmare and Siegfried clash, awakening Algol. Algol takes Soul Edge and Soul Calibur, destroying Nightmare once and for all, and putting Siegfried on the brink of death. Zasalamel tries to use his mystical arts to stop Algol, but is handily defeated by the Hero King because he lacks the power to overcome him. Kilik then arrives, and both Kilik (who has the Rod and Mirror that created Soul Calibur in the first place) and Zasalamel ironically work together to purify and defeat Algol, banishing him forever; but in doing so, Inferno and Crystal (which is what I am calling Soul Calibur's soul) break free of their restraints: Inferno enters Zasalamel's body, turning him into Abyss and using his powers to materialize in our world as Night Terror, while Crystal renters Siegfried's body and turns him into an angelic being called Evangelion, and materializing in our world in an ephemeral form as Logos.

Kilik tries to stop this, but is stopped by Xianghua who fears for his life. This will set up a unique system in the story for the next game, setting up a war between the two swords: The Dark Capital versus the Kingdom of Light. • Siegfried and Nightmare do have their showdown, and the clash between Soul Calibur and Soul Edge sends them to Astral Chaos, where in the end, Siegfried prevailed, destroying the Soul Edge.

Because of this, the Soul Calibur wouldn't respond to him anymore, so Siegfried left it and went back to the Schwarzwind. But that wasn't the end of Soul Edge, and its fragments got scattered about again.

So, with time, most of Soul Edge was put back together by the malfested (i.e. People who were infected by its will) and it reformed Nightmare into a new host ( possibly Raphael's mortal body), who rather than slaughtering living stuff left and right, preferred to use diplomacy and lay low, and spent 12 more years at this. • Maxi will be killed by Nightmare, so that his piece of Soul Edge will be absorbed and Li Long will take his place. • Maxi is still alive and well, though the piece of Soul Edge stopped him from aging. He just didn't succumb to it because Edge Master taught him how to control its dark urges. Li Long, meanwhile, is living with Chie, who is now the head of the Fu-Ma ninja clan, and their son. • Yun-seong will realize too late his foolishness, and will die protecting Seong Mi-na, and Hwang will take his place.

• Nothing happens to them. They go back to Korea and, since Tokugawa Ieyasu declares peace, there's no more need for the Koreans to fight. • After awakening, Night Terror will turn Ostrheinsburg (sorry for the misspelling) into the real Dark Capital, and consume every soil there (including Wolfkrone's entire army), and only those protected by Soul Calibur or spared by Soul Edge will be saved. • The Nightmare we knew is gone. So, no Night Terror here. And Ostrheinsburg is correct. • Logos will establish itself in the kingdom of Wolfkrone and rename it the Kingdom of Light, as the beginning of the new perfect world (as Crystal sees it) and Crystal (with Soul Calibur), will sit on the throne and emit a radiant light that can be seen across the kingdom and adjacent lands, but what most people don’t know, is that this light will slowly brainwash all who see it • While that is Elysium's M.O.

( and she came this close to doing it to Siegfried and Patroklos), and that could've been a good plot point as detailed above, it doesn't happen. Where Wolfkrone was there's still a wasteland. • Seong Mi-na and Hilde will despair, having lost everything, and will devote their lives as servants of Evangelion and Logos. • As said before, Mi-na went back to Korea and stayed there. As for Hilde, she's trying to rebuild Wolfkrone elsewhere. • Sophitia realizes that her daughter has already been consumed by Soul Edge and gives her mind over willingly to Soul Edge, like a drunkard drinking to keep from being sober, and becomes a loyal servant. • Read above on Sophitia's fate.

• Taki tried to stop Siegfried, but was soundly defeated, and watches as her worst nightmires are realized; only through the power of Mekkimarru does she survive, but Mekkimaru is consumed by Night Terror, strengthening it; Yoshimitsu watches as his group of thieves is wiped out when Ostreins-you-know-what-I'm-talking-about becomes the dark capital and has his sword consumed by Soul Edge; he joins up with Taki and the two forge new weapons and pledge to fight both swords. • Taki doesn't get to do anything: she just goes back to Japan and takes Natsu under her wing, then heads to the West when she hears rumors of Toki and goes missing, prompting Natsu to go looking for her.

Yoshimitsu, in the meantime, goes back to leading the Manjitou, dies one year before the events of SCV and is succeeded by the new Yoshimitsu, which is the one we see in this game. • Raphael searches for Siegfried, but he runs into Kilik instead and is purified by the Holy Stone; he and Amy are spared by Night Terror and Soul Calibur, and meet different fates; Raphael joins Soul Calibur, while Amy is forced to join Soul Edge because of her malfestation, and is slowly corrupted by the sword to become its new number two. • There's a potential spoiler on Raphael's fate, because they haven't yet decided what happened to him: if he's still a vampire, or if he's Nightmare's new host posing as Graf Dumas.

What is known is that Raphael is looking for Amy, who had suddenly disappeared (assuming you don't believe ). • Kilik and Xianghua survive due to the power of the Kali-yuga and Dvapara-yuga, but Kilik becomes angry with Xianghua, affecting their relationship; Talim, who was protected by the wind, joins them, and together, they vow to bring balance to the world; Xianghua meets her father and learns of her heritage, including her connection to Xianglian, as will Kilik, and this will help heal their relationship. • The worst that happens between them is that Kilik leaves Xianghua behind only with the Dvapara-Yuga., but he cannot be in a relationship with her since he's still tainted with the evil of Soul Edge, and must train hard to cleanse himself. So he goes off to the Astral Gates, while Xianghua was placed in an arranged marriage with an army general and had Leixia (who, surprise surprise, wears the Dvapara-Yuga as a pendant).

Oh, and that one-night stand would result in Xiba, though apparently only Xianghua knows it. • Hwang joins Soul Calibur with Mi-na; not sure what Li Long will do. • Astaroth is killed by Rock, who also destroyed Ashlotte (who was confused by their similarities and attacked Rock); Rock is spared by Soul Calibur, but doesn't outright join with it, thus escaping its grasp. • Astaroth does die, but by Ashlotte's hand. She retrieved his heart and sent it back to the Fygul Cestemus, that was getting back together. Deciding what to do with it was something different altogether; in the end, Kunpaetku, who came, ended up with the heart and made another Astaroth, which is the one that appears in SCV. In fact, the backstory says he made some more, but nothing in the game came of it (unless the giants we see tied up in some stages are Kunpaetku's golems too).

• Cassandra, ticked off with the whole situation, pledges hatred against both blades (even though she was saved by Soul Calibur when the Dark Capital was created) and joins up with Aeon Calcos (who reclaimed his soul and human form when the two spirit swords clashed) and pledges to free Sophitia (or put her out of her misery), while Aeon wishes to atone for his sins now that he has regained his humanity. • Cassandra's apparently still lost in Astral Chaos after Sophitia knocked her out cold and left her at Ostrheinsburg. • Ivy joins up with Logos to fight Soul Edge; her father, Cervantes, survives, and, because of his connection to the sword, is forced to bow before Soul Edge, but makes plans to reclaim his 'property'. • Ivy has a showdown with Cervantes and kills him (as much as you can anyway), releasing all the souls he's ever stolen. At this point, the Astral Chaos opened and he was sucked in. When Soul Edge was shattered, Ivy knew that it was not the end of it, and promptly went back home and hit the books to look for a way to destroy Soul Edge once and for all.

As for Cervantes, he came when he returned to this world. • Voldo stays loyal to Soul Edge. • Kilik manages to cure him. But then Voldo gets employment under Graf Dumas, a.k.a. The new Nightmare, and it's back to the same old, same old. • Mitsurugi and Setsuka fight, but it is inconclusive; Mitsurugi and Setsuka are spared by Soul Calibur, but Mitsurugi joins no side, while Setsuka joins the side of Soul Calibur to oppose the evil (and to get a shot at Mitsurugi, who she knows will fight against everyone to prove his strength; Shura had tried to get between the two and fight them both, but was killed; she will be replaced by Arthur, who has perfected a new style that uses the katana and wakizashi in both hands, and his role is thus far uncertain.

• Mitsurugi's fight is actually with Algol. However, while they were fighting, Siegfried and Nightmare's tiff opened up Astral Chaos, which sucked Algol in, leaving their fight in a stalemate. Mitsurugi's only option was to go back home. He does get to fight Setsuka later, and she manages to beat him and avenge her master, taking his katana in the process. She then realized the emptiness of pursuing vendetta, left Japan, settled in Istanbul, changed her name to 'Neve' and, among other things, passed her style on to Patroklos.

Mitsurugi, on his part, had to settle down as a farmer, since the peace of the Tokugawa Shogunate saw him out of work. Once he hears that Soul Edge's back at it again, though, he sells his landplot and heads off to the West without a second guess. • Dampierre will survive because he fled the cursed city before it became the Dark Capital, but he will probably not play an important role. Not that he'd want to see himself anywhere near a battle like that anyway. • Kamikirimusi pledges loyalty to Soul Edge as her new family. • Angol Fear decides to continue to observe Earth.

• Scheherazade decides to take an active role in her story after seeing what happened to Wolfkrone and begins to find a way to stop the madness of this cataclysmic war. • None of them comes back. I suppose it's because they're more IP of their creators than Namco's (and Angol Fear was transplanted into later).

• Valeria, Hualin and Lynette will return(!), serving their employer Cepheus, who is an ancient weapon master, like Edge Master and Olcadan, and all three gentlemen meet to become an Omnipotent Council of Vagueness, with the shopkeeper girls as their warrior servants. • They don't.

The only one we know is still around is Edge Master (doesn't mean the others aren't - after all, Olcadan's been in his dungeon for centuries, for one, but he's y.

Sabathia rates this game: 5/5 Soul Calibur 3 is a mixture between a full 3-D arena and 2-D sidescroll fighter. You can move left and right as typical of most 2-D as well as 'side-step' to go closer or further from the camera in a circle more or less. The game is fast paced and fans of the series will feel right at home immediately. What sets 3 apart from the others is the story mode it has, which allows you to create a new character and lead them through a rather long campaign that offers an interesting change from the normal repeatitiveness that is the fighting game genre. You can also use an indepth creation system to make characters outside of that mode, giving them your favorite character's style, or one of seven or eight custom 'generic' ones. I own all 4 of the games, this one kept my attention the longest of them all and Soul Calibur series remains my favorite in the genre.

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